MovieChat Forums > The Dictator (2012) Discussion > Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone that has seen this that was over 30 years old like this movie ? I just picked 30 years old because by then you should be mature enough to know what is funny and if it has humor and/or just childish non-policital correctness to it. Just wondering.


Ugg. I just watched this movie with high expectations based upon Sasha's previous work. It was a great concept and still is. However, I was gravely disappointed. The way people behaved in reaction to the Dictator was unrealistic and extremely sitcom/cartoonish. This movie presents a conundrum. It's obviously based on Gaddafi. But Gaddafi was only outwardly funny if you were not under his thumb. In reality, he was a nightmare to the citizens of Libya who suffered under him. The whole thing about the Beard didn't make any sense.And the stupid Body double was probably the worst part of the movie. I could go on and on.


Just want to jump in and say that although I haven't seen this movie yet, my 80-something mom saw 'Borat' and laughed so hard she fractured a rib! Don't know if she'll like this one, though.


im in my forties and still i find sasha baron cohen a blast.
This is a movie you should watch when youre stoned to make it even more of a hoot.


Most of the humour was thirteen year old level. There were a couple of scenes where he seemed to be making fun of his own bad joke. They weren't bad.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


You should've checked the user ratings before creating this silly thread.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


I'm 30 and my 36 year old GF thought the movie was hilarious.


defo adam Sandler stuff.


I'm over 50 and I enjoyed the movie. It's certainly not one of the greats but I could watch it again.

I must be honest that I approached watching this movie with a bit of trepidation as I did not enjoy Borat despite watching that movie to the end.

I found Borat cringe-worthy. I don't think it was because of the target of the move could be seen as Muslims either.


I'm 38 and loved it. And I've seen all his work from ali g episodes in the uk to his latest flicks, borat and bruno.

Actually I think more work was put on this compared to his other stuff.

I like Armageddon. A lot.


I`m 52 and I liked it, even though some of the humour lacked some timing, and some of it wasn`t quite so funny, but there were a lot of good LOL moments all in all.
It`s not a movie that you will remember and watch several times in the future, just maybe watch it with your friends over a couple of beers and then forget it again.
Definitely not as good as Borat, and maybe a little too American/Hollywood style but quite hilarious at times.


31 years old and lol'd at least 6 times.

"I've seen your light. It burns bright forever. No more blue tomorrows... you on high now."


I enjoyed the film.

