
This is nothing but anti-semitic hate mongering disguised as standing up for the little people. Notice how they are constantly bombarding us with Jewish names and Jewish faces as if nobody else had anything to do with this so called crisis?

I guess we should round up all these bankers and send them to a prison camp right Herr Ferguson?

The Nazis could not have made propaganda than this, in fact I noticed several similarities to "Der Ewige Jude". Disgusting.


I don't agree with you one bit OP; I am Jewish myself and the "big players" in this scheme just HAPPENED to be Jews, yes. And with that, it also takes more than some low-functioning mentally challenged imbecile to come up with the schemes/coverups they pulled. If anything they are showing these PARTICULAR Jews in a semi-positive light; they were brilliant surely, although corrupt.





How much of the US white population is of Jewish background, and how much of the US' wealth belongs to people of Jewish backgrounds?


How jewish of you...



The OP's post is pro-idiotic.


Is it our fault that there are so many Jewish people doing their jobs incorrectly?

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)

