Why do the new generation of fairy tales hate men?
I understand that a woman may not need a man to be "complete." I know the old saw... "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." When Frozen chose to make the prince a dope and have one sister save the other I shrugged it off. It was a good story with a bit of a twist. Besides... there was one good and loyal hero to offset the male villain.
But this story doesn't even give us a single good male. Even the prince who is Aurora's love interest is mere window dressing. The women are magical, powerful, betrayed by men, and loving to each other. The men are power hungry, love betraying, and hateful.
I don't mind a film with a strong female lead. More power to them. I don't mind if the male lead mainly supports and enables the female lead. But the overall message in this movie is men are bad and women are good. It's almost like it was written by a tween girl... right after her first boyfriend dumped her.