MovieChat Forums > Savages (2012) Discussion > Did Blake Lively ruin it

Did Blake Lively ruin it

The movie had a great story and beautiful visual style..with some able supporting actors in Travolta, Del Toro and Hayek. The two male leads were okay..

But how terrible was Blake Lively? She has absolutely no screen presence and no understanding of what acting is..and to make matters worse, they gave her the voice over, her voice has no power or charm to it..she has no idea how to narrate a story..

What a terrible casting blunder.


Awful awful "acting", I turned off the movie within 40min in, couldn´t take her poor *beep* acting anymore. A great cast ruined by this useless ...



I was takin' shrapnel in Khe Sanh when you were crappin' in your hands and rubbin' it on your face!


kind of found this movie to be the true romance of the 2010 generation.
I mean it was about 20 years true romance come out, but I think Patricia Arquette did a better job.
yeah Blake was ok, but for her non experienced acting skills, she should of come across more seductive and showed skin, I mean.. come on...


Wow how are you comparing this mediocre garbage to True Romance? GTFO.


The voice over is killing me 10 minutes in.



amen to that
i was wondering they put her as O?
i mean she is good looking, but not quite impressionable. she is one of those forgettable girls , no character


agreed. if shes not going to show skin than stop making movies.


She sounded and appeared to be a pothead, just like the one guy, so maybe her acting was awesome.


Oh god, this was not a great movie by any stretch, some things were okay, but the plot and decisions of the characters were absurd.

The only thing that pushed this movie into absolute garbage was Blake Lively. I don't think I've ever seen her in anything else, or if I have it wasn't memorable. But my god did I want her character to die. She can't communicate any emotion whatsoever and comes across as a shallow, pale version of a real person - with a tan.

Her voice is atrocious, uncommunicative and bland. What a horrible, horrible actress.


I thought Lively was ok. Just assumed she was playing her self in real life. Vapid annoying semen receptacle but hot as hell.



As bad as Blake is, she can't be worse than that douche bag taylor kitsch who single handed ruin Carter of mars. Get rid of this loser already


agree, her voice overs and overall acting was ho-hum
she didnt even play the part of a pot-head that well (goto Venice beach - you'll see what i mean)


i think she was perfect for that role with that stoned voice and out-there look. It's not about the actress it's about character.


Since her acting was so bad, I couldn't find myself caring for the character either. The whole time I was thinking "why don't they just let her die?".

Also, the narration was terrible. The same thing happened with Platoon, Charlie Sheen's pseudo-deep yakking nearly ruined the movie. Strangely, his acting wasn't bad at all.
