MovieChat Forums > Warm Bodies (2013) Discussion > Look beyond the zombie imagery...

Look beyond the zombie imagery...

I'm a 29 year old guy who truly despises Twilight movies and everything alike. Warm Bodies was none of that. Twilight is a movie tailor made for idealistic teenage girls who know nothing about real life. Warm bodies is tailor made for intelligent and cynical people who have some knowledge of psychology and politics...

The key to understand this movie is to overlook it's zombie aspect. The zombie apocalypse is a metaphor for the dehumanization of our society. The Zombies are just normal apathetic people, who walk through their lives without ever being truly human. They are like the teenagers of today who can only send text messages to each or play on their I-phones, or like the bureaucrats who can't bother to greet you properly when you go and renew your driver license...

They can only «eat a brain» to feel, by stealing other people's thought. Which is a metaphor that means they try to be someone else, that they have no thoughts of their own. Hence, the zombies represent people who are not themselves, people who are slaves to the thoughts of other people, who cannot be «free».

In the beginning of the movie, R walks in the airport, goes through a metal detector with a TSA zombie who is still doing his job, not unlike an actual TSA worker... As R describes his «life»; walking around, not talking to anyone, looking at the ground,stuck in his own little bubble, he wonders how things were before the Zombie Apocalypse... And the next scene shows that things were EXACTLY THE SAME before...

Then comes the girl, who truly is alive. She is a true human being. She listens to no one but herself, she truly is free (from herself). The apathetic, emotionally dead young man, upon seeing her, begins to feel again. I could relate to that.

The reality of our time is that about 85% of the population is brain-dead and/or emotionally drained to the point where they are basically non-human. Modern society destroyed us. Most of those people were good kids, who could feel, who could love. Many of them just feel hopeless, they would love nothing more than to be human again. They feel isolated, all alone, when in fact, there are plenty of real-life-zombies who have some sort of inner life which they are afraid to show...

Others, are just plain scum, they have no more souls, they cannot be saved.

This movie was pure genius.


Great Summary! I agree entirely.


Thank you, always appreciated.


When I first heard about this movie I made the inevitable twilight comparison but when I saw the shorts I thought OK maybe more than meets the eye . And when I watched it I thought that this was a really positive story rather than having brooding teenagers with no where to develop relationship wise or story wise. I found the idea of being better because you can and the relationship between the 2 leads very positive rather than the slefish "Love Story " in twilight which I felt was just about meeting physical and superficial needs

Hell is other People


You must be right, I tried watching Twilight once and my brain started hurting. I didn't really try to put my finger on the reasons why I despised it.


I noticed just how many angry people these days are obsessed with shïtty quality.

Everybody is entitled to my opinion.


Quite an accurate synopsis of the subtext, and I agree with it as I drew the same conclusion from the beginning.

It was a nice metaphorical film, overall: Replace the zombies with people on welfare, low-income earners, and other "undesirables" and you get the whole "Us Vs. Them" story again, where the Bonies are the true criminals, the rest of the zombies are just the unmotivated but otherwise basically decent masses who are "consumers" and incapable of free thought, stuck in their own world.


Yeah something like that. I saw it more from a psychological standpoint than from an economical standpoint; I didn't see the zombies as low-income earner or people on welfare, but as people who don't interact with others in meaningful ways.

Although there is a correlation between not being able to interact in meaningful ways and being on welfare... But anyway, a big company CEO who doesn't care about his employees's well being is just as much a zombie as that crack-head down the street as far as I care. He's just as « dead » inside.

I entirely with that part of your statement:

« the whole "Us Vs. Them" story again, where the Bonies are the true criminals, the rest of the zombies are just the unmotivated but otherwise basically decent masses who are "consumers" and incapable of free thought, stuck in their own world.»


Nice Analysis! I think this was also the lesson in Shaun of the Dead, which had similar themes with less romance. In that movie, society actually uses the remaining zombies at the end to do menial jobs like be shopping cart attendants and stuff. The hero, Shaun, continues to have almost the same relationship he had his video-game playing friend even though this friend is a zombie. Anyways, I think the point was made more obviously in Shaun of the Dead but I liked both movies.


Haha, true that.


The zombie apocalypse is a metaphor for the dehumanization of our society.

Well I don't agree with that. You could say that behind the wall they have security but no freedom, and that is the metaphor for our society. You are just projecting your thoughts onto nothing more than a teenage love story. I am sure you suffer from some degree of Analysis paralysis in your daily life. Do people often tell you that you think too much etc.? Yep thought so.


Ha ha! You're funny, and quite right.

So, tell me, why would you feel the need to analyze my comment? =)

Do we suffer from the same disease?


Actually I agree with you Edion they even show a flash back where he reminisces over how wonderful it would have been to communicate with others and it then shows every body looking at their electronic gadget and not interacting. I posted something similar earlier on and to the poster above you Lighten up, that is why people come on this board to talk and discuss movies and maybe people see things that other people might miss and you might learn something new or see something in a new light

Hell is other People


Cool thread.

I don't win a lot.


I came back to this thread because I just watched this movie again and it made me remember this post on it. Also, I just wanted to check out how many moron casualties there were. Seems higher than the body count in Rambo.

Do people often tell you that you think too much etc.? Yep thought so.

"You think too much?" Did you really just say those words? Twilight is a movie you can't analyze at all, even for a teen film perspective. Movies like this can be because of how the stories are written and the underlying message behind the words. Sorry your brain hurt from reading all the facts. Since you're not a fan of thinking at all I'm sure none of this penetrated your neurons.


Good post, good thread, and I totally agree this movie is allegorical/metaphorical. It can be taken at face value and also for all kinds of alternative meanings/social commentary. I love it.

I also think it has very little in common with Twilight aside from falling in love with someone who isn't one of your own kind. That's about all for comparison -- in everything else it's a lot different.




I already liked the originality of the movie, being from the zombies' perspective. Also, I liked the sparks of humor in it.
However; your analysis, your way of interpreting the movie is brilliant. If the movie producers, or the director, or the writer thought of that, I applaud them from the deepest corners of my heart because like you said, it's genius.
As a teacher aged 27, I feel so sorry for the new generations and the children (and the adults) of today's world. It's so pathetic the dead "world" they're in. You explained that supposed life very well. You (us) can be one of the few that can see the reality as it is but you (this few) alone aren't enough to save them. It hurts.


When I watched the film, I was certain that the zombies were some kind of metaphor, but I wasn't thinking of them as "normal apathetic people" that were like "teenagers today". I would think of them as some kind of social outcasts - people that for some reasons were avoided and even ostracized by the rest of society. That might be for reasons of age, religion, race, ethnicity, or politics, etc. In all cases, including yours, I doubt the parallel could be complete. For example, teenagers might looked apathetic, but normal teenagers don't usually kill people or commit violent crimes. The closest case in my opinion might be people who are physically ill or (especially) mentally handicapped. They, like the zombies are usually shunned by society. People who had been committed to mental institutions are often ostracized: who could be certain they might not suddenly get "crazy" again and harm people, just like those zombies? But mental illness could be cured, and like the zombies in the film, they can be brought back to normal life in society. Or take the case of people who had gone to prison. Employers usually avoid hiring such people, but just like "R" and the others (who had "eaten" people before) could reform and be brought back as part of society. Those that could not be reformed, like the bonies, would have to be eliminated.


that was beautifully written.

and I agree this movie is much more than meets the eye :)
