MovieChat Forums > Super 8 (2011) Discussion > The lens flares were incredibly distract...

The lens flares were incredibly distracting

Every time I saw a lens flare (and there are TONS of them in this movie) it completely took me out of the movie. It was obvious that the director added them in post since many times there was no light source for them --they just came out of nowhere.


The worst lens flare was the one that appeared, improbably, when they first entered the underground cave. IT'S AN UNDERGROUND CAVE WITH NO LIGHT! A camera in the real world wouldn't produce a lens flare in this situation, so it came across as super fake.


Just finished the movie and i have to say i didn't even notice one lens flare... Guess it didn't bother me at all.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Amazed you didn't notice it - the long blue parallel lines. I thought it was something signifying the alien's presence as the final shot as the ship takes off fades into the same lens flare


Like another poster earlier in the thread I came here to see if there was a thread about the repeated blue lens flare. Almost as annoying as me having to come here and find out about it. I thought it might have been a novelty but used far far to many times in stupid ways
