So the creepy preacher with 1 eye gets the hottest woman in the entire community? Really? With Jadis/Anne i understood cause she was kinda weird anyways, but how the fuck would he get Rosita? what she came on to him while she was giving her confession? Thats just fucking weird.
It is weird ...but they've done it and there's nothing we can do to change it.
Even Gabriel with Jadis surprised me..
I guess it's one of those things they like to do (like killing off main characters) to shock us.
Totally agree !! typical of the walking dead tho ain't it ?! pairing up folk as couples that clearly wouldn't look at each other in real life and have absolute no on screen chemistry !!!
Blacks are known for having big ones, Rosita isn't looking for love, she looks for someone to destroy her in bed. Just put a blanket on his face or do it in the dark and it's all fine.
Gabriel has redeemed himself and is no longer a coward so I don't get why so many people have a problem with a romance storyline. His personality is decent and he's okay in the looks department. What's the issue?
Just makes no sense for Rosita, this hot firecracker who was banging a man like Abraham, to suddenly be into this timid half blind priest.
That moment they had together where she kissed him and he said "Have i told you how amazing you are?" was so awkward and weird, they just don't seem believable together, it doesn't fit but the writers have jammed them together for whatever reason and theres no chemistry there at all.
I figured she likes guys who treat her well. Rosita and nerdy Eugene would seem odd to me. A minister doesn't bother me probably because I bought into women being attracted to them years ago.
I googled the showrunner's reasoning:
"...showing this new side of him. He has come a long way, and so has Rosita."
"...she feels she needs to be with a man she feels challenged by, and someone she has respect for...”"
" stress how much had changed in the six years..."
Their scene was just awkward. It seems like something pulled out of a hat. The reaction I've seen from everyone is just bewilderment that they made this pairing. The writers been sniffling glue to come up with that reasoning. Not everyone has to be in a relationship.
"something pulled out of a hat" = " stress how much had changed in the six years..."
Your reaction is what they are trying to elicit from the viewers.
"Not everyone has to be in a relationship."
Most people are in relationships especially during a six year period. And Rosita obviously likes being in a relationship since Gabriel will be her third boyfriend.
I still don't see any big deal about their relationship. It's subjective. Loner Daryl is more bewildering to me. I still can't believe he never came on to Beth when they were together in that cabin.
Yeah. Daryl and Rosita would have made more sense than her and Gabriel. Even her and Tara. It's just bizarre. Especially if it's heading where I think based on the books.
And how is no one pushing up on the lovely Cyndie? Of all the couples they could make, it's the hot chick and the one-eyed preacher. pfft.
Not really. Daryl is a perpetual loner. It would be odd for him to be with anyone at this point without some serious therapy to fix whatever damage Meryl did. Rosita's not gay.
Out of the three, Gabriel is the best choice. I could see why she's with him. The doctor, Sidiq is a good choice, too. Eugene's in the friend department, so forget him.
I hate to agree, because I really hate this trend in shows/films, but it's true. They also killed Jesus so Tara could run Hilltop. A lot of people seemed to really like Jesus too. So, not so bold prediction: Ezekiel dies soon and Carol takes over. They have to have a female running every place. I truly have no personal issues with that or the interracial dating, but it's just so obviously forced, in seemingly every situation, that it does become distracting, and hurts the overall quality of the show. I'd feel the same way, as I'm sure many others would, if there were no gay characters, interracial relationships, or powerful women. It would feel forced in the other direction and hurt the quality of the show. I just don't understand why there can't be balance, at least in fictional storytelling. It seems like everything these days, even art, has to have an underlying political agenda. And, I know that has always taken place in the arts, and that's good, but it doesn't have to be every single fucking piece, does it?
Rosita is Hispanic. There are no Hispanic men on the show, therefore she has no choice unless she wants to be alone. It's normal to have mixed relationships when the population is small. Anyway, most Hispanics already have European, African and Indian ancestry.
The show is just reflecting present reality. 100 women were just elected to Congress. Of course, women would need to be strong during an apocalypse.
I'm talking about the vast majority of relationships that have taken place since season 2. At no point in my post did I single out Rosita, but okay, thanks for the random Hispanic ancestry info.
I don't give one fuck about what "Congress" does or doesn't do. Even if I did, what does present day reality have to do with a fictional story set in a world where present day reality never took place?
The subject headline is about Rosita and Gabriel.
"As long as they are of different races..."
reply: "This...."
your reply: "...interracial dating, but it's just so obviously forced, in seemingly every situation, that it does become distracting, and hurts the overall quality of the show...."
"thanks for the random Hispanic ancestry info."
Not random considering the aforementioned topic of conversation and the obvious comments which are focused on the ethnicity and race of the two characters.
"what does present day reality have to do with a fictional story set in a world where present day reality never took place? "
Everything. Present day reality is always reflected in television and movies. For instance, in the 1950's most women were housewives as were most female characters on TV. Even astronaut June Robinson did the housework in 1960s Lost in Space unlike in the reboot.
Presently women are more empowered (ex. Congress) and America is more diverse which is why it's being reflected in TV shows and movies.
It's a reflection of society, not a "political agenda".
I think people would have to be deliberately obtuse in not seeing at least some of what you're referring to..
I do think TWD has always been pretty diverse with race and it should be if it's any kind of honest representation of its roots in Atlanta..
Personally I never thought too much about it because after you meet a person (or a character) those differences dissolve and are unimportant, at least until the last few years when identity politics made it such a thing.
