Only Possible Plot?

The military returns from Pandora, tails between their legs, but bitter and vengeful. They tell everybody on Earth that the Navi are crazy psychopaths - incapable of reason - and the propaganda machine does just enough to convince those against nuking Pandora to relent.

The military arrives once more at Pandora, this time setting up a perimeter around the planet, whereupon they blast every trace of organic life from the world using WMDs.

The Earthlings strip-mine the entire planet while high-fiving each other.

Is there any other way it could go?


Terminator 2 has the same "basic" formula as the first Terminator. But it was still done in a new, innovative and refreshing way. So, who knows what Cameron's got under his sleeve. I hope it can come out next year though.


Formulae are fine, and popcorn films are fun, but the way they left the storyline in the last Avatar, it seems like the only possible outcome is for the humans to return and nuke the planet from orbit. They really only lost due to a stampede of six-legged rhinos (et al.), and they were restraining themselves from obliterating the Navi for (largely) political reasons. Seems like once they got a whoopin' they'd just come back and no longer be willing to pull punches.


Eh...but in retrospect, I feel like T2 is exciting, but way more of a low-pro, popcorn action film. It did have some philosophical underpinnings, but it's honestly all kinda superficial.

My hope for Avatar 2 is that it goes full fantasy to be honest. I don't think that having the humans return would make the movie quite that interesting.


Supposedly, there's plans for Avatars 3, 4 and 5. And maybe each will be 3 hours long? We might see the story change drastically after Avatar 2. Jake will have kids with Neytiri in Avatar 2. Maybe Jake's kids will be fully grown up later in the franchise. I think that could be interesting potential. Since their father is a former human and their mother is a "pure" Na'vi. Maybe Jake's kids will struggle with their double identity.


I want to hear your plot ideas for the upcoming Avatar 3, 4, and 5!


Avatar 3 is just shenanigans in the command centre for the mining colony.

Number 4 is more shenanigans on the ride home (mostly sleeping).

Avatar 5 they come back to earth and find out apes took over.


James Cameron should hire you to write these messes!


I would take that job, and I would crank out the weirdest and least-expected 110 page documents of crazy the Earth ever saw.

And I would probably be fired.


By shenanigans you mean porn, don't you?


I don't not mean porn...

Although I was really thinking of a more Fawlty Towers-but-with-Space-Marines kind of thing.


ah , Red Dwarf series 8?


I almost cited Red Dwarf...


I'm sure I've read this post before today, but yes, I wonder how Cameron could possibly find enough ORIGINAL story to fill his four Avatar sequels.

Oh wait, the first Avatar ISN'T ORIGINAL.

I said elsewhere that this movie will be a flop, but I sincerely doubt that he can top what came already, so I will stand by that opinion that it will be a flop until he announces a general plot outline, preferably ONE THAT ISN'T FUCKING WOKE IN ANY WAY.

Because I suspect the sequels will be a wokefest in a blizzard of snowflakes.


I have had this thought since the first Avatar ended, so it's possible that I or somebody else already expressed a similar sentiment. It's the only logical result of letting those army guys go back to Earth, especially under no Pandoran supervision. They can spin it however they want to Earth media.

Originality wasn't my gripe. I know it's a re-tread of so many other stories. I just don't see it ending another way, and they'd need a doozy of a logic leap to make it play out differently.

As for wokeness, the original was basically about how the Earth Goddess planet of Native American hippies are always right and the greed-propelled, interfering military-industrial complex of a USA-type civilization are wrongthinking psychopaths, so I'm not sure how much more "woke" it would get.


In any event, I'll be curious to see what Cameron has for us.


I won't rule out the possibility, of course, but I'm not that curious. Avatar didn't make me leave craving more. I enjoyed the movie, it's a fun action picture, but that's about it. So, while it's possible that Cameron will expand the universe in such a way as to make me intrigued, as of right now, I don't feel the need to "return to Pandora", as it were.


Why nuke a planet that you intend to put people on to stripmine it? Kenetic bombardment for the win.

Remember, Navi and Nazi is only one letter away, so get the people riled up that Hitler has come back!

We kill all those weird zoophiliac aliens with a few meteors.


Sure. Or that. Either way, they'd 100% just obliterate them from space and then strip-mine the whole of Pandora down to the last rock.


Or better yet, turn them into slaves and have them stripmine their own planet.


That's just asking for another Gaia-fuelled six-legged rhino defeat.


Well, what do you think the story of Avatar 3 is going to be?

First we install obedience chips in all the Navi then we take a few home to do heavy labor jobs and in Avatar 3 they revolt again.


What I think the stories will be vs. what they "should" be from a logical standpoint are very different. I think the second and third movies will probably be a two-parter like a lot of unplanned trilogies (Star Wars, for instance, or Pirates of the Caribbean), and will jointly focus on the military coming back and launching a ground campaign while Jake Sully tries to fit in with the Navi. But that's not what makes sense. The only plot that makes sense is that the military would annihilate life on Pandora from orbit and then strip-mine the place. At least they'd come back with so much firepower that the Navi wouldn't stand a chance.

Only possible counter is if Jake manages to tell the Navi how to build tech weapons equivalent to Earth's, which would be impossible given that tech advances exponentially quickly, and by the time the military goes back and forth, the stuff they're bringing back (should logically) make the exo-frames and VTOL bombers look like tinker toys.


So yeah they take off, then nuke the site from orbit. I suppose that would be the only way to be sure 🤣🤣


Yup. I'm sure Cameron and Co. will come up with a "reason" why they can't just do that (like, "Oh, if we irradiate the unobtainium it won't work anymore!" or something), but they already kinda painted themselves into a corner in the first film where they basically stated that the only reason they're playing nice with the much less technologically-sophisticated Na'vi is political; if they bombard them from space, back on earth there will be trouble raised with the hippy element and they don't want the headache. But if they limp home, they can spin the defeat however they want. "They just started attacking us. They're savages!" etc. and the fact that they're defeated will lend credence to the story. That's a big propaganda lever they can use to drum up support and use it to firebomb the planet until they turn the surface of Pandora to glass, then go down and strip-mine what's underneath.
