HUH what!?!?!
was it in the book?
Well who wants to view male on male rape?
You sound like a complete *beep* psycho.
No a feminist
The Alien movie is a metaphor of rape which happens to males as well. At least that's what Wiki says :P/quote]
and you always listen or use wiki as fact!??!?!?! Dear god people use that movie as male rape and female rape!
You sound like a person who wants to see a man raped... You do understand that men raping women is much more common than men/women raping men?
why would man talk about females raping them! there is stillk the stigma she is the weaker sex therefore she cannot rape guys
thats a feminist view
in UK there's 85000 rapes per years and it makes around 11 per hour and one rape per 5 minutes (rounded the numbers except the 85000/y) it's even more constant in US.
Okay what when females rape males and males rape other males?
RAPE is NOT normal and NOBODY SAY THEY OTHERWISE except SOME rapists !!!!!!!!
Often when there's a rape in a movie, the raper get the consequenses. Nothing in our society encourage rape (except publicity and some women that play mind games)
All rapist deserve to die because we don't need them. Nobody need them and don't say the otherwise. He's replacable !!
So... IT'S NOT NORMAL it's... CURRENT !!!! That's it...
In the movie the woman got raped before her murder probably for the intensity of the scene and reflect the emotion of the character played by Daniel.
but we never talk about how females rape males and males rape other males
I think you're missing the point here. I doubt the rape scene in this movie is entertaining to anyone in their right minds. It depicts the cruelty of raping and it makes me want to burn the rapist alive. It justifies whatever cruel punishment coming to him in the end.
Dear god that is the *beep* point of the *beep* movie! Max Mingella plays the rapist!
Does that make him a rapist? NO!
[quote]There's nothing wrong with avoiding the rape scene all together. However, the rape scene presented as it really is, a crime, sends strong message to male audience. Don't rape. It's extremely painful to the victim.
Yeah is it painful to the victim but thats why its called entertainment!
the reverse happens when females rape males its okay since the males have there dicks go up its okay no its not okay
I'm not saying that there aren't anyone turned on by rape scenes. There are and it's disgusting. But hey, they could watch Sesame Street and still be turned on anyway.
And there are male raping in other movies. Watch Sleepers and Pulp Fiction. Those scenes aren't entertaining either, but they also send strong messages.
that wasnt the Point of those movies the point in sleepers were to show that you have to be careful about guards
Non-consensual sex is in fact rape.
what if its consensual and its between a teen and a adult?
Yeah? well I'm beyond done with people citing specious examples like "men get raped too" Numerically that's a ridiculous equivalent.
yeah tell that to the males that have been raped idiot!
rape is rape no matter how much you want to sugar coat females are raped more