MovieChat Forums > Lo imposible (2013) Discussion > Why all the American hate?

Why all the American hate?

I've been to California twice (in late 2012 and early 2013) and been treated incredibly well every place I went. (I'm Chinese).

Perhaps California is a bad example, but I'm astounded by the level of hate at Americans in general, almost as if they're breeding the next Hitler.

From clerks to car-wash attendants to cashiers, I've had nothing but friendly greetings and impeccable service. Obviously, it wouldn't be realistic to say it was PERFECT, but generally I can't recall a single event where I was peeved enough to keep it in my memory banks. In fact, I was extremely impressed.

I've studied in Australia for close to 8 years and though there are many friendly people as well, I don't think it's close to the level I found while in America. Yet people just unabashedly love the Aussies.

Frankly, I think Americans have let themselves become whipping boys for far too long.


People hate America out of envy. They hate Americans because of the way American culture is portrayed in movies and television, as whiny spoiled brats. But they overwhelmingly want to emigrate to the United States for the opportunities to live a safe, healthy, and prosperous life.

Most Americans are good, God loving, hard working, law abiding, respectable people.


That's true, but it's kinda sad because there's so many positives about America. Instead they're buried under destructive talk and lies.

When the US does something good, it's 'not enough', like almost always being the first to provide aid to foreign countries. When they do something bad, they are the devil incarnate.

The US may not be perfect but I'm not sure even North Korea suffers this kind of hatefulness.


what is the to envy? broken medical system? single side political sway? poor infrastructure? massive debt crysis? out of control gun ownership?

No, id rather stay right here in europe where we live way better.

Oh, and as far as heathy and prosperous goes, thats why you got the lowest expected age in first world as well as the largest obesity index? such a healthy life americans are living that they die younger than the rest of developed world.

And no, i wouldnt feel safe knowing any lunatic can buy a gun.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Not envy. I do not hate Americans. I do dislike the USA for its political stand on many topics, for its promotion of inequality, for its violent interventions in dozens of countries, and for its support of Israel. I dislike many Americans for their arrogance, insularity and ignorance. Envy is the last thought I have in connection with the USA - for that implies a love for America and what it stands for. Nothing could be further from my mind.


many many many Americans feels the same way you do...myself included


No we don’t. No one envies you, we pity you


You didn't say, but if you base this on IMDB comments then you are looking at a very skewed sample, thus not a valid one. Or are you basing your comments on something else?

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


People just love to single them out as usual. One american guy was a tad selfish therefore everyone questions why 'all Americans' are like that?

If the guy had been british everyone would have said 'why are all british people like that', if he had been Australian they would have said... etc etc

Ashmi any question


Honestly, I really doubt they would have said "why are all ... like that" if a Brit or Aussie had done that. Not unless you mention "crooked teeth" or "surfer dude" (and I have noticed that many Brits do have pretty bad dental, why is that?).

Americans do get a raw deal. Heck, China gets about as much hate and they're far, FAR less willing to share or help the rest of the world. Do you see cash-bloated China rushing in to help whenever a disaster strikes in any part of the world?

The US, drowning in debt, is usually one of the first.


(and I have noticed that many Brits do have pretty bad dental, why is that?).

Cos they are not as image obsessed as Americans?

Although I guess thats a bit of a contradiction, if Americans were image-obsessed then most of them wouldn't be so bloody fat!

Ashmi any question



Yeah I noticed that too, especially if you check out the deleted scene "at the airport" on the dvd where you see the same American tourist, with his wife, complaining on his cell about getting a plane. The wife looks away after seeing Henry with his injured wife and 3 kids, no doubt because she's feeling guilty while her husband doesn't even notice them. Henry has THAT look in his eyes of "why I oughta!" At first I thought to myself why didn't they keep that scene in (especially if it did happen that way?) but then thought perhaps it was better that they didn't seeing it'd only add to the anti-American sentiment. Of course I think it perfectly contrasts with the selflessness and giving attitude that Maria was trying to inculcate into Lucas when they heard Daniel's cries for help and which Lucas was at first resistant to, but later comes around at the hospital as he realizes the positive difference he's made in reuniting Daniel and his father besides the Benstrom's as well and how rewarding it is to help someone in need in spite of one's own troubles as Maria said, "Even if it's the last thing we do."


I'll give you a quick example that has nothing to do with movies. A young boy (about 10) was invited by the San Antonio Spurs (NBA team) to sign the US National Anthem before the game. Nothing strange so far. Well, this kid goes out and sings in his full Mariachi getup because he's of Mexican origin and is a fantastic singer. He was in America's Got talent and all... well, although he was born in the US there was a wave of racist attacks agains him. A 10 year old!!! People called him all sort of names and insults in Twitter, feeling offended that he 'dared' to sing their Anthem. Well, it is HIS Anthem too because he was born in the US. Unfortunately is not the only example out there.
I know jerks are not exclusive of any country, and they can exist all around the world, and I know most Americans are good people, but there are idiots like the ones I mentioned who give a bad reputation to a whole country.


WAIT, Idiots on the internet? YA DONT SAY............


I know jerks are not exclusive of any country, and they can exist all around the world, and I know most Americans are good people, but there are idiots like the ones I mentioned who give a bad reputation to a whole country.

this and hate is an issue in the US


Hating America and Americans is a very popular IMDB pass time. But a lot of ignorant stereotyping happens on chat boards.


But a lot of ignorant stereotyping happens on chat boards.

anonymity helps

see here

vure999» 2 days ago (Sat May 2 2015 07:47:38)
IMDb member since November 2005Geez.. just watching the start of this movie and its 100% proof why all those crazy far flung weird asian places are deathtraps.

Corrupt, seedy, they may look nice but heck tsunamis earthquakes death sentences crazy asians bad food eugh ugh ugh never ever going to where is it? Asia? Bali? Filipines? Far out have to be crazy die in the mud drowning ugh.

Why do people even go? This movie is a great lesson in avoiding those bug infested unclean places.


Spyrogyro idiot

Hah out of envy

Envy of what? There are gazillion places to live than sh it.hole americN cities
