Hope this movie flops HARD

Next time make a movie with a NORMAL couple..or at least male/female with their adopted kid...no one wants to see the gay agenda shoved down our throats anymore, the tranny agenda is dying a slow painful death...

The term go woke, go broke has literally been played out numerous times over the past years and the left just can't shake their permanent retardation to see the truth and reality.


There it is folks. He has spoken.

We should never make adaptations of books that have gay couples as protagonists. Bam. Just cut them all off from cinema.


There it is folks. The groomer has spoken.

Rope is in aisle 3.


Its not just a gay couple though. The movie has a strong anti-Christian agenda to it just like the book did.


That would be a different point from OP's thread topic though.

If you made a thread complaining that this movie has a strong anti-Christian agenda, I could sarcastically say instead "We should never make adaptations of books that have anti-Christian agendas. Bam. Just cut them all off from cinema."

Some Christians might disagree of course. But I think it's fine to have such films, just like it's fine to have those books. I wouldn't want to ban the books. But if you're okay with such published material, I think a cinematic adaptation should be acceptable too.

The Man From Earth is anti-Christian, which unfortunately makes it unrecommendable to a few ppl I know, but I think it's a great movie, and worth watching nevertheless.


Dead Space remake made a female character a lesbian when she wasn't originally.

In the Stillwater film loosely based on real events, they turned the daughter into a lesbian when in real life that wasn't the case.

In the film Ammonite they turned the REAL life Mary Annig into a lesbian when she wasn't in real life.

In the film Lizzie they turned Lizzie Borden into a lesbian even though she wasn't in real life.

In the film Professor Marston & the Wonder Women they turned Elizabeth Marston into a lesbian even though she wasn't in real life, and her family even came out and decried the film for depicting her as a lesbian.

Judging by your own comment, you should have been just as indignant with the filmmakers and on every board where you've seen a film based on an adaptation where they engaged in hetero-conversion, turning a normal character gay to suit an agenda.... right? .... Right?!


"Dead Space remake made a female character a lesbian when she wasn't originally."

Huh? Why the fuck would her sexuality matter in that game???




22M watched the trailer. Will succeed no matter how much you scream!


I watched thousands of trailer without actually going to the cinema ... so ...


George you’re an maroon.


I was looking forward to this until the trailer revealed it to be slathered in woke. This isn’t art, it’s dogma. Why would I pay to watch tedious agitprop?


If the movie follows the book & they're not changing things to try to force our views then that's fine & all but we know movie makers now like to force their agendas on viewers & stuff so anythings possible.




That latest The Last of Us episode is still living rent free in your nazi head, huh? And yes, obvs for all the broflake reasons. Made you melt down like it did all your fellow chuds up in this reich pill-infested site, yeah. But now… it’s this film. REEEEE! (What property from a reich wing-disapproved industry these days doesn’t trigger your ass, though.)

But how boring… oh-so-hard propagandist reich wing chuds as usual having meltdowns over the wokey boogeywoman (anyone not like them) and not at all hiding what really bothers their fascist selves cuz of course. WOKE Hollywood gonna Woke? Shocker! Heh, it’s like the harder broflakes scream (zzzz), the more Hollywood intentionally triggers the broflakes even tho they are simply showing people who exist in the real world and don’t happen to be “normal” hate-mongering chuds. *gasps* Hilarious though, even Hollywood-disapproved daily wire triggered its own audience with that supposedly WoKE Gina Carano film they put out, so… LOL. Cry more, magababy chuds.



If anything, having a gay couple at the heart of this film makes it more interesting to me.

From the synopsis, supposedly one of the three characters has to be sacrificed to save the world. There's little chance that a child would be sacrificed, and it stands to reason that the 'man of the house' would also feel obliged to stand up for his wife.

But in a dynamic featuring two men, it becomes more complicated, and our sympathies are less obvious. It's no longer a simple case of 'women and children first'.

Anyway, I've ignored the homophobia behind your post, and instead given a pragmatic reason why a gay couple is actually to the film's narrative benefit.


Irrelevant, there is no benefit to the narrative.

There will still be a man that's sacrificed ..


Thank you for your candor.
