Fair play to you, Americans

I am from a non-English speaking country (not revealing it just for not opening a can of worms). If somebody made a film like this about one of the most beloved historical characters of our nation, the producer would receive death threats or even worse, some idiots would attack the cinemas showing the film probably. Apart from a few people grunting here, I didn't hear any serious complaints or troubles about this film. It takes guts to poke fun at yourself. Fair play.



We don't have National Health Care, every wacko has the right to own an assault rifle, and even though most voters want a raise in the minimum wage, the politicians won't do it; but we can turn a president who's been dead for 147 years into a comic book hero!

I guess that's fair compensation.

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


We don't have National Health Care,

Because the economy of countries that have National Health Care is so much better than ours! (Sarcasm included.)
every wacko has the right to own an assault rifle,
and how exactly do you propose to completely correct that without voiding the Second Amendment? And even if you did void the Second Amendment, how do you keep criminals, who by and large don't seem to mind breaking the law, from getting weapons anyway? It's not exactly an easy problem to solve.
and even though most voters want a raise in the minimum wage, the politicians won't do it;
You want to quote your sources for this? I think most voters would like their prices to not rise. Again.
but we can turn a president who's been dead for 147 years into a comic book hero!
Nice turn of sarcasm here on your part. Well done! (And no, that wasn't sarcastic from me. I really mean it.)


every wacko has the right to own an assault rifle,

and how exactly do you propose to completely correct that without voiding the Second Amendment?

This argument is total nonsense. How can conservatives insist that the Constitution is an inviolate, unquestionable document that should be understood exactly as it was written and according to the intentions of the Founding Fathers but then turn around and claim that the 2nd Amendment protects assault rifles, a technology that was not imaginable during the 1700s? The 2nd Amendment says:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So why don't the Constitutional "Originalists," the people who insist that the Constitution should never be "interpreted" in any other context, also insist that gun ownership should be contingent upon membership in a "well-regulated Militia"? Or that the only guns protected by the 2nd Amendment are those types that existed in 1791 (the year the Bill of Rights was ratified), such as muskets? Here is an interesting list of what gun technology did and did not include in 1791:

Guns in 1791 WOULD
...be made by a gunsmith.
...have rudimentary rifling.
...be single-shot weapons.
...be loaded through the muzzle.
...fire by means of a flintlock.

Guns in 1791 WOULD NOT
...have interchangeable parts. (Popularized in 1798)
...be revolvers. (Invented in 1835)
...be breachloaded. (Popularized in 1810)
...use smokeless powder. (Invented in 1885)
...use a percussion cap, necessary for modern cartridged bullets. (Invented in 1842)
...load bullets from a clip. (Invented in 1890)

http://columbiaacs.blogspot.com/2007/11/right-to-bear-ye-olde-arms.htm l


Let me start with saying I think you actually have an excellent point - perhaps people wishing to own "better than hunting" weapons should be required to receive milita training and/or join a milita.

As for the Second Amendment, let's look at context, shall we?

What was on the Founding Fathers' minds when they wrote this? They had just fought a war against their "established government." One of the major factors in this battle was an armed militia. Who made up the militia? The civilian populace, many of whom had NO training (or discipline). (Of course, one result of the lack of training and discipline made them cannon fodder.)

Clearly the Founding Fathers believed that government taking weapons away from the populace is the first step in eliminating the soldier-citizen, or militia member, and they created a ban against it. The Founding Fathers left in a very clear provision for the populace to be able to rise up against a future tyrannical government, if need be.

The problems now, in my opinion, are two fold.

1) Is it reasonable to think the populace can, at this point in history, ever rise up against an increasingly tyrannical government? I have my doubts. (we can argue "increasingly tyrannical" but the reason I wrote that is there are more assaults on freedoms and civil rights coming from this adminstration than any previous one - the latest being the Justice Department is arguing they should no longer be required to get a search warrant to require providers to give them all location data for your cell phone. The purpose of a search warrant is intended to be a check and balance feature. Why do away with it?)

2) The second problem is exactly what you said in the last part of your message. The weapons they were used to were on a par with the military weapons. A squirrel gun was closely akin to a military musket.

Now, military weapons far outstrip civilian weapons. An M231 with a cyclic rate of over 1200 rounds per minute pretty much outclasses the Remington pump action.

