MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > So let me get this straight...

So let me get this straight...

Brandon and Theresa won't let Catelynn and Tyler see Carly anymore? Now, I feel Cate and Tyler's lifestyle is not the best, but that doesn't affect their once a year SUPERVISED visit.

Brandon and Theresa are being very petty and are forgetting that without them, they wouldn't have Carly. Not to mention, they are also cheating Nova on seeing her full blood sister; which I've always felt that Theresa is jealous of that.

I hope they get recognized on the street and get told EXACTLY what type of people they are; the typical hypocritical Christian stage parents.

They disgust me to the core because they are not only robbing Nova of her sister, but Carly too. How is that, "What's best for her?"


I don't think anything is wrong with yearly supervised visits to continue, but do we even know Brandon and Theresa have stopped them?

If they do choose so, it is their purgative, quite frankly. They are Carly's parents, and Catelynn and Tyler have had no rights to Carly since they signed over their rights. I'd feel badly for them to lose the contact with Carly they've had, but again, she's not their child. I don't know how spectators like us, who no nothing about Beandon and Theresa, would serve the situation well by stopping them on the street either. What? To "snap them out of something" we think they did when we don't even know more details?

I'm also confused by people championing for yearly visits for the benefit of Nova. How is Nova seeing Carly just once a year for 15 years going to result in some spectacular, magical relationship. It's once a year. I think that's putting too much emphasis on biology. The truth is, Carly has a family, and it's not her blood relatives. Nova has a family, and it's not anyone related to Brandon and Theresa.

Continued visits would be nice, but let's not pretend they're something more than they are. Since Brandon and Theresa don't owe Catelynn and Tyler anything, I'd not demonize them for any choices they do make.


Screw yearly visits.

I'm adopted and know that it would have just added to the complexity of life and made me grow up with a skewed view of the world.

Tyler and especially Catelynn should leave Carly the hell alone or have a restraining order placed against them.

It would be one thing if they weren't reality tv train wrecks.


Yeah, I have thought of this too... I was going to also reply to the thread about "closed adoption." It's like, the yearly updates for a few years seemed nice, but it is maybe time to just stop.

I'm glad you and others who have real experience with adoption can offer perspective about the other side. Some people are only thinking of open adoption as some grand thing, and worse yet, that Catelynn and Tyler are entitled to it. They're owed nothing, and maybe everyone would be better off if it stopped. So many are sure it's good for Carly, but I don't get why anyone is so sure of that. As I said, one visit a year isn't going to do something magical to create a bond with Nova. Visits may in fact, have the opposite effect.


It's hard enough knowing that you're adopted, then having to be constantly reminded about it, having your creepy ass biological parents essentially stalk you, and always talk about you even though they are basically strangers to you.

It's incredibly creepy and predatory to act and behave this way.

If I were Carly's parents I would be mortified by MTV and Tyler and Catelynn and would want to protect my child from being exposed to that type of exploitation. Every time these two bring up Carly her adoptive parents have to worry about what they said, how it affects Carly, will she see it on tv, will someone at school tell her, will she be made fun of, etc. and so on and so forth.

And then you have to worry about when she becomes a teenager and when the terrible teens come in and how Carly could say something like 'you're not my real parents!', or 'I'm going to go live with my biological parents', etc. It totally undermines the adoption process.

It literally skeeves me and grosses me out every time I see these two vent about the little girl they put up for adoption.

That's literally all Carly is to them, and it should stay that way.

Can you imagine the mind-f--- Catelynn would induce on Carly is she had one on one time with her or something?


I'm sorry, but it's difficult to adjust and accept your adoptive family, even when adopted from birth, like I was, while knowing you're adopted, without having to worry about your biological parents coming around to check up on you like some aliens abductioners.


I agree! She's only 7 years old and I'm sure she's starting understanding certain situations. Cate and Tyler wanting to visit her yearly would be a major *beep* for Carly.


I so agree with everything you said. If you don't mind me asking, what do you think of open adoptions for some people? Say... the egg and sperm donors are nothing like Catelynn and Tyler, and they actually don't carry unhealthy obsessions with the child, and they actually understand/respect their role? I used to hope Catelynn and Tyler would be those people one day, and initially I thought the visits early on were a good idea, but I'm starting to wonder if closed adoptions are for the best in almost all situations. While it is nice to see the baby is thriving and happy, maybe having it open just keeps the wound open. Not to mention, once the child is older, it runs the risk of being unfair to them. I know it's easy for some fans of the show to focus on C&T, but Carly is the real one to think about.

And because all people see is C&T complaining, they forget that B&T are the real parents. I also have to say I'm also not buying C&T were 16 and didn't realize what they were signing. In season one or two of TM, it was acknowledged that the adoption was "semi-open." They always knew it was some pictures and yearly visits at most; there'd be no "joint custody" kind of nonesense someday. They could fantasize about having a parental role, but they knew from the start what the reality was.

And maybe that's the problem with open adoptions: continued contact--even in semi-open adoptions--blur the lines for many. I'm interested to know what you think about open-adoptions in general. Can it ever be healthy for the child? Should it stop when they're babies or never begin in the first place? Would continued pictures but no visits be where the line should be drawn? That way the child isn't affected, but the gamete donors get to have updates on the child. Or maybe purely closed adoptions are better for all concerned as a general rule...


I can understand Brandon & Theresa's point of view. Carly has been on television her whole life. Even if her face was blurred, she was still out there. I think at this point Theresa and Brandon just want a normal life for Carly. Showing Catelynn smoking weed and going to rehab on television for the world to's no wonder they feel the way they feel.

The paperwork clearly states that it is within their right to do so.


That's the kind of thinking that got their visitation yanked. They gave Brandon and Teresa a great gift, but that was just was a gift. Instead of acting high and mighty they should have been thanking the adoptive parents for taking such great care of something so precious.


they don't owe Nova anything. She is just the child of their daughter's biological parents. They don't owe Tyler and Caitlynn anything either, if Tyler and Caitlynn had decided to keep Carly, there are children being born everywhere everyday that people cannot take care of, they would have found a child, they cannot spend their entire life 'owing' a bunch of people just because they adopted their daughter.


