What's up with the lack of diversity among the villains?
They were some of the whitest people I've every seen too, like pasty-lily white, never had a sun-tan in their life. Did America just stop enrolling non-whites or something? Or is America the only country going to Pandora to save their dying Earth or start over somewhere else? Actually there was an Ausie in the movie so it would seem other countries are involved in the Pandora colonization. I could count on one hand the number of non-white personnel, with fingers to spare. Even Avatar 1 had some non-whites in the military. Hell, even the Star Wars sequels were inclusive enough to have plenty of non-whites among the First Order, showing POCs can be bad-guys too.
If this movie is all about doubling down on some "woke" narrative, then it's outdated since America is all about the diversity now, and has been for a while. A lot has changed since Avatar 1 came out. In a movie that romanticizes people's connection to nature before technology, it's hard to believe that only white people are oppressing others for expansion and survival when a) historically all races are guilty of that, and b) Earth is apparently screwed so all humans, not just whites, would be desperate to start over, no matter the cost.