So, do we give up on the Founding Fathers' intent?
I don't know the answer, but I don't think it can easily be reduced to either position of
1) Ban all weapons except a small few which could be used for hunting, or
2) Allow the populace to keep fully automatic weapons on a par with what the military uses.

Sorry for the edit (and increasing the length) but I also wanted to respond to something else you said - should we consider the Constitution inviolate. The answer to that one is, hell yes! If a part of it needs to be changed, there exists a mechanism for doing so - the amendment system. The Consitution does not need and should never be changed through any other mechanism, whether that be court interpretation or executive order.

If you decide to invalidate one part of it, no matter how small, in any other manner then what prevents the entire thing from becoming an ineffective piece of parchment?

After all, don't most oaths of office and service include some variant of "preserving and protecting the Constitution of the United States?" Not "preserving and protecting the parts we currently happen to like." If a part needs to be changed, amend it in the proper way.


So why don't the Constitutional "Originalists," the people who insist that the Constitution should never be "interpreted" in any other context, also insist that gun ownership should be contingent upon membership in a "well-regulated Militia"?

Mostly because the Constitution says what it says, and not "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall be infringed as much as Congress wants if the people aren't in the militia"

There's nothing connecting the bit about the militia being important to any grant of power for the government. Which shouldn't be a surprise, as we're talking about the second part of the Bill of Rights and not articles 1 or 2 of the Constitution.

Also, assault rifles have been banned for decades.

Death to shakeycam directors!


Go back to sleep. Drink the Koolaid. Whatever it is you people do.

First, you have no understanding of your subject. What do you imagine an "assault rifle" is?

Do you know what the "militia" is?

Do you have a clue what "regulated" meant, or means?

If the Constitution(and specifically the Bill of Rights) must detail technological advances then turn off your computer, et al, right now. You are henceforth allowed only a manual printing press and a quill pen.

Automatic(Gatling type) firearms were made 60 years prior to the Revolution(see "Puckle Gun" among others). Multi-shot handguns were offered to the Continental Congress(and they requested further development).

Your fear-mongering and ignorance are noted...and dismissed.



a technology that was not imaginable during the 1700s?

The Founding Fathers could imagine quite a bit. No matter though because the right to bear arms is not restricted to 18th century weapons any more than the freedom of the press protects only a people who own a printing press.


"Because the economy of countries that have National Health Care is so much better than ours! (Sarcasm included.)"

In many, many cases, yes they are.


The United States is the world's largest economy, no other country's is better (although before the recent crash, on paper, China's was getting close.) I think you meant to say something along the lines of 'standard of living' - still incredibly subjective and debatable.


plus one to this response


Because the economy of countries that have National Health Care is so much better than ours!

Idiot. Read a book. What about countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway? Or even France, Great Britain...and, well, Canada? Sweden is probably the best-governed country in the world and has the one of the highest standards of living and a vigorous economy. And, believe it or not, they have a "National Health Care" system, paid for by tax payers. How do you explain that?

And did you ever think that the Second Amendment might need amending? Things change over time. We need to change with them. Why does anyone need an assault rifle, except for assaults on human beings?


i am an american who has lived in canada for 5 years. the u.s. so called health care system is one huge joke!


I'm from Sweden and everything he said is true...

It's been super safe and personally rewarding for almost anyone to live in this country the past century, so people here have become very inoffensive and passive. Meanwhile, the high standards of living have brought ridiculously advanced infrastructure, meaning everything from a public building like a hospital, to bus stops.

... Sweden is basically this little pixie-country in the far north, populated by very few people with very few problems, walking around very slowly and looking up... (?)

Is this good or bad? It's always angered me that I can't tell. It's entirely possible that I hate my country.


Smokes - let's go!


Because the economy of countries that have National Health Care is so much better than ours! (Sarcasm included.)

every wacko has the right to own an assault rifle,

and how exactly do you propose to completely correct that without voiding the Second Amendment?

You realise it's an amendment and you remove it as it's no longer valid. i.e. you make an amendment to remove that amendment. American patriotism is the greatest example of an "Idiocracy" on Earth.


