MovieChat Forums > Warm Bodies (2013) Discussion > Look beyond the zombie imagery...

Look beyond the zombie imagery...

I'm a 29 year old guy who truly despises Twilight movies and everything alike. Warm Bodies was none of that. Twilight is a movie tailor made for idealistic teenage girls who know nothing about real life. Warm bodies is tailor made for intelligent and cynical people who have some knowledge of psychology and politics...

The key to understand this movie is to overlook it's zombie aspect. The zombie apocalypse is a metaphor for the dehumanization of our society. The Zombies are just normal apathetic people, who walk through their lives without ever being truly human. They are like the teenagers of today who can only send text messages to each or play on their I-phones, or like the bureaucrats who can't bother to greet you properly when you go and renew your driver license...

They can only «eat a brain» to feel, by stealing other people's thought. Which is a metaphor that means they try to be someone else, that they have no thoughts of their own. Hence, the zombies represent people who are not themselves, people who are slaves to the thoughts of other people, who cannot be «free».

In the beginning of the movie, R walks in the airport, goes through a metal detector with a TSA zombie who is still doing his job, not unlike an actual TSA worker... As R describes his «life»; walking around, not talking to anyone, looking at the ground,stuck in his own little bubble, he wonders how things were before the Zombie Apocalypse... And the next scene shows that things were EXACTLY THE SAME before...

Then comes the girl, who truly is alive. She is a true human being. She listens to no one but herself, she truly is free (from herself). The apathetic, emotionally dead young man, upon seeing her, begins to feel again. I could relate to that.

The reality of our time is that about 85% of the population is brain-dead and/or emotionally drained to the point where they are basically non-human. Modern society destroyed us. Most of those people were good kids, who could feel, who could love. Many of them just feel hopeless, they would love nothing more than to be human again. They feel isolated, all alone, when in fact, there are plenty of real-life-zombies who have some sort of inner life which they are afraid to show...

Others, are just plain scum, they have no more souls, they cannot be saved.

This movie was pure genius.


Completely agree. When I first started watching, I kept saying to myself, that's what 'society' is like now! Going through the motions each day, like robots, sometimes forgetting what's really important. Especially when he lost the girl, and was saying, "Why even bother, why even try?" Etc...(self loathing, feeling low self worth, giving up)
Because even if something hurts, it means we can still FEEL, and have connections. When he was with her, he was totally in that moment in time with her, and nothing else mattered. I think a lot of us have lost that, or never even felt that. Daily issues and obligations take us away from what we really can experience in our lives.

Didn't think I'd like this movie, but ended up loving it, even having happy tears in my eyes during some parts!

I'm much too fond of the night sky to be fearful of the dark.


I also had tears during that movie. For some reason, it reminded me of a woman I loved. I never got to communicate that love, even though I tried, I didn't do it right. It had too much meaning for me. Anyway, it will always hurt I guess.

But I lived in the damn moment that's for sure.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.


You're right, I agree, and its not that hard to pick up on that subtext, but the thing is that doesn't make it any better of a film.


Everything is simple, it's the explanation that's complicated.

you are entitled to your opinion about the movie. It's a good movie when you are in a particular emotional state. I was kinda depressed when I saw it.


@edio13 Your review is head on; the movie is of a more "metaphorical" nature than it implies with several layers latched onto it. On a side note though, you refer to the romantic aspect of this movie as "cheesie".
While at this moment, zombie/wherewolf/vampire movies seem to plague our very existence, I applaud the fact that the romantic part of this movie was based on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. While many teenage girls (and some brainwashed adults) may claim glory to the Twighlight book series whose author has brought us that and the marvelous book 'Host' (*** Hint Hint Sarcasm ***), Shakespeare brought us a plethora of written works which are the base for every literary education on a high school level.
The twist on the original Romeo and Juliet story is, in my high opinion, genius. Every main character is present within the movie in some shape or form.
Nonetheless, your review was excellent and I'd like your input on my thoughts.



I didn't really think the love story was cheesy, I actually liked it. Even though I usually do think love stories are cheesy, especially those with a teenage vibe to them, this one got to me... To the point that I felt like writing that review!

