MovieChat Forums > Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) Discussion > Atheists shouldn't be directing Christia...

Atheists shouldn't be directing Christian films...

One of the main attractions of Christian films that makes it come alive are people who truly believe in what they're doing. Cecil B Demilles Ten Commandments did well be somewhere those actors and actresses had a belief in God or believed in the moralistic tenets of Christianity.


A quote from your post- "those actors and actresses had a belief in G-d or believed in the moralistic tenets of Christianity" Uhh. You do know that the main character(Moshe) was played by Charleton Heston, who is Jewish, not Christian, right? Also, just to give you a heads up, this was NOT a Christian film. You can say it is a biblical depiction instead. It is based on the Old Testament (the Torah) before Christianity even came about. Exodus (Shemot) is a testimony of the ancient Israelites (the b'nei Yisrael)redemption from slavery to freedom. You really are completely in the dark.


A little fact checking suggests Heston was not Jewish, not that it alters the overall thrust of your comment at all.

Just detracts a little.

I was about to sit down and watch this film this Easter/Purim weekend and the comments about the film suggests the old "my religion is better than yours" arguments will last another 5000 years.


Thank you for the clarification. I always thought he was Jewish. My bad. Doesn't really matter though as its not the main point of my post. It bothers me tremendously when Christians (I mean no offense) think "Christianity" is at the moral head of all the world's religions. I am tired of hearing the words "He or She is a good Christian". There is good and bad across the spectrum of humanity, regardless of religion, race or ethnic creed. I am an Orthodox Jew. I don't go around saying "I am a good Jew". I can say that I am a good person with a strong moral fiber. I could say that I live by the Torah which dictates a moral way of life. I don't however, flaunt my faith. I certainly don't take a garbage film such as this one and intertwine it with an elitist religious mentality.


The story of Moses is just another story that has been plagiarised in the Christian bible. Many of the stories in the bible are from much older sources. The story of Moses is really a re-interpretation or rewrite of the story of the Sargon of Akkad of ancient Sumeria and has nothing at all to do with Christianity in it's foundations. Just because the story has been retold in a religious document, it doesn't give any religion exclusive rights to the story.


Since none of us were actually there, all we can say at best, is that this story is only a made up story until there is evidence to prove otherwise, and trust me, they've looked. With wilful intent, and found nothing to suggest the biblical story of exodus is real.



If you think this is a Christian film, you need lots of re-education. It's a film about Jewish history, just as a film about Jewish Jesus would be.

BTW, all life on earth probably came from a single event, or a series of similar events. That's why we share 98.5% of our DNA with chimps, AND 50% of our DNA is shared with the BANANA!!! These are FACTS.

Tell these facts to many Christians and they won't believe them. They won't accept evolution. But tell them there's an invisible, carpenter God in the sky who knows what every one of 6,000,000,000 people is doing every moment, and rules their world, and they will tell you THAT makes perfect sense.

Let's face it: all of the world's religions are man-made. And Christian beliefs in such things like heaven, and you can't get in there without belief in Jesus was just good marketing by those wanting more adherents.

I accept that we're here, I don't know why, that we are born and die, and that no man or woman can tell me a truth about a god, because they are just parroting other men and women.

You can lecture me all you want about how dangerous it is not to believe in Jesus, but you got that message from other men and women, (including those being paid to sell it to you), not from any God, directly, no matter how hard you believe differently.

I "believe" green is the best color. That ain't fact, either.


The three best religious films ever made, The Passion of Joan of Arc, Ordet and The Gospel according to St. Matthew were directed by Carl Th. Dreyer and Pier Paolo Passolini. Both atheists.

"A little fermented curd would do the trick"
"It is I, Leclerc!"





That would mean that films about Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Jungle Book should also only be made by people who think those stories actually happened.


You rated The Godfather a 2 and The Big Lebowski a 1. Why should anyone trust your judgement on anything?


Malayada, you have a very good point. A movies role is to entertain us and feel great about something. Taking away all that is just pointless.