Amen brother. If every honest citizen had to give up their weapons, only criminals and cops (and we know how the police force as a whole is lately) will have weapons. I really don't understand why Americans hate America so much. Do they not like freedom? Even in UK, another free country minus the guns, they are monitored everywhere, even in public restrooms there are cameras. Enjoy the freedom, don't tread on it.

If I ever met you, drinks are on me. Cheers!

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!



We don't have National Health Care, every wacko has the right to own an assault rifle, and even though most voters want a raise in the minimum wage, the politicians won't do it; but we can turn a president who's been dead for 147 years into a comic book hero!

I guess that's fair compensation.
This is f-ing garbage.

We should group up people like you, stick you in Iraq, India, China, Haiti or Sudan for a year....and then maybe you'll realize how lucky you are to live in the U.S. of A.

The United States of America is not a perfect utopia. Never has been. Sure, we have improvements to make. But don't spit it in the face of our previous generations who fought for the freedom and high standard of living that you have oh so conveniently taken for granted (not to mention the billions upon billions currently living who don't have close to what you have - people risk their lives to come to America from Mexico and Cuba).

We have the power to choose our politicians. Admittedly, it's not a perfect system (thanks to mega-corporations and the power of money and special interests), but we still hold the privelege to elect our leaders.

I'm not apologizing to anyone, I'm f-ing proud to be an American. Take a lesson punk.


Mississippi20 Writes: "I'm not apologizing to anyone..."

Well, you resorted to name calling; so we can all see how you respect democratic ideals like freedom of expression.

Take a lesson, Fascist Neanderthal: Democracy is more than just goose stepping behind slogans such as "America, love it or leave it'.

You, yourself pointed out many faults in "our system." I just just did it with sarcasm.

sarcasm [ˈsɑːkæzəm]
1. mocking, contemptuous, or ironic language intended to convey scorn or insult
2. the use or tone of such language
[from Late Latin sarcasmus, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to rend the flesh, from sarx flesh]

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


Get off your high horse. You literally got destroyed and you're only defense is as similar as high school teenager girl rolling her eyes snapping her bubble gum because her parents are lecturing her. Lmao


<<Liberals, try to be a little more educated about what you're trying to discriminate against. >>

Yes, I assure you I'm WELL familiar with the whole "liberals don't know their guns" line conservatives pedal ad nauseum, and the whole 'no such thing as an assault rifle' or 'it doesn't make any difference' is bull. A standard hunting rifle is designed to be fired from a stationary position. An assault rifle is designed to be fired with ease from a standing position or while moving. It serves a function in offensive warfare and unfortunately, in rampage shootings. -That's- the function I'm "discriminating" against, as you put it. I also want the law to "discriminate" against badly built cars or firetrap buildings, for the same reason: they wind up killing people.

Adam Lanza fired 154 aimed rounds in less than five minutes. What else do I need to know?


Thank you Mississippi20 !


Who said you can't criticize your country on its legitimate flaws? That's not being unpatriotic and un-American. That's being extremely patriotic, because you love your country and so want to fix its problems. Don't fall into the propaganda trap of special interests who want the status quo to remain--so they can profit from it, like they have been doing for decades--so they demonize patriotic Americans by calling them the opposite. It's about manipulating Americans to turn against each other, call each other traitors and un-American, so that nothing is solved and the money keeps rolling in.


Calm down buddy, no one's saying that Iraq, India, China, Haiti or Sudan is better than 'Murica.

But Australia is.

Actually, I decided I don't care. My condolences, poor chap.


But Australia is.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Mississippi20, you are a stereo typical tool, displaying that excessive patriotism the rest of the world despises. Try to realise that not everyone here is from the USA, (as pointed out by the original poster). If you had lived in poorer countries, which I have for the last 10 years you would realise how bad many aspects of your country are, especially the unfortunate view that most of the world have of you guys. I'm yet to meet any nationality, outside of you that has much good to say about you. This is generally because of people like you. 99% of the Americans I have met are nice, decent people, who generally believe the second amendment is an outdated concept, and things like free health, education and a decent minimum wage should be a right, and I feel sorry for the sh*t these guys have to coop because of people like you. The reason it isn't a right has nothing to do with a bad economy, it has to do with people who dont care for others, only $$$$$. Morally, the example the US serves to be, is a bad one. People like you need to get over yourself and the perceived greatness of your country, and realise you are just one more part of the world. Maybe you should take a lesson.

