Is This Really A Movie?

I'm sorry but having sat through this I couldn't help thinking this was like watching two continous hours of those pretentious aftershave adverts that there use to be a few years ago. To say this was actually a movie is pushing it.


And Le Jetee resembles a slideshow projection more than a movie, but it's still a movie (and a great one). It's not like the concept "movie" has a set collection of characteristics.


You say you'll either hate it, like it, or love it, but then you say you're between likeit and love it. So isn't that four options now?


Damn, well I guess the conspiracy could only last so long. The whole human race could have lived in ignorance, but you simonrosenbaum, had to pull the curtain back and reveal the whole charade.

This isn't a movie. It's actually an extraordinarily advanced model of wrapping paper designed to distract the opener with visual wonder (pun intended? I'll leave it ambiguous) so they never tear away the paper and discover that you never actually got them a gift because you're a stingy bastard, and the money of the future has likely been devalued and you have to be extraordinarily selective about who receives your generosity.

Of course, it was still in the research and development phase. And now, thanks to you, it may never see the light of day. I sincerely hope you're proud of yourself.


I guess you don't tend to watch many films that are made to celebrate film as an art-form rather than a vehicle to make money (Transformers, "regular" movies etc)?

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. - George Carlin



I found the film mostly boring too


Just watched the movie....boring film ever.



Just watched the movie....Boriiing !!



I totally agree with you. IMDB should establish a rating system that include NEGATIVE numbers as well for us to register our displeasure with the film, because a "zero" star rating might be confused to mean no opinion at all.

This movie only demonstrates that the screen writer and director have absolutely no skill and training in writing dialogues.


When you rate something 0 to 10, 5 would be no strong opinion either way (or if one has no opinion, they're unlikely to rate anyway). Zero is pretty clear.

Dialogue is overrated, most films could do with 50% removed, or with the film Gravity, be silent altogother.


I agree. Sometimes no dialog is better than sticking in some lousy, inane dialog willy-nilly. But a well-written dialog can substantially elevate the texture of the movie. For example, in a suspense/thriller movie like Sherlock Homes' and Agatha Christie's, a smart dialog can tie up two sequences of events neatly. And in dramas like in Shakespeare's or Charles Dicken's, a simple phrase can bring tears to the eyes of a touched audience.

Regarding IDBM ratings, ZERO can mean no participation, very different from a "disapproval", which is turn is not the same as "no opinion", LOL.


Gravity could've been so much better with no dialogue after the opening.

I haven't seen this movie and am not sure I'd like it but I think there should always be a place for movies with limited dialogue. 2001 wouldn't have been the classic it is considered if it had more dialogue. Even if it's just for a 10-15 minute sequence it can work wonders, like the opening sequence of There Will Be Blood.


Thank you, I felt the same way. The only reason I rented it was for Javier Bardem.


This is my thought exactly. This can not be a real movie, not in light of what he has already achieved.