It's a beautiful love story, it's main theme is reminiscent of Tolkien's Beren & Luthien, ie: the purest love/beauty can destroy the most powerful evil. It's a beautiful thing to believe in.

Although, I'm only slightly familiar with Shakespeare, I also appreciate the literary twist to the movie. I don't feel as bad for liking it!!

I'm glad most of the people who took the time to comment felt the same way I did too.



Thanks a lot, it's the first movie review I ever wrote! I'm glad you liked it.


Well said. I agree with you all the way. This movie wasn't at all what I was expecting. I've never seen Twilight and was unaware of any comparison between the two. This movie exceeded my expectations. Great summery and analysis!



The only link between Twilight and this is that they are both aimed at teenagers.


Hi, popping in here to share my thoughts since I did read everything (even the tripe attacking comments, time I'll never get back). I feel like this is a really honest passage about a movie that is so much more than zombie rom-com.

I feel like we are lacking as a society, something is making us, well, sedated. Not in that tranquil way but in the way where most of the race is avoiding true connection, whither it be love, touching, audible spoken words, emotional feelings, appreciation, respect, manners, selfless deeds, congeniality, or just pure soul. I feel like when I watch this movie this represents what the world is truly turning into. We went from evolving to thriving to genius, innovators, science and discovery to shallow technological sycophants obsessed with ourselves and competition to see who can put others down so we can one day earn that pat on the back from a person who is far off gone to actually make eye contact with.

I think this movie teaches us how to care again. People who don't understand this will judge and that is the tragedy of humanity, we fear what we refuse to realize is the reason we exist. Love, kindness, unity, personable qualities. We lost all of this along the way somehow. I don't care if people call this movie cheesy because that is always what someone who truly doesn't understand how important love and acceptance is does. They call it pretentious drabble and brand it "freak" talk. Do people love anymore? Why can't we? I just think there is a strong possibility to get over ourselves and soften our demeanor.

I loved your review. It's a good thing to know people still believe in "crazy" things like affection and love.

Everybody is entitled to my opinion.


Thanks!Here's a nice allegory that says it all...


In the year 1166 B.C., a malcontent hunch-brain by the name of Greyface, got it into his head that the universe was as humorless as he, and he began to teach that play was sinful because it contradicted the ways of Serious Order. "Look at all the order around you," he said. And from that, he deluded honest men to believe that reality was a straitjacket affair and not the happy romance as men had known it.

It is not presently understood why men were so gullible at that particular time, for absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them and conclude just the opposite. But anyway, Greyface and his followers took the game of playing at life more seriously than they took life itself and were known even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed from their own.

The unfortunate result of this is that mankind has since been suffering from a psychological and spiritual imbalance. Imbalance causes frustration, and frustration causes fear. And fear makes for a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip for a long time now.


- Principa Discordia


I enjoyed the film more than I expected to, for the same reasons that your excellent review stated. thank you for that. thank you also for the story of 'the curse of greyface'......a very interesting and plausible concept.


Thank you! it's appreciated.


I loved your synopsis of the movie. Don't allow these posters to lure you in a pissing match.
I am 43 years old and I enjoyed the movie. It in no way resembles Twilight. It is a genius take from the zombie's point of view which makesit delightfully refreshing and different from any other zombie movie. If people want to compare it to something, compare it to the all time original story Romeo and Juliet. (Hence R and Julie). Not any of these tween movies.


Thank you, always appreciated.

But I like pissing matches,I'm very good at them. Look how I just pissed on that last poster! He must be hurt, because there HAS to be some truth in what I said to him...


you my retarded friend are about as complex as kindergarten math. there is no such thing as 'deeper meaning'. there are however many people in this world who are humorless and talentless, like you and the makers of this film.


You forgot the jerks who on TOP of not having any talent and humor, actively try to bring others down to their level of mediocrity.

That means you.

Seriously, what's your endgame here? Why do go and insult random people on forums about movies for christ sake?

You don't have a life do you?

Maybe you don't have any friends because you're a f**ing A$$ hole, and that's why you feel the need to insult people you don't know on the web.



i love how you try to sum up the human condition in one useless paragraph. then you state people should be more concerned w politics than their ex boyfriend. you are as original as this cheesy romance. wow we are all soulless robots, thats a story thats never been told


I can see why no one loves you.
