
This is nothing but anti-semitic hate mongering disguised as standing up for the little people. Notice how they are constantly bombarding us with Jewish names and Jewish faces as if nobody else had anything to do with this so called crisis?

I guess we should round up all these bankers and send them to a prison camp right Herr Ferguson?

The Nazis could not have made propaganda than this, in fact I noticed several similarities to "Der Ewige Jude". Disgusting.


What the Fu*k are you talking about!?!?!?


Every other name/face shown was Jewish. I can recognize them because I'm Jewish myself. The ones I remember off hand:

Obviously the Goldman Sachs name itself.

They are all Jewish. In fact the director of this movie subtly picked about 50% of the "villains" as being Jews, as if nobody else had a hand in this fluffed up crisis. They are trying to suggest a bunch of "insider" Jews engineered this thing to scam money from the hard working gentile tax payers, who are now living in tents.

The documentary is a very deceptive piece of hate mongering.


What you're saying is false nonsense.

On the one hand, people like Soros and Spitzer (and quite a few other people with Jewish names) were not villianized at all, they were shown to be the voices of reason.

On the other hand, Ferguson attacks just as many non-Jews such a Hubble, Presidents Reagan, Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama, that black CEO (I think his name was O'Neil), as well as numerous other non-Jews (I've only seen this film once, and I don't remember all the names).

If you were guilty of wrong doing and you happened to be Jewish, this film called you out.
If you were guilty of wrong doing and you happened to be Gentile, this film called you out.

Take your "zomg this is anti-semitic!" baiting elsewhere you moron.


Dear god, there's no escape from zionist victimhood tears.

The answer is simple - public criminal trial. Those guilty will be found guilty and those not cleared.

Just one huge problem - the whole US political, banking, academic and lobby system would be in the dock and finding lawyers and judges who aren't also on the take would prove even more difficult than that.

That's why the bankers are back paying themselves billions in bonuses again - they made the system and know it's designed to protect them. If they go down they take everyone and everything with them.


I think your looking for something that isn't there. Mentioning a person who happens to be Jewish doesn't mean they are being anti semitic. I usually can't stand Ben Stiller movies, but that doesn't mean I hate him because he's Jewish, just that he is a very unfunny man.


Ben Stiller is Jewish???
well, you learn something every day

Not that i care, im not going to be partial or not to watch a Ben Stiller movie because i know now he is Jewish, so what?

To the OP, most of the names mentioned there were because, well, THEY WERE INVOLVED!

Oh the horror, the horror, of picking on Jews, how could the filmmaker do such a thing! What a NAZI! This filmmaker should die because of his hate and ant-semitism etc etc etc

What a load of bollocks. The film-maker was pointing out FACT, not Fiction, and it just so happened that there was Jewish people involved. Get over yourself.

Last Seen:
Exit Through The Gift Shop 9/10
A Prophet 8/10


Wow, live and learn. I didn't know George W. Bush was a secret Jew.


Hey sternews...unfortunately most of the while collar criminals on Wall Street and in our government are Jewish and hold dual citizenship.

But hey, look on the bright side...none of the Jewish criminals who you mentioned are in jail for what they did to this country, and to this day, are sill making millions and millions of dollars (most important).

- Death is whimsical today.


It all comes to show that TRUTH IS ANTI-SEMTIIC! The good guys lost.



welcome to reality dude! The documentary tells us that...because its true. Any well educated person knows that.


So sternews, in other words you're saying that the financial sector is run by Jews?

Doesn't that make you an anti semite?



What about the fact that I never ONCE hear feminists blaming WOMEN for driving men into these crimes EVERY single fckin time EVER, because of women's distorted and sick and common strategy to select mates that is based exclusively on (or the potential of) financial value and power?

"All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame." - Alec


Well, then it is obvious that the crisis is the Jews' fault.

Ya ya...I always hear "oh it is just a cliché that the Jews are greedy etc.", but as you can see it is true.



You're probably a troll, but I can name names too:

Produced by
Jeffrey Lurie .... executive producer
Anna Moot-Levin .... associate producer
Christina Weiss Lurie .... executive producer

Yes, such an anti-semitic film....


If the shoe fits, wear it.


Every time Christianity is rightly criticized, there are a few activists that are quick to throw around the "persecution" word. I guess the same happens with Judaism.

As for claiming that Bernanke and Greenspan and Goldman Sachs were "singled out", well, that only happens when there are no alternatives. Who else held the post of Chairman of the Fed during the crisis? What other investment bank actively bet against the US economy like Goldman Sachs did?

When there are no alternatives, how else do you 'balance' the finger of blame?






Are you in the pay of the big banks? Hahaha.

All kidding aside, how are Spitzer and Soros vilified? If anything, they're the good guys.


that almost all of them were from the US. I think there were one or two that were from elsewhere... but you really can´t tell. In any case, most of them seemed criminals too, some of them, I suppose, weren´t. Only two women too. All of them wore suits. It got one academy award that it didn´t deserve in my opinion. The president wasn´t jewish then, the president isn´t jewish now... who are the prison camps for? Let´s narrow it down to: bankers, white, male, wearing suits, last seen in the vicinity of Wall Street...


Interesting to see you're not outraged for what they've been up to. Especially, since you seem to think they're representatives for Jews in general, including you (keep in mind, that's your own very personal interpretation).

Before your post, I hadn't even thought about what their names indicated about their alleged religion/ethnicity.

"No one ever wins a giant ass panda."


Dude? Seriously? You think the film was about that? Pluuuueeezee!!

