MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > Japanese sickening atrocities necessitat...

Japanese sickening atrocities necessitated those A bombs

They mutilated allied prisoners and refused to surrender.

Even the Nazis were shocked by the Japanese army's behaviour at The Rape of Nanking.

Then there was Unit 731...


and so many other atrocities . . . . . . it's a great shame the USA only had 2 atom bombs to drop on them.


Looking at those articles(verified by historical review) and some of the sickening photos, we are reminded:

America always benefitted, it was said, by having two gigantic oceans on either side of it to keep invaders at bay and...

...had the Nazis or the Japanese reached American shores and won....

...that would have been American families, American wives, American daughters, American children...made subject to these atrocities.

Time healed those wounds, as did the aging and death of the perpetrators, and a certain advance of those countries.

As someone else note, America's luck held out until September 11, 2001...but to a different kind of horror.


Not to mention rape camps.


Let's not forget the Japanese were partners with the Nazis.


nazis treated POWs very well.


The Nazis were swell guys! And they had cool uniforms! What a tool.


But what raymondoz said is a fact.


Yeah, that justifies everything else they did. You're a tool, also.


Their concentration camps had pools and theaters.. some even had roller coasters (rumor).


Yes, they were brutal beyond belief.

It's a shame how two such ancient cultures as Germany and Japan went insane with extreme fascism and imperialism (respectively) and committed such foul war crimes when they normally wouldn't, and paid the price dearly with severe damage or almost near loss of those cultures.

And the victims will never forget, not even their descendants: I was in Cardiff, UK at the time the Japanese Emperor was paying a state visit sometime in the 1990s, and I remember the streets being lined with more protesters than well-wishers. I can understand the protesters, their ancestors suffered horribly at Japanese torture and brutality.


Not long before that, the English killed 20,000 Dutch women and children in concentration camps in south africa


Victors always write history to suite their agenda.

Yes Japanese committed some awful acts so did Americans.

A lot of the acts the Japanese committed was on other Asians I lived in many countries over their and even to this day the older generations dislike them and have not gotten over it.

America loves to have glory make out it's world savior never doing any wrong yet it is a country which can't stop going to war.

You are moaning about Japan refusing to surrender that is lack of understanding related to the culture and traditions.

No one deserved to have A-Bomb dropped on them this was Americans again trying to show of how powerful they are it was unnecessary.


The A bobmb was made for Berlin


They really really hated the Chinese though. The vast majority of the horrors committed by Unit 731 were on Chinese subjects.

I seem to remember reading about the numbers of POWs liberated when Japan surrendered. Australia, UK and USA numbered in the thousands and the number of Chinese was roughly 51 left alive!

As regards the non-Chinese well Japan never ratified the Geneva convention. Also Japanese soldiers considered surrender to be dishonorable and worse than death so they had no respect for prisoners.

In addition to all this a lot of Japanese officers had ceremonial swords lying around and probably couldn't resist the opportunity to carry out a beheading.


The USA didn't really care for justice. Shirō Ishii, the head of Unit 731, was never prosecuted in exchange for providing info on his atrocious "experiments".


Did the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki commit those atrocities ? Because by this logic, if your country's government / army does something illegal, you are responsible for it. Also, like others said before, A-Bomb was dropped purely as a show of force. They would have dropped many more, but they only had 2 at that moment.
