MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Is anyone still watching? Why? Do you ha...

Is anyone still watching? Why? Do you hate yourself?

Haven’t watched it in years. Decided to give a glimpse out of curiosity and watched last two episodes. S11 E17-18. Honestly I thought it was the end of series thats why I watched. But there are few more episodes apparently.

Nope, nothing changed. At all. TWD has same repeated loop. Group stumbles upon some group of people who live in community. And they are always happy and doing fine. Then our idiots invite themselves in. Eventually they are accepted. Then they start to see everywhere conspiracies and bad guys. Start fighting with leaders of community. Then start war and take power in that community which leads to its falling and everyone dying. Then they pack their things and go on the road. Find another community and loop repeats itself.

And here we are again. Nothing changed. Now they are in some group called Commonwelth. And same thing again - they are at fight with leaders and kill its members, trying to overtake power ))))

How many communities those idiots destroyed so far? And what happened to black kid who was son of Rick and Mishone? I saw Judith. But not the son.



Endless conflict with various antagonistic villans/groups with zombies as occasional (& increasingly ineffectual) threats.

Which is what all the spin-offs will inevitably be.


I think what killed the series was that it turned into a soap opera with quota minorities. The core group's struggle for survival lost its meaning when suddenly a large number of new people were involved. The audience should have believed that this mixed group of people would have survived the zombie holocaust.


that it turned into a soap opera with quota minorities. 

Yep. Call it "The WOKE-ing Dead"!!


You're forgetting that main characters were always killed off and replaced with new ones during most of the show's run. No character was safe.

Minorities have nothing to do with it since the focus could still have been based on survival with them. Don't forget Morgan, T-Bone, Glenn, etc. were in the early episodes. Morgan was among the strongest characters and saddest situations as he attempted to kill his zombie wife each night. Glenn is also one of the strongest and most popular characters.

They changed showrunners who removed the sociological/psychological aspect which dominated the earliest seasons .

BTW, the show is based on a graphic novel where most of the characters originate. It sounds like you want whites to replace all the POC characters.


" It sounds like you want whites to replace all the POC characters."

Oh yeah? And you sound stupid.


"I think what killed the series was that it turned into a soap opera with quota minorities"

Actually, you are stupid.


I promised myself that I wouldn't waste my time on idiots, but here we go: I have no problems with minorities in the beginning of the series. The series collapsed when Rick left and after the time jump when new characters were introduced, including deaf people with signing language. It was pure soap opera after that. So, I'm not replacing anybody with white actors, I just want get rid of some of the characters totally. That's all I have to say about this matter, fck you very much.


Obviously, you do have a problem with "quota minorities" since you brought them up.


That's because they are quota minorities. That's not the case with all minorities.


You're embarrassing yourself.


T-dog, dumbass.


Autocorrect, dumbass.


You're forgetting that main characters were always killed off and replaced with new ones during most of the show's run. No character was safe.

Characters like Dale, Shane, and Merle were killed off early, but Gabriel and Eugene hang around forever. Ugh.


They don't kill off major characters since the Whisperers multiple heads on a stake episode. I agree that many of the newer characters haven't been as interesting as the originals. I also don't like their moving Morgan to the spin-off series.


Morgan was such a waste of a character. He was very likable in Days Gone By and absolutely badass in Clear. Then they built all that anticipation as he tracked down Rick, only to have him show up with his ridiculous all-life-is-precious philosophy. Totally ruined what could have been a fantastic character.


His silly pacifist phase did provide a lot of laughs for me. I assumed he had serious mental health issues (like Carol and Rick had at one time) and would recover to be a badass, again.

I'm curious to know what happened to him, but Fear The Walking Dead is completely unwatchable.


FTWD was so incredibly bad, but it provided hours of entertainment on the IMDb message boards. I watched all the way up until the IMDb boards shut down.


The first season was good, but then it went down fast. It was interesting to see how the Walkers took over but they rushed through it and then it became a poorly written Walking Dead duplicate.

The FTWD and WD trolls and fans on IMDB were funny and it was very active.


Morgan became a badass again on Fear The Walking Dead. I began watching that show when I found out he moved to the show. He turns up the beginning of season Four. Seasons 4 through 6 were really good in my opinion. Season Seven (current one available) was not as good, but its good enough to make me wanna watch the upcoming Season Eight, which I think is the final season for that show.

Its funny, because at one point in Morgan Jones actually tells another character "I feel like I've been a dozen different people since all this started"...I forget the next part he said but it made sense that all that trauma and having to roll with the punches will change you. It was frustrating on The original show for Morgan to be a pacifist when he was one of the deadliest fighters. I reckon they did that to juxtapose all the other characters. But felt good to see him let loose again on Fear The Walking Dead. I thought he brought a protagonist to root for, which is something Fear was lacking. Madison was alright, but not close to a "Rick Grimes" level like Morgan became.


I may try to watch since it's the last season. I hope Morgan ends up in one of the spin-offs.


I havent considered that, I thought Rick was gonna end up on Fear the Walking Dead at some point. But maybe Morgan will show up for Rick on his new show.


I had very mixed feelings about FTWD up to the last half of S02, where it finally got interesting. Then we got to S03, IMO the best season which I remember liking a lot more than the then current season of TWD. Unfortunately, they didn't build on that promise & went & totally revamped the show for the character of Morgan & didn't resolve the loose ends from S03. It quickly went downhill & never recovered. I lost interest half way through S05 & except for the S06 premiere, haven't watched it since.


I started at the very biginning and by gosh I will watch till the bitter end.


sunk-cost fallacy

the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.


Nope....I stopped years ago.
I am shocked this is still a show.


Couple of days ago decided to catch up on the last few episodes (E17 thru 20) &........ what a fucking snore-fest! Somehow, even though they were about an hour each, they felt way longer. Still going with the soap opera crap, evil villain crap, preachy moralist crap. Oh, & a few obligatory zombie kills.

And the episode ending BTS segments with (I think) the showrunner......? Totally pointless.

This show is not going out with a bang, but a whimper.


But, it gave you a reason to come on here to impart your opinion. No doubt you’ll watch again next week so you can come back and do it all again.


Had no real reason to watch, other than a curiosity to see if it's getting any better in the home stretch.

It's not. Same with last nights episode. More lather-rinse-repeat tedium.

Judging by the lack of posts here, & very few user reviews on IMDb, seems a lot of people have lost interest in the show.


Well the show has ended. You'll get the stragglers who weren't around when it first aired. It was very exciting during seasons 2-8. Everybody was talking about it and couldn't wait for the next episode. It kinda felt like a sporting event.