People have been reduced to race, gender and sexual orientation and boxes must be checked.
I really do think that differences in race wouldn't make much difference in a survival setting for most people so I don't see that as an issue in mixed relationships. Not for me.
When Gabriel and Rosita got together my first thought was he'd always seemed so asexual to me and they never had seemed to have a thing in common.
When Rick and Michonne or Glenn and Maggie got together they seemed a good fit.
But there are those boxes being checked and being a white male (especially straight) these days might get you shortchanged or ostracized to villain or dope...or dead. You're not wrong if you're seeing that everywhere. And it is seeping into what was a naturally diverse show anyway.
I like to see strong women but sometimes it's too much and unnatural and forced and I don't like to see an overload of it to the exclusion of males. I don't like what I see everywhere when pc elements minimizes any other group. Not only is it unfair but it disturbs the flow of any story.
It does feel like Jesus was sacrificed to allow Tara to run Hilltop. Both were gay but Tara had the advantage of being female even though Jesus seemed more popular. (and had more potential).
We also know it's likely that King Ezekiel is not long for this world either.
You're not wrong in what you're seeing. But it's not popular to point it out.
"Most Hispanics have African ancestry"
Here comes the regressive twat implying that north Africans from Roman times or even Vandals are in any way comparable to sub-saharan Africans just go f yourself for being so dishonest at least I can call you out on it here. And no this is not a "reflection of society" it's a reflection of your ideology. We have evolved to like being with our own, the vast majority of people feel attracted to people of their own race or with similar features that's what the reality actually is. The reason why is because we have an instinct to be attracted to people who emulate some of the traits of our parents whom we love. Many of those traits are physical. So Rick feeling attraction for Michonne is unnatural unless he deeply hated his parents or Michonne was just such an extraordinary woman personality wise or whateevr. That's not to say people can't do whatever unnatural things if they want to. Freedom comes first.
It's important to call out people like you who pretend they are on the side of reason and rationality when you clearly are not and your logic is poop. Can't wait for the "b-but we're all Africans" kind of reply to pop up.
If you accept the out of Africa hypothesis then every human has african ancestry at some point, your studies and their flawed methodologies are meaningless. This is the same trick Elizabeth Warren's paid geneticists use to say she is totally a native american. Dishonesty and demagoguery at its peak.
Why are you so concerned about a Mexican-American and African-American fictional TV romance? You're obviously attracted to Rosita, a nonwhite female. LOL. I guess your race purity principles are falling apart.
"...This particular person is a very good example of the genetic diversity shown by many Mexicans. You can see in the image, in the areas highlighted by the red rectangles, that she has inherited the ethnicities, in the order of highest to lowest, of Native American, Ireland/Scotland/Wales, Africa Southeastern Bantu, Mali, European Jewish, Senegal, Finland/Russia, Middle east, Ivory Coast/Ghana, and Asia East – all from her Mexican father."
"You are worried about this! You think this! You think that! You wanna do this! Btw look at this link it totally scientificallization proves my point 100%, talk about memememe not about the actual issue at hand"
Jesus. Talk to me once you grow a brain you fuckwad.
Why are you projecting, I'm not angry I'm just pointing out your idiocy and what better way to do it than through curses and insults you brainlet?
You are linking mtv articles as if linking somehow proves your point which who even knows what your point is that because someone has 6% "african genes" that means they're black? Idiot.
You're in denial. And you're deflecting. You're obviously angry because of your frustration.
My point is that she has a diverse background. You're crying about an "interracial" relationship when her background - and his - are already interracial or multi-ethnic.
It's humorous how many people are jealous of a fictitious TV character because he's with "the hottest woman in the entire community".
I found this thread odd from the start and suspected early on that there were low key racist insecurities at its core. People were dancing around it for a while but the racial insecurities eventually came on out, what with accusing the show of having some sort of "interracial agenda", but you know of course there wasn't any "interracial agenda" when she was with a white guy. *rolls eyes*
I'm like you have issues with Rosita dating this guy? She was dating a dopey looking freckled ginger with a h̶a̶n̶d̶l̶e̶b̶a̶r̶ horseshoe mustache so it's definitely an upgrade in the looks department for her.
Sadly it's nothing new for (racist) white men in particular to have this bizarre possessiveness of even non white women & get agitated/insecure when they see black men in interracial relationships with any attractive women (white or not) even in fiction and that seems to be the root of the "problem" here for some people.
There isn't any lowkey anything. Race mixing is unnatural and the only reason they try to promote it in their show is to look virtuous to empty headed people like you who think they uncovered a huge truth that everyone else already figured out long ago. I am for freedom first of all and I do believe people should be able to racemix if they want but the reality is that the vast majority of people don't want that because it's unnatural so it disgusts me to see them pushing this propaganda because of their ideology.
Of course idiots like Keelai will go and make the typical brainless libtard arguments of how I'm jealous I can't kiss Michonne all day. Literal kiddie arguments. At the end of the day I don't care as much as you hope I do, it's just annoying to see this propaganda being pushed all the time. The same way I don't care if you date small people, it's your choice. I will still be annoyed if almost every show out there went out of their way to show mixed couples of midgets and normal sized people as if that's a natural normal thing that happens out there.
By the way the reason I don't like race mixing is because I love all the races and want mankind to be diverse. So take a good look at yourself and ask who's really the racist here.