MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > Why are women strong but never strong en...

Why are women strong but never strong enough to..

It always baffled me.

Women are equal. No, they are stronger than men, can do ANYTHING a man can do and in high heels, and better. Fine.

Then how come they are never strong (or better) enough to:

- Open their own damn car doors (I _NEVER_ understood this one.. adult can't open a simple door? What? Why?)

- Pull out their own seats in a restaurant (Same thing, even kids can do this, why can't adults, if they are in a body with a vag-plugin?)

- Pay for their own meals on a date / whatever

- Take punches from men even in fictional stories (one X-Man movie had a man choking a woman, and instad of CELEBRATING it as a sign of how strong women are, that they can finally be choked by men, as men have been for centuries in all kinds of stories, not to mention real life, there was some kind of controversy about it.. why? Why is there controversy when STRONGER gender gets choked by weaker gender?)

- Live without having alimony and child support paid by a richer guy than them

- Live in a more frugal way instead of paying 15 bucks for coffee every day (not to mention other things)

- Look for a stronger, richer man instead of weaker, nerdier and poorer man? Men can do this when looking for a mate, so women should be BETTER at this than men. But for some reason, they aren't. Why is this?

- Change their own tyres (tires?)

- Watch a movie without saying 'I can't watch this part' or looking away, or overreacting in some way (all you have to do is watch that vietnamese women's reaction to 'The Truman' - yes, of ALL movies they have watched, this one made one of the girls succumb to an almost psychotic rage-crying and tearing up endlessly, never seen anything like that - to see this kind of thing in action, not to mention every single woman that has ever watched 'The Terminator', has looked away/closed their eyes when the Terminator pushes the scalpel into its synthetic eyeball)..?

- Live without drama

- Resist their urges (especially when a high-status man appears)

- Take responsibility for their own actions and especially their own emotions. It's always someone else's fault, a woman will never resign because they did something wrong.

- Realize that communism is evil (so is capitalism, though, so don't put me in any category)

- Live without staring into a portable flickering hypno-screen whenever they have a chance (walk on the street or sit in a train/car/bus without holding a rectangular mini-computer to their face, etc.)

- Admit they are wrong

- Apologize sincerely when they are wrong

- Tell the truth about their sexuality and what kind of men they have selected (and thus are attracted to, as opposed to what they SAY they are attracted to)

- Explain what the man did wrong instead of sulk and silently stare with the hate of a thousand flaming daggers

- Sacrifice their animal urges and select a good man for a change and be happy with him

... and so on.

Why is it that women are stronger than men, independent 'hear me roar'-types that need men as much as fish need bicycles, but yet they are somehow not strong enough to do any of those things?

I am sure the readers of this post can easily come up with more examples..


I'm a woman, and I've never had issues with opening my own car door or pulling up my own seat at a restaurant.

- I always pay for my own food, it's not fair to your date or whoever you're with to make them pay, not unless they volunteer
- there are [sadly] many women around the world that have taken punches from men who were cruel and abusive towards them; sadly, in film there's been some kind of taboo against men punching women ever since the Woke Era started, and honestly, it's only done if the female(s) in the film are being abused or it's in the script, which is rare nowadays
- some women have actually gotten the short end of the stick by the court system in a divorce, but usually it was because they were found to be unfit to take care of their kids and the dad proved he was the better parent (which is difficult to do in Western courts, but a cinch in Sharia courts)
- some women are good with money, some women are bad with money, and men can be good or bad with money too
- that depends on the woman, but honestly, she doesn't want a guy who's always chronically out of work and having her pick up the tab all the time unless she herself has a high-paying job that can support both of them, and he gets to be a stay-at-home dad; and frankly, both men and women can be bad at finding a future mate, it's not just limited to women
- some women are quiet introverts, some are loud extroverts that like drama, and some are kinda in-between; and don't think women are the only ones who bring in drama into someone's life, men can do it too, particularly if they're Drama Kings
- some women don't know how to change their own tires (particularly if they're the cautious type that don't pop their tires on a regular basis), or they attempt to do so on their own if they can't find help, and you know they're not gonna turn down a nice police officer who comes along and offers help
- I hate to break it to you, but most women are far better at resisting their urges than men; that's a known fact. In fact, some men have complained that when it comes to sex, a lot of women are like cactus or camels; they only need it once and can go on that for a month before getting an urge too strong to resist again (though usually those are married or sexually active women)
- Only a stupid, immature, selfish woman doesn't take responsibility for her actions; and don't think men aren't like that too; blaming others for their emotions.
- Of course Communism is evil. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
- I think the screen addiction is universal, but some people do attempt to look away and talk to others and experience the world around them, though usually they're over 25 these days, sad as that is.
- some women do admit when they're wrong, and some do apologize
- some women aren't good at communication, others are, others did tell the guy what he did wrong, and he didn't listen, which makes them doubly angry and staring daggers
- I'm afraid only the smarter women will marry a man for love these days; far too often a lot of them just marry them because the sex was good, or they got pregnant, or they want the guy's money (I hate shallow people)



This new fantasy book you are writing has incredible world building for its characters.


Women are equal



I am female (XX) and if I am forced to jump from a fiery, 20 story window, I want a huge man on that ladder to catch me.
But, please know this: When you take a girl out to dinner, she has already spent likely half your monthly salary just to sit across from you. Hair, mani/pedi, makeup, outfit, and so much more.
But Triumph says it all best.
