Boys, Why the hate?

After a long, rainy evening of Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich I found myself stumbling upon this film around 4:30am. I watched without reading a synopsis, a review, or barely looking at the poster - putting in a great deal of faith that the good folks at Netflix had chosen well for me. And I have to say, in my opinion, they were right on the money this time.

As a 24 year old woman, soon to be college graduate, yet to become totally financially independent (though let it be noted I DO NOT live with my parents), I found this film to be a raw and honest depiction of the female experience at this age. And I'm beginning to wonder if this is precisely the reason I see so much hate for this film on these message boards.

I think perhaps, though it may be misguided intuition, that the majority of the poor reviews I've read have been written by men. And no offense to Ms. Dunham, who I think gave a strikingly real performance here, but it's just not that relate-able for men - of any age really. This is a girl power film, only cleverly disguised in a shroud of "mumblecore" or whatever the youngsters on the other thread were calling it. And there's nothing here that rang satirical in the slightest here either, to me. If you're within this demographic I strongly challenge you to not find your life in this movie (even down to the hum drum pipe sex). The girls know what I mean...


***How am I not myself?***


I haven't seen it yet, although I am keen to.
But, in the IMDb rating statistics, it has males as only giving the film .2 below the score of females.
Not very one sided there.
And also, they have given over double the amount of votes then females.


I'm a man, and I thought the film was great. However, it does look from other responses like you might be right in most cases: only one other male poster has said he likes the movie, and he described himself as "asexual" which I am not. I am heterosexual and am even a huge football fan, but at the same time I also once owned a foreign/indie movie rental business (until Netflix put me out of business).

I don't see my own life here, obviously; but I appreciate cinema that can give me insight into the lives of others.


I always think it is misguided to state that those who hate a film do so because of the demographics they belong to. Yes, I am a guy. Yes, I did not particularly care for this film. But that was not because I found that the themes only resonated with women. My problem was with Dunham's execution. She was a first time feature length filmmaker, and it showed. She didn't really have anything cohesive to say. She was stuck with an idea (an autobiographical work about her life) and thought that alone would carry her film. Maybe it would have worked better as a documentary?

Dunham could be a great filmmaker in the future, but Tiny Furniture should be viewed as a stepping stone rather than as a career defining work.


Cause they take a halfway decent concept and run it to the ground with bad dialogue, uncreative cinematography, and acting that feels more like people reciting from a script. There's no believability in any of these characters and the scenes don't connect, it feels like a random mess.

Seriously, I was recommend this POS. Never listening to that person again for film suggestions.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


That's what I got from the trailer with the exception of a "halfway decent concept."

Is it that young, brainy women have lots of issues?

So do middle-aged men, but I guess we deal with it without the pretense of art.



I'm a guy, but I get what she was going through etc. However, can't we just equate the poor reviews to the fact that it's somewhat of a weak film?


I don't know it's a boy/girl thing, i think its a pathetic/not pathetic thing, i cant relate to people who have such an inflated sense of their own worth while simultaneously being a completely mediocre human being incapable of dealing with the smallest problems in their life.

If there were a verb meaning to believe falsely, it would have no first person, present indicative


Might have something to do with the fact that it's a dull, sollipsistic mess made by a delusional, self-absorbed twit who has absolutely nothing intelligent or interesting to share with the world.


Not really hate, but it's like "Sex and the City" with a fugly post-teen... Not that funny.

