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Five Reasons 'Elysium' Is the Stupidest Movie Ever Made

By John Nolte -is-the-stupidest-movie-ever-made

The film's primary problem is that the world Blomkamp creates makes absolutely no sense. In a heavy-handed and boorish way, Blomkamp wants to create an allegory about the plight of Mexican illegals.

The space station Elysium is an obvious stand-in for evil, rich, selfish America (which in reality is the most generous and pro-immigration country in history). Those left behind on Earth are stand-ins for the illegals who desperately want to come to America.

What sinks a promising adventure is that Blomkamp puts his political agenda so far above logic that you are constantly jolted out of the story to try to make sense of why any of this is necessary.

1. On Earth, the rebels have the technological know-how and resources necessary to engineer (or maintain) all kinds of things, including rocketships loaded with passengers that can take off, fly into space, land on Elysium, and then return safely to earth.

We are supposed to believe the rebels are capable of this but cannot build one of those miracle-cure machines?

2. The desperate passengers flying to Elysium on these rebel ships are doing so as a way to gain access to the miracle-cure machines. They jump off the ship, break into some unsuspecting Eysium resident's Mc-Mansion, toss their sick child into the machine, cure it, run back to the ship, and fly home.

And those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are either shot down by Elysium's evil Homeland Security Director (Jodie Foster -- who deserves better) or are caught, arrested, and shipped home.

Wouldn’t it be easier for the rebels to simply steal a few miracle-cure machines and bring them back to earth, instead of sending innocent women and children up to be killed?

3. The rebels have the technology to create the fake citizen IDs needed to receive the life-saving scan. These IDs are burned into the wrist using a sophisticated laser.

Again, if the rebels can recreate or steal this technology, why not the miracle-cure machines?

4. The rebels have the technology to hack into a person's brain and eventually use that technology as a way to make everyone a legal resident of Elysium. (No, that's not a joke.)

Wouldn’t it be easier to hack your way to the miracle-cure machine's blueprints, give them to everyone on Earth, and simply rebuild them?

5. Elysium has force field technology, at least on a scale where an individual can protect one's self from bullets.

Why isn't Elysium using or in the process of building that same technology around itself to keep out the riff raff?
Why is the board for such a bad movie so active?

Three More Years! Hollywood 1%! $17 trillion!


People like bad things, that's why Obama got re-elected.



Oh yes, Romney was such a great second-choice.



Wasn't a great choice, just a less worse one.


Oh yea, presidents that lie directly to our faces about item after item that can be checked by simply playing a recorded interview or speech are such great leaders!

The worst lie was his ads right before the election telling workers in auto plants that he had proof that their factories were being moved to China--because Chrysler had a deal to open another factory in China where jeeps FOR CHINESE customers would be built. The workers were so upset, right before Christmas holidays, their management took out full page newspaper ads to verify they were NOT loosing their jobs, no factories were being closed, in fact, more were being built! To me, that is an ugly cruel man who put him paltry votes ahead of entire families' well-being. When people think they are losing their jobs, they get sick, depressed, ruin relationships, --I worked in aerospace and know the hell of lay-offs. That man was evil. And he never corrected the lie, refused to apologize--even when business media started to print that it was not true and where the story came from.

If a politician thinks we are so stupid we will believe what they say over what we can remember them saying just a week earlier, or a speech we heard the President give, when they are trying to get our votes, what would they pull when they have hold of the most powerful position on Earth?

He used all Bush's old neocon idiots (the guys who assured everyone that Iraqii citizens would greet us as liberators after we bombed them for months and blockaded them for a decade causing kids to die from lack of medical treatment --google it, it was a big deal-- as his advisers, saying he wanted to "put boots on the ground in Iran," (where the younger citizens actually like Americans, and we just need to convince leaders to work with us), apparently unaware their military is 3 times what Iraq's was--and we know how that turned out--and he wanted to sent soldiers BACK to Iraq!) and he mentioned "boots on the ground" in Syria as well. Those neocons can't get enough wars! Yet none of them ever served....notice the relationship there?

