
This is nothing but anti-semitic hate mongering disguised as standing up for the little people. Notice how they are constantly bombarding us with Jewish names and Jewish faces as if nobody else had anything to do with this so called crisis?

I guess we should round up all these bankers and send them to a prison camp right Herr Ferguson?

The Nazis could not have made propaganda than this, in fact I noticed several similarities to "Der Ewige Jude". Disgusting.


A bit oversensitive of you . . . Sad that's all you noticed in an important doco . . . I didn't even notice the Jewishness of all the names.

"In a universe so full of wonders human beings have managed to invent boredom. Quite astonishing."


So, you label something as anti-semitic then go to the trouble of making a list of stereotypical jewish names?

Oh, the irony...



lol, sometimes the truth hurts. i'm glad it hurt you enough to post this because you cannot change the name or face of an enemy for too long. and playing the WWII nazi card won't last forever. eventually people will wise up and realize that hitler killed just as many non-jews as he did jews. then where will you be? i find it kind of interesting that no jew can be blamed for anything without a jew stepping in and throwing around the nazi card. it's the same as the race card. eventually it loses its value and people see the truth. if you don't like seeing jew criminals then that's your problem, not the people who call them out.

if i listed the top 10 riches people in the world, and 9 jews came up, would you play the nazi card again?


Alan Derschowitz, is that you? Cry me a river. I guess the truth is "Anti Semitic." Read the names of the crooks behind Wall Street. And while you're at it, read the names of the "Think Tank" members who pushed for the criminal war against Iraq, and are doing the same with Iran.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.



