MovieChat Forums > Elysium (2013) Discussion > Five Reasons 'Elysium' Is the Stupidest ...

Five Reasons 'Elysium' Is the Stupidest Movie Ever Made

By John Nolte -is-the-stupidest-movie-ever-made

The film's primary problem is that the world Blomkamp creates makes absolutely no sense. In a heavy-handed and boorish way, Blomkamp wants to create an allegory about the plight of Mexican illegals.

The space station Elysium is an obvious stand-in for evil, rich, selfish America (which in reality is the most generous and pro-immigration country in history). Those left behind on Earth are stand-ins for the illegals who desperately want to come to America.

What sinks a promising adventure is that Blomkamp puts his political agenda so far above logic that you are constantly jolted out of the story to try to make sense of why any of this is necessary.

1. On Earth, the rebels have the technological know-how and resources necessary to engineer (or maintain) all kinds of things, including rocketships loaded with passengers that can take off, fly into space, land on Elysium, and then return safely to earth.

We are supposed to believe the rebels are capable of this but cannot build one of those miracle-cure machines?

2. The desperate passengers flying to Elysium on these rebel ships are doing so as a way to gain access to the miracle-cure machines. They jump off the ship, break into some unsuspecting Eysium resident's Mc-Mansion, toss their sick child into the machine, cure it, run back to the ship, and fly home.

And those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are either shot down by Elysium's evil Homeland Security Director (Jodie Foster -- who deserves better) or are caught, arrested, and shipped home.

Wouldn’t it be easier for the rebels to simply steal a few miracle-cure machines and bring them back to earth, instead of sending innocent women and children up to be killed?

3. The rebels have the technology to create the fake citizen IDs needed to receive the life-saving scan. These IDs are burned into the wrist using a sophisticated laser.

Again, if the rebels can recreate or steal this technology, why not the miracle-cure machines?

4. The rebels have the technology to hack into a person's brain and eventually use that technology as a way to make everyone a legal resident of Elysium. (No, that's not a joke.)

Wouldn’t it be easier to hack your way to the miracle-cure machine's blueprints, give them to everyone on Earth, and simply rebuild them?

5. Elysium has force field technology, at least on a scale where an individual can protect one's self from bullets.

Why isn't Elysium using or in the process of building that same technology around itself to keep out the riff raff?
Why is the board for such a bad movie so active?

Three More Years! Hollywood 1%! $17 trillion!


What gets me is that these are all easily fixable. Just like theres a continuity checker for these movies they need to have a plausibility checker. Some of these glaring errors make me, a tree hugging liberal, question the motives of the creators. Just gives the naysayers too much room to attack.

1. A fix that could have been applied as reason people on Earth can't make things better for themselves, and make it a cogent metaphor for the present day, is the use of patents. The people are forced not to use any tech that has been patented for profiteering reasons. These laws are enforced violently by the very robots these people make. They, like the real people who make iphones, only have access to one part of the technology for making the products, and are prevented from sharing knowledge and taking anything from the factory, using drones. The rebels, like current pirates and hackers, are able to subvert a little of this, but they are often caught/killed and have to be on the run constantly.

2. If they had stolen a medbay, it would have been deactivated like how they shut down the airspace, to show how futile that was. This could have been done as prologue for the lead rebel (if they wanted to develop any character other than Matt Damon) and why he had to get a more key information/data .

3. They could explain that this can only be done on a very small scale before it alerts the Elysians and they change the technology. But maybe this one should be guessable by the audience as well, or like the reason above, show how the rebels have to play keep up.

4 First the movie introduces some impenetrable encryption on the CEOs mental data...and then I don't have any idea what happens after that, except seeing them use the date with no problem at the end of the movie. Getting that data deciphered should have been the main plot for the entire movie, and I agree it should have been the medbay data they were after. They could still end up in Elysium but only to take out the law/patent enforcement capacity they have.

5. That was inexplicable on behalf of the writers. They could have had the intruders have something to counter the force-field, to show that they are inventive and imaginatively capable, it would be akin to Mexicans hiding in truck tires to get across the border.

6. These movie making fools need to recruit some of us IMDBers to test their movies before release.

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"



Interesting point, but I guess that the patent laws of the world would not longer exist in a world as shown in Elysium. Many companies / people already steal inventions or alter inventions in a tiny way in order to circumvent the patent granted on an invention.

I didn't enjoy this movie very much. Its allegory was too obvious, too much black and white. And why should there be only one person to be able to rescue the world ? One person can make a difference, yes, but save the whole world ? And why should the scenario for people after a post apocalypse be always so bad, they could have created their own elysium.

A film that shows the fight of the classes better - IMHO - is Snowpiercer.


When your intention is to spew propaganda, rather than tell a story, these sort of things tend to happen.


Haunting of the Innocents is stupider.


I have a question too: when will people start recognizing allegory for what it is?

It wasn't only the medical care, it was the clean air, the free space, the leisure. In other words, the money. If you start looking for flaws (because you don't like the ideas), you absolutely can find them in any movie.

See, some characters had shuttles. Others had to resort to century-old vehicles, and it won't be the first time that older models are the only ones that are manufactured in other countries, much cheaper.

I suppose that having to resort to plot holes in order to criticize means there's at least a plot worth discussing. :-) And all that in science fiction (which, by the way, presented the most believable future I've seen in a film). Good job.


Four of those five points are about the same plothole. Also the movie is more about class warfare than immigration.



this entire thing is retarded, nothing to do with Mexico you dumb retarded yank.

Elysium is "the developed" world, Earth is "the rest of it", like we all sit around living lives of luxury while the rest of the planet suffers and starves and none of us do *beep* all.

get it?

*beep* mexicans!, you americans are dumb *beep* I suppose the gringos were communists as well`?


1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. And Yes they can


YES across the board.


More truth in the world I think.


This is exactly what most people are still saying. Well Stated by all.


I'm sorry but genetic engineering advanced enough to cure any desease would be much harder to reproduce then some mechanical devices. The Rebels could have also stolen some of the technology for the ships since their are tons of ships patroling the earth and for all we know one of those medical beds has never been off of Elysium to allow for reverse engineering it.

I don't know how you expect the rebels to steal a bed when they are always captured and forced off of Elysium


Don't you dare back out now.