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel...

As for the movie, this endless *beep* about freedom for slaves...what a croc...he didn't care up until halfway through the civil war, when he realised he would need the numbers to win. He was heard to say on occasion that if he could win the war without freeing slaves he would happily do so. Also slaves were not seen as economically viable. Slavery was abolished out of convenience not empathy.




You invalidate your entire post by using the words "assault rifle". If you can't get basic terminology right then you're too stupid to lecture others on governmental policy.

If you intentionally used the words "assault rifle" in order to instill illogical fear in those less knowledgable then you are too liberal (read stupid) to lecture others on governmental policy.

The majority of the population also wanted Obamacare to be repealed, yet that didn't stop the liberals from forcing it down our necks did it?


You invalidate your entire post by using the words "assault rifle". If you can't get basic terminology right then you're too stupid to lecture others on governmental policy.

If you intentionally used the words "assault rifle" in order to instill illogical fear in those less knowledgable then you are too liberal (read stupid) to lecture others on governmental policy.

The majority of the population also wanted Obamacare to be repealed, yet that didn't stop the liberals from forcing it down our necks did it?

MikeyLikesIt_357, I didn't notice him calling it an "assault rifle." If so that is pretty silly.

The term a lot of them use is "assault weapon" because
1) They know they can't call it an assault rifle, and
2) They still want to call it something horrendous.

The AR-15 is not even an "assault weapon." I would hate to charge the enemy armed with nothing but an AR-15.

I notice Obama has been calling it "military style weapon" which, while slightly more accurate, is still just a term meant to install fear.


starwolf writes: "I notice Obama has been calling it 'military style weapon'..."

I guess the pedantic term is "service rifle." However, this in no way invalidates the history of this weapon: it was originally designed and manufactured to kill human beings, not squirrels.

The AR-15 was first built by ArmaLite as a selective fire rifle for the United States armed forces.
(from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AR-15)

I'm not a lawyer drawing up legislation and these boards are not courts of law. Call it what you will. Some people here clearly understood my point; and rather than attempting a civil conversation, jumped in with personal insults.

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


Did I insult you?

And regardless of its original design intent, it is now one of the favored rifle among competition shooters. Sometimes things outgrow their original design.

And I imagine you can argue that all rifles were designed to kill human beings.

Besides, the AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon. How is it more "lethal" than other semi-automatic weapons? (It isn't.)

And, according to the FBI statistics, AR-15s have been used in less than 1% of total murders with guns.

I don't think AR-15s are the issue. I think the pervasive culture of violence we have in our culture is more to blame.


starwolf writes: "Did I insult you?"

No. I was mainly referring to a couple of other people.

"And I imagine you can argue that all rifles were designed to kill human beings."

Well, see that's the real big philosophical thing. Can you truly have a peaceful society when so many people seemed fascinated with lethal tools? True story: A guy I work with upon hearing about the Sandy Hook shootings said to me, "They're going to take our guns away." Now, twenty small children had just been murdered an hour ago -- they weren't even cold -- and his priority was about his hypothetical loss!

The U.S. Supreme Court has said people have a right to own guns. No one is going too take your guns away. It's just a question of how much this right is regulated. And It will be regulated. The government regulates everything, including people's rights.

"I don't think AR-15s are the issue."

Yes. I'm learning more about the complexities of the issue. On NPR this morning they had some academic on who had studied violence in Chicago, and apparently most of the gun violence there is actually caused by a very small recidivistic criminal element.

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


He did, and you're right, it is silly.

That's one of the big problems I have right now with this debate. The left are continuously using incorrect terms to scare the public about these baby killing machines.

I still remember the joke that was the "Assault Weapons Ban" in the 90's. A lot of the things they were banning were cosmetic. An AR without a "flash hider" and a "Telescopic stock" was just as deadly as one with those features.

The fact that the vast majority of shooting deaths involve pistols and not rifles doesn't even seem to register with them.

Hell more people are killed by hammers, knives, or by unarmed assailants than by those scary looking assault rifles...


@ MikeyLikesIt_357,

You invalidate your entire post by using the word "stupid."

