MovieChat Forums > The Commuter (2018) Discussion > A shame Neeson chose this for his final ...

A shame Neeson chose this for his final action role

So Liam Neeson recently said he wasn't going to be making anymore action movies and The Commuter will be his last one. Well, I saw it tonight, and I hate to say that as an action star he went out with a whimper instead of a bang.

This movie is really dumb. And by "dumb" I don't just mean that I didn't really care for it. I mean that the script is literally stupid. The story is extremely implausible, characters often do things that don't make a lot of sense, there's a fight scene that is very unrealistic (in this movie that seems to take itself seriously and be grounded in reality) and some of the plot twists are just eye rolling.

To make matters worse, the movie doesn't even become entertaining in a dumb way until about an hour in. Until then it's pretty damn dull.

To give the film its credit it has a solid cast, some good performances, and a couple of genuinely intense scenes. But this is just not enough to save it.

It doesn't surprise me that this is a January release. It's not an outright terrible movie but it really is not good either.



I liked it a little more than you I guess. The script makes no sense come the end but Neeson is fun to watch and the suspense is definitely there.

But just so you know, it's not going to be his last film. He said that at first but i'm pretty sure he decided to change his mind and do as many as he can for as long as he can.

Here's a link to that-

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review is right here-


Hmm, that's interesting about his un-retirement from action films, and frankly it's also a little disappointing. I think that his talents are better served in dramatic roles. I wonder if it's a situation where he just enjoys making them or if he thinks that's where the money is and he wants to keep on seeing those paychecks. Or both.

As for The Commuter, yeah, I really didn't care for it. As a matter of fact, I just got done watching Non-Stop for the first time and it has a lot in common with The Commuter, but I thought Non-Stop was a much more entertaining film.


Yeah, I also think Non-Stop is a better film but I didn't mind this. I too hope that Neeson starts going for a bit more variety. Maybe a "Silence" or something like it slipped in every once in a while


He is too old for roles like this. It was just plain embarrassing to see him stomp men half his age in this movie. It is a very stupid movie that does not even begin to make any kind of sense. Really is one to avoid.


I personally think that Liam is not trying to prove anything anymore. He is a critically acclaimed actor and has proven himself many times over (i.e. Schindler's List), so in light of the death of his wife Natasha Richardson a few years ago, that the last few years, he has just taken projects that are fun for him to do.


This wasn’t his final action role
