MovieChat Forums > Super 8 (2011) Discussion > The lens flares were incredibly distract...

The lens flares were incredibly distracting

Every time I saw a lens flare (and there are TONS of them in this movie) it completely took me out of the movie. It was obvious that the director added them in post since many times there was no light source for them --they just came out of nowhere.


Reminded me of Poltergiest. I liked it.

Love is a losing game. One I wish I never played.



Same, and honestly I didn't even notice them in Super 8. When it's just a part of the shot, it's just whatever.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


"Same, and honestly I didn't even notice them in Super 8. When it's just a part of the shot, it's just whatever. "

Yep. Me neither. Don't know what you people's problems are... I guess some just like to complain about something.


I can honestly say I did not notice a single lens flare. I guess I was watching the movie. You were just fixating on them, which is a shame for you.


If you didnt notice them then you clearly dont watch things intently



If it's done naturally, you normally wouldn't notice it but if it's exaggerated and over the top like Star Trek, then that's another matter.


Yes especially the long blue horizontal things. Man this movie is pretty bad.


don't you think it adds mood ?

I do


Alright I just watched this. And I also watched the first Star Trek movie from JJ. Honestly, yes, at first I notice them. But they're not distracting to me at all. In fact, I completely forgot about them for the rest of the movie. Same thing when I watched Star Trek. I only noticed them a couple times during the movie, for like a minute, then I forgot about them. Hmm, I must be one of the very few who's not bothered by them.


I agree they are very distracting and make it seem like the camera is broken. Get used to it, though. Probably see a lot of lens flare in the new Star Wars movies since it seems to be the director's trademark.


you and I should get together. You buy a camera, and I'll buy a flashlight. We'll make a fortune.

Yes, the lens flares were OTT and annoying.