You think that because you insult someone, that makes you superior. Do you think calling a person names is a good way to make your point? I insulted policies (in a humorous way), I didn't insult anybody.

The people had a chance to vote down Obamacare in November; but instead, re-elected the President. Nothing has been forced down your throat. Are you familiar with how elections work?

And since you brought up stupidity, you should realize that Obamacare is modeled on a conservative program. It is not "liberal" at all.

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


wow iam not American... and i am happy to see some people from your country they stile have brain!!!

i reed the comments and they are very interesting for the not Americans
and special the obsession the guns terminology...
it all the same for me you pool the trigger and you killing people..
it the same principle for all of them

anyway i thing you need to understand the whey rest of the world see your country
end i you don`t know it that's normal i be the north Koreans the don't know it to...

the government control every move you do even for right this post they ask me for may phone number o my faking credit card number!!!

your country is controlled by the Corporation..
and fundamentalist religious freaks...
i thing you get the point no reason to continue with the worst staff...

i thing you mast yous oll this weapons and target you real enemies....the government...
and not children in schools

and i hope if ever come in USA i don`t and up in guantanamo after this post...


To Needysboy

Get a job hippy


Assault rifle?! Do you even know the difference between a sporting rifle and an assault rifle? I have a so called black rifle, would you ever use it to wage an assault on a country with it? I doubt it, cause it shoots one at a time. Liberals, try to be a little more educated about what you're trying to discriminate against.


Do you even know what an assault rifle is? A select fire is an assault rifle, an AR (ArmaLite Rifle) is not an assault rifle. It's a semi automatic. Your ignorance shows how much of a lefty you are buddy. I have an AR15, in now way by the Assault Weapons Ban in 1986 deem my AR15 as an "Assault Rifle". So before you try to make a point, at least try to make it as if you understand the difference.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


But the film was made by a Russian and Tim Burton who left America many years ago and doesn't want to go back because he dislikes it. !!!


But the novelist and screenwriter is an American.


Well, it takes a Non-American to see it.
Thank you for your own fair-play Mr. unlusan.


> f somebody made a film like this about one of the most beloved historical characters of our nation, the producer would receive death threats or even worse, some idiots would attack the cinemas

Well, us Americans aren't fanatics. We have our heroes and such, but we also have freedom of speech. If someone disagrees with us or makes fun of our heroes, that's okay.

Besides, in this movie Lincoln is portrayed as a much greater man than he actually was in real life.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


"Well, us Americans aren't fanatics"

No you aren't.Except when you want to abort the monster inside of you,put there by a evil rapist.Because then you will see true fanatics blowing up the doctor that just was about to help you.Ten minutes later you are a on a stretcher alive but without legs and covered in the blood of the same doctor and you will be spit on by pro-life protesters who at the same time gladly will cheer for the terrorist that planted the bomb if they only get the chance.No fanatics indeed.

And even in this thread there are people thinking the United States Economy is better then that of countries with Health Care for everyone.

Just lol.

Freedom of speech is no freedom at all if the result is that all you can hear is stupidity.


"Freedom of speech is no freedom at all if the result is that all you can hear is stupidity".

Brilliant! So true and very very funny...


This whole thread is hilarious actually. Americans fighting about their guns, health care, and freedom of speech, completely serious about it all and totally oblivious to how backwards and idiotic they look to everyone else in the first world. Arrogantly (and ignorantly) convinced they live in the greatest country on earth.

You couldn't cook up more delicious irony if you wanted to???

'Meric ... FC_UK YEAH!
Comin' again to save the *beep* day yeah...


Why are there so many british pussies here talking *beep* on Americans? Is your cow poke country really that boring?


I can't speak for them because I'm not British. As for myself, I talk about Team America because I'm sick of the way you guys continuously carry on about how great your country is. People from other countries don't feel the need to constantly tell everyone that their country is the best so why do Americans? It must be some kind of inferiority complex. If people from other countries did it I would push back against them too. It wouldn't be so bad if the $h1t which comes from Team America was true but most of it isn't. You didn't save everyone's a$$ in WWII, you sat home like gutless cowards and helped the enemy for half of the war. You don't have the best democracy, war criminal George Bush II was President twice even though he didn't actually win either election. You aren't the leaders of the Free World; no one voted for you and no one in the Free World looks to you for leadership. Quite the contrary actually, the Free World wishes you would butt out and mind your on business. So far this century you've started two illegal wars - which have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians - and almost destroyed the world economy because of your unbridled greed, which is why we'd rather you didn't lump us in with you thanks very much. The list goes on and on and on.

