About half way in.

All the characters in this movie are simply offensively stupid. I guess calling police when you find highly suspicious things, such as giant basements, doesn't matter because they "don't have anyone in that area" anyway so whatever.


Maybe you should have waited a little longer to post this.


I have ADHD and needed to vent now tho


That's not even a real disorder. They made it up to excuse lazy people who can't be bothered to concentrate.




Ok so the cops are as stupid as the other characters. I'm watching goddamn Idiocracy 2.


I take it like there is too much unknown evil down there and they don't want to risk their lives. Everyone is the community is aware of it.


I bet the guy from Shawshank Redemption dug that tunnel.


I can't believe this movie made as much as it did. It's dumbfounding. Well, on second thought, it's because of Bill. Most people adore Bill. So I can understand wanting to watch the movie because of him even if it had bad word of mouth story wise.


There have been plenty of horror films I enjoyed a lot more that made a lot less!