Romney never actually worked and supported himself the way the rest of us have had to do--and those people canNOT be good rulers. He answers only to his billionaire friends who see humans as pawns they move around a chess board and use up and throw away. He could never relate. He insulted women who asked his questions right on film...then lied as tho no one could just google the story... A president like him could be the end of life as we know it--look at the damage Bush/Cheney did--when things were so great? A balanced budget and surplus...

As for insulting Obama, I'm not happy about drones, or privacy, Constitutional protections, and I think Wall Street is really running the world, but Obama's record on the economy is better than Reagan's--per Forbes Magazine, our growth and unemployment are better than the best promises of ANY Republican in that election, and all the bs about socialism is just that--B.S. Corporations and rich people have it better in the U.S. than any other country on Earth. And yet they are willing to spend hundreds of millions (we know about) to elect their own guy? Then they plan to get even more in return--if you can't realize that, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Reagan began the switch to taxing only the middle class ("wages" instead of "income") when there was a vast middle class to spread around the burden. It's gone now, so now they tax the middle class that's left and the poor working class many times what rich people pay. Quit drinking their Kool-Aid--they laugh at how gullible you are behind your back.


Didn't bother reading past the first sentence. If you are going to critique based on lies, then you've already lost the debate because lying is ALL Obama does. It is SO blatantly obvious that if you can't see it, it means you REFUSE to see it and there's no point in debating someone like that.


Because we didn't see it as America & Immigration. We saw it as 1% vs rest of us. Not of a race, immigration, population, or resource issue. And not even of wealth, but disparity in wealth.

But it is a bad movie, for other reasons.

Namely, since so many are confused with the economic structure of this world, what it is alluding to. It meant the execution was not clear for the masses. Plus other stuff that didn't make sense. And yes, for instance, it's obvious those med pods were made on Earth, so there should be a black market for both real and imitation units.


I agree with part of this by flickfix. I didn't see this as a propoganda film about illegal immigrants. What a ridiculous subject and a puzzle why this is even an issue. You guys sent 12 billion shrink-wrapped dollars to Iraq to hand out willy nilly without keeping track of who was getting payouts. Much of it isn't accounted for and magically disappeared.

Yet you guys worry about the non-issue of a few illegal immigrants. Are you all brainwashed down there?

Seems like Americans may be the only ones who watched with movie and had strong feelings about immigration issues.

I was kinda 'meh' about the movie too for a couple of reasons, but healthcare and immigration really didn't occur to me when I watched it.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


You do realize you just made the same point in five different ways


I wouldn't say "Elysium" is the stupidest movie ever made. If you're going to use that phrase to describe a movie, you better bring more heat than some major plot holes to prove your point. There are plenty more banal, pointless and stupid movies than this released every week of the year. Case in point: Any movie made by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, ever. I'm talking "Scary Movie" (1-4), "Epic Movie," "Disaster Movie," or the even more insultingly dumbass-titled "The Starving Games."

And as the previous poster noted, there aren't even really five reasons in this list. There is basically one reason, which is that the earthbound people obviously have the technology to steal or replicate the healing bays, so trying to become citizens of Elysium to use that technology is unnecessarily complicated. That is a valid point, and while it's one of many things that makes "Elysium" a seriously flawed movie, it hardly makes it the stupidest ever made.


3 out of 4 of those movies ARE supposed to be stupid and not taken seriously though. That's their purpose.


Wait, which one is supposed to be taken seriously lol?


The film is stupid because even a healing machine which only worked 50-75% as good as Elysiums would still be better than nothing. And apparently the healing machines were created without prototypes or without constantly improving models causing the older models to become obsolete.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


It really is hard to argue credibly with any of those reasons. Plus, there are a few not even listed.


And don't forget the cars! A 140 year old Nissan and a GMC truck pushing 150?


LOL! I missed that one.


I'd have paid a lot more attention to the OP's post if they had been his own views and not simply reproducing an article. Is he incapable of making up his own mind about a film and making his own points, or does he actually have his own opinions some of the time?
And, no, I don't think Elysium is a particularly great film, but not because of what someone else told me to think.


the thing that starts the entire ball rolling was matt damon entering a confined space without locking out the machinery. how did things advance 100+ years in the future and we've done away with some very basic safe work behavior?

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