Really annoying show

I've tried to watch it on multiple occasions but it just is so annoying.
The voices are grating, the wife's nasal nails on a chalkboard voice, the dad who is voiced by the same actor who does Carl the convenience store manager on Family Guy - boring. Louise with the bunny ears has got to be the most annoying, irritating character I've ever seen - her voice is akin to having to listen to cats phukk And the other 2 kids are obnoxious and get away with everything.


The reasons why the people on here don't like this show are the same reasons I love it. The kids are my favorite and I think give heart to the show because even though they make fun of each other they also stand up for each other and act like a real family. I can't pick a favorite from the kids because they are all so different. I guess it's just one of those shows that appeals to you or it doesn't.


So don't WATCH it!


You sound like you're fun at parties. If you don't understand comedy, why are you watching it? Watch *beep* reality shows instead, that might be more up your alley.


tl;dr below...

Most people go to message boards to share something; an opinion, a fact, etc. Most come to these boards on IMDB, usually, to share their love for a certain show or movie, and to expand that love by finding new perspectives and facts about that particular show or movie. Mainly, these people want to share in the love; expression of said love begat more expressions of love for the show, yadda yadda.

Same thing goes for those who want to post negative things, especially if they post opinions that have no room for arguments, counterpoints, etc. They want to share their negativity, but what's interesting is, they want either others to express the same negativity, or get huffy for attacking their beloved show, just to defend their right to express those negative opinions. It doesn't matter what they get, as long as they get it. You usually don't see people going to Star Wars conventions to tell people how much Star Wars sucks. What's the point? It's one thing to try to figure out why something works, it's another to just shat on something without caring what happens as a result. Those who come to these boards to share their love for whatever show would be just as open to the negativity as those at the Star Wars conventions. It's obvious that anti-Trump protesters are going to get harassed by Trumpers for being there, but they still go. Meh, whatever floats your boat.


I agree. The show is just unwatchable for me mainly because of Linda being one of the worst animated characters ever. My ears bleed everytime


Thanks for sharing. My life is now complete.


I'm not sure what the OP is watching, but I find the characters on this show to be a loving and respectful family. They're one of the closest-knit families on TV.

I surely don't get how someone could call Linda a hag; she seems devoted wive and mother who is supportive of Bob and the kids. The kids (including Louise) are nuts, but they are basically good kids who ultimately (at the end of the day) respect their parents.




@Kranadon65 - I agree with you 100% what an annoying unwatchable show.



Made you look!
