
What do you guys think of the portrayal of Rosemary as having 'retardation'? Obviously what they did to her was awful no matter what, but there are conflicting reports about the true nature of her illness. Not much is known about her because so much information was suppressed. Some say she was autistic or had severe learning disabilities, others say she was bipolar or had a similar mental illness, and there are even some who say, having read her diaries and letters, that she was a completely normal young woman whose only problem was her inability to conform to her parents' expectations in Kennedy clan. A doctor who tested her said her IQ was above 75. It is reported that her sister Kathleen thought she suffered from a form of depression that wasn't readily understood by her parents or others. I've never really been sure what to think myself.


That was the most tragic moment in the whole movie. Her poor parents, finding that those horrid quack s.o.b.'s lied to them about everything.


Parents screw up--even if they have money.

My parents even now in an era with different laws and customs were upset that I was going to work despite having multiple disabilities. They were born in/attended college in an era when people with disabilities were locked up and away.

My own father made fun of the side effects my medications caused. No we were never ever as competitive as the Kennedy's--but he did not want to believe that something the doctors did was causing something to me also.

Watching those scenes in the movie does hurt.
