
Did anyone else think it was quite random? Out of nowhere London just gets destroyed completely. But it was surprising, definitely a oh *beep* moment there.


The randomness of London being destroyed has been addressed in quite a few threads here and the only thing I can think of is that the wanted a place that was easily identified.. Although it is a bit offencive because it's basically saying that London is expendable, but Im not offended or anything seeing as I'm no Brit...
Went off on a tangent, but your post was pretty pointless to begin with anyhow..


Okay calm down bro, I was just asking a question. It was just surprising to me that's all.


It felt out of nowhere because of film editing and film planning. There was no tension build up. Zero. For example, no confrontation of villain with UK Prime Minister. A simple parallel of people in U.K. going about their daily lives at street level, with the villain's eye staring straight to U.K.'s Prime Minister, would have eased in the edit, and offered some tension and mystery to the revealing threat, and its consequences.


Yeah and in the end, the real US president says the world is rebuilding.

The world didn't really get attacked, unless you count maybe some debris falling from all the missiles they self destructed and the satellite debris.

Only London needed rebuilding. And it would have been impossible anyway.

Though I suppose he meant rebuilding figuratively, not physically.


I wanna know why they didn't attack earlier and avoid it's destruction considering that was their job.


you're right... they had CC, Zartan and Firefly in a silver platter and they waited too long... had they attacked as soon as CC and Firefly walked down those stairs London probably wouldn't have perished, but probably the way they did it gave them the advantage of surprise?


yea they really dropped the ball on that one... especially considering their "double agent" was the one arming the thing


It's a movie. Seriously.


LOL!!! Somebody gets it.


It's a badly made movie!!!


Why does their need to be a build up. Is there a build up when terrorists bomb innocent people. It is planned and it happens out of nowhere to the victims IRL. Why is it a problem in this movie? how is it offensive? it's just a movie.


At least that ugly glass dildo building called "The Gherkin" was also destroyed :-)


There should have been a few quick shots of chirpy cockneys and aloof toffs gasping while being obliterated.


Really, though. Wouldn't the complete destruction of London cripple the economy?


AKA R.O.T.C: Any1 ever tell U U fight U.G.L.Y.(uniform gays luv yeomen)???

AKA ROAD BLOCK: WTF!!! SIR!!! I prefer not to F.I.G.H.T.(forgiving is gay hate tran) pretty(GO!!!NAVY!!!) That might FLY with the BROWN noser's in the Air Force but not with the(ships)ROCK!!! (oops) Road Block!!!. OH!!! & Sir!!! PLEASE DONT JUDGE/COURT MARTIAL ME!!! HOO AH!!!

--- --- ---

Doogie Howser M.D. (GOES NAVY???)

Ray Stevenson(aka Danny Green/the WIDOW MAKER) Sure likes getting BLOWN TO SMITHEREEN's!!!LOL!!!


they destroyed it, and millions of people died, and then it is never mentioned again. not even in the president's closing speech, even considering they're the US's biggest ally. and i don't even think the one guy, immediately after, who was like "whoa! you dick!" was the British guy in the room. Wasn't it France?

the whole thing seemed weird, like it was tacked on. they probably saw Thor and were like "we can do it bigger and in less than 15 seconds"

or they originally blew up Paris or something but thought that would be too played out, and changed it in post.

or wait didn't they destroy the crap out of Paris in the last movie?


It was funny because London was obliterated, and mere moments later the Joes reveal themselves and save the day. If they had acted seconds sooner, millions would have been saved.



You are an idiot, Baghdad and Kabul have already been raped by greedy westerners, there is nothing left there except poverty and pain. Only countries with nuclear power were present in that room, thus one of them took the fall. Did you see anyone from Baghdad or Kabul represented there idiot ? again, you're an idiot, even your sig proves it.
