Fair play to you, Americans

I am from a non-English speaking country (not revealing it just for not opening a can of worms). If somebody made a film like this about one of the most beloved historical characters of our nation, the producer would receive death threats or even worse, some idiots would attack the cinemas showing the film probably. Apart from a few people grunting here, I didn't hear any serious complaints or troubles about this film. It takes guts to poke fun at yourself. Fair play.


most countries dont allow citizens use weapons and at the same time the crime rate is much MUCH lower.

wielding weapons or not, does not fix problems, the stupid american people make the problem.
fix the prople = fix the crime.

good health care system give you health without pay tens of thousands of dollars.
in my country according to law everyone since birth must have healthcare and the cost is less than 30 dollars a month.
some countries in europe (i think japan also) give it for free and have great economy.

but if you prefer for your taxes to go for the president golf trips and the maintenance cost of the white house and not for your own health and education, be my guest.


by the way, this movie is awesome, much better than expected.


I would think the main reason is most people in the US have a tendency to believe the legends of our historical icons. Keep in mind, Lincoln is not that far away, historically speaking- compared to people like Ceasar, Queen Elizabeth, Darius, etc, thats not that far at all. Plus, in England taking on historical figures is nothing new in a fictional way- look a William Shakespeare's plays, he did these plays with members of the Royal Family and took shots at their relatives!




Anyone can say whatever the hell they want. It's what makes this country great.


Yes, we've seen that functioning a lot recently.

The recent CIA report admitted that the U.S. had routinely tortured prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, under both Democrat and Republican presidents, yet the only people who are in jail, or being threatened with jail, are the people who disclosed the torture: Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Let's hear it for free speech in the U.S.A.!

(Members of the U.S. Congress called for the assassination/murder/trial-for-treason of Julian Assange, when he's not even a U.S. citizen and he has yet to be charged with a crime. I guess that shows how seriously U.S. law-makers take free speech.)


Lol. Yep. The United States is the only country that does this stuff... Bunch of ostriches......

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!




Thank god you didn't open that can of worms, by the way.
