MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Why would Jesus agree with Maggie?

Why would Jesus agree with Maggie?

He was just giving Morgan a heartfelt speech about not killing the living, people needing a second chance, then at the end in a dark room he sits there and agrees with Maggie to conspire to murder Negan. It just seemed out of character, he had no objections at all, no objection of going against Rick and most likely doing something that gets alot of people killed.


I don't think he does. The scene was just shot and directed that way to shock the audience. Jesus never explicitly says anything about siding with Maggie or not. Daryl does though.


i thought it as odd too. why she included him, i don’t know.


He's her own Personal Jesus.
Someone to hear her prayers
Someone who's there




Ah, always happy to see a fellow DM fan. :)


What was Maggie referring to when she said Rick and Michone wrong?


She thinks than things are not over until Negan get executed.

Rick think than things won't be over until criminals are dealt as human being. Emprisoning Negin is a symbol of a new era, where people are treated as people.

Rick want to use him as a politicl symbol of passing from surviving to living together.

Maggie isn"t convinced... but she wants to play the game... like Rick used to do back in the days in Alexandria...


And you can’t really blame her for wanting revenge. Who is Rick to make this huge decision?


I don't blame her. She made exactly the same choice than Rick used to do. But in the long game, Rick is right.
It's about time to stop surviving and to live together.

And a good way to do this is... to show that you are NOT the new Negan/Govnor/local tyrant... To win (most) peoples hart and trust.

Thanks to that, Negan's lair is now cooperating and not plotting against Alexandria and Hilltop. And most survivors of every community respects his decision. And it bears fruits (in the comics).

But without any antagonist, there are hardly a good story, soooo... Insteas of having some people in the Factory dissatisfied with the disapeareance of Negan (like in the comic), there will be ex allies who don't like Ricks decisions...


Maybe he was just pretending to go along so he could foil their plan later on.


Maggie is the leader of the Hillside, Rick is not. Just go shoot him in his bed. Why does Maggie act as if Rick is God and Negan is untouchable?


I'm starting to wonder if this was just an intentionally misleading cliffhanger. It had ominous music playing (like she went over to the dark side) but maybe by "Bide their time" they just meant they want to talk it over with Rick.

Much like the Glenn cliffhanger, they're trying to throw us for a loop.

I also don't get why Jesus would jump on board with Maggie, when he was the ultimate pacifist who was all about Mercy.


It can't be one of those things where they just intend to talk with Rick, notice how she said they'll bide their time and get stronger and build their defenses? I have to assume she means for Rick and his supporters, shes gonna start something thats gonna spark a war between them and she wants her side to be prepared is how i took it.