As for my country ... no ... it's not boring at all. It's the best country in the entire world actually and far superior to the United States in every way. My countrymen and I don't feel the need to constantly tell everyone that though. We just get on with things so why can't you?


Jealousy is an ugly emotion, fillshertease.


You're right, it probably is jealousy which causes Americans to continuously spout bu11$h1t about their uncivilised, barbaric country. Good thinking...

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


You're right, it probably is jealousy which causes Americans to continuously spout bu11$h1t about their uncivilised, barbaric country. Good thinking...

So, it's not only jealousy, it's lack of comprehension. Well, that explains a lot. Is it your education system that has failed, or is it more a personal thing?


Ha ha ha - there you go, proving the point YET again. The U.S. eduction system has been shown, time and time again, to be mediocre and below average in comparison to the rest of the first world but you want to pretend otherwise. No wonder you keep making idiotic comments. Sorry but the education system in my country is far superior to the United States. You just keep your fingers stuck firmly in your ears and keep yelling U.S.A. and everything will be fine though. Ha ha ha - I spy with my little eye, something beginning with "I".


If I was jealous I would simply move to the United States and live there. Being well educated though I wouldn't dream of doing something so stupid. Sorry to burst your little bubble kid...


We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


Imbecile I may be, mate, but it's obvious to the most casual observer that I stand head and shoulders above you intellectually.


Ha ha ha - YOU ARE BRILLIANT! Even after you've been crushed you still keep believing that you're the one who's the winner. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Sorry chump, but to ANY observer I'm miles beyond you. But you just keep telling yourself you're number one like a good American and everything will be fine. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Too funny. Yeah I'm SO jealous Mate. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.



Thank you for realizing this fact, and finally being enough of a mensch to admit it.


You just keep proving my point, time and time again, in every single post. It's hilarious!




We're Number One - even when we're not - just ask us...


Too funny...

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.



I do have one thing that puzzles me. Out of the possible hundreds of millions of sperm, how did YOU swim the fastest?


Mr. starwolf,
it's envy.


As for my country ... no ... it's not boring at all. It's the best country in the entire world actually and far superior to the United States in every way. My countrymen and I don't feel the need to constantly tell everyone that though. We just get on with things so why can't you?
What is this utopian paradise you live in (that you don't brag about, lol)? If it's as awesome as you say, you should share..... After all, people who are awesome residents of such an awesome country would want everyone to enjoy such awesomeness...... unless they only want the awesomeness for themselves which would make them selfish.... which is not awesome.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Wow. OP tries to compliment Americans for not taking themselves too seriously, and all the idiots rush to the board to prove him wrong.

That was entertaining.


i know right?

what the hell is with some people? get all agitated over stuff so easily.

i like the OP's comment, it is true, some places do lambaste you for speaking out against anything or even joking about something.

It is ironic that what he says happens in his country, also happens on the internet. He has spoken, gets hung, drawn and quartered by people that say "in my country we can do blah blah blah" so on and so forth.

It is slightly amusing.

stupid like a fox!


This whole thread should win some sort of irony award!



Good point.

Just a while ago american films made fun of a lot of other people's heroes and kept their own intact. Now they make fun, even though it is taht sort of fun that makes the characetr a hero, not a villain.

But lets be honest. Lincoln is not an american hero. He's a world's hero. Guy was amazing.

This film was weak, though. Id like it to be better, because the concept is fun.

"It doesn't matter what Bram Stoker has told you... dead people don't come back from their graves"


How, exactly, is Lincoln a world hero???



Unlusan - Poke fun? This movie is practically a documentary... except for the part after it starts :)


I imagine it's because the film is so obviously silly and not meant to be taken seriously. If they had portrayed Lincoln in a negative light, but not in a funny way, there might have been more public outcry. Like if they made a movie called Ronald Reagan: Cross-dresser, people might get upset. Nixon might be the exception though, not a lot of people remember Tricky Dick very fondly.


