MovieChat Forums > The Host (2013) Discussion > Never been so embarassed to be in love w...

Never been so embarassed to be in love with a film


I just saw the Host at a second-run theater for $1.50, I waited so long because of the terrible 9% Rotten Tomato reviews and the toxic word-of-mouth. Imagine my shock when I found myself gleefully enjoying every second of this movie, laughing out loud at certain parts, and thoroughly invested in the plot and characters. And here's the final shocker: I'm a dude. It didn't hurt that Saorise Ronan is an absolutely gorgeous peach whom I'm now totally in love with.

Sure, there are really stupid things about the movie, but they are overshadowed by all the things I loved. I loved that Melanie loved one guy but Wanda loved a different guy, it would've been a much more boring movie if they both liked the same guy. The scene on the clifftop where Wanda says, "My body loves Jared, and this is my body now so I do too...but I have feelings of my own" was the best scene in the movie, so great, so clever. I love that Wanda told Ian if he could hold the "real" her in his hand, he'd be disgusted and crush her, but the end of the film Ian carefully and gently holds a Soul in his palms, a touching and heart-rending moment for me, you really believe that Ian would love Wanda even in Soul-form.

Here's the thing though, I want to shout my appreciation and love for this movie from the rooftops (and I guess I am doing the digital version of that right now), but I can NEVER, EVER admit to any of my friends, coworkers, or acquaintances that I love this movie, and it is tearing me apart inside. It's like being in love with a girl who's (fill in: fat/poor/dumb/an alien parasite) and you can't be seen with her in front of your friends, but you wish the world was different and you could declare it to the world. The scathing ridicule and sarcastic disbelief would burn like the heat of a dying sun.

We've all enjoyed "guilty-pleasure" movies, but I've never experienced anything like this before, I've never been so burning-hot embarrassed by a movie I enjoy so much. I would never be able to live it down if I told anyone, and I feel like if someone asked me about this movie, I'd be compelled to lie and say I've never seen it or that it was a "awful crap chick flick". I will never admit that I think the Host was a more enjoyable movie than other recent "hits" like Iron Man 3 (which I thought was pretty bad). If I were Catholic I feel like this is something I'd reveal in a confession booth. Anyone else feel like me? :-p


I'd say "I feel your pain" here, but I couldn't give any less *beep* about what people think of my taste in movies. The Host was enjoyable to me because it's well made through and through, and not even Stephanie Meyer's name on the poster can make me change my mind about that. Would I ever consider reading the books? Not even if ever, but I loved the movie. I sat through every Twilight flick as well, just to know what it was that I had to hate on, and found a few of them tolerable. This is a huge step up though, and I can't wait for the next one.

So confess your love freely, bro, you have nothing to be ashamed of.


Reading so many positive comments from the guys was a welcome change.

I was very hesitant about watching this film, and now I am glad I took the chance because it wasn't at all what I initially expected.

In a world where decency and morality have ceased to exist Hollywood is usually on board, but every now and then the dream capital of the world throws out a curve ball and this film is evidence of that deviation.

THE HOST is one of the most beautiful thought-provoking and sincere films I've seen in years, and I just loved the experience of how good it made me feel.

Don't listen to the critics either; in my experience they're usually wrong most of the time.


I didn't know anything about this show before I got to see it. But I really, really loved it so you are not all alone.

But I do doubt that many guys would enjoy it.


I just viewed this film by my lonesome at 2am in my room. Before I begin, allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a straight male, 26 years of age, 6'2" in height, 240 pounds of weight lifting beef who currently serves in the US Army as an infantryman with one combat deployment.

I loved this movie.

My name is Dawei Hao and I approve of this message,


Great thread. I'm a guy too and I really like this movie. Saw it 4 times in the theater and just rewatched it on blu-ray. I will say that I differ from the OP in that I tried to get as many people as I could to see the film. I think I got 2, one for sure. Oh and BTW- read the book first and liked it even more than the movie.

"You can't have my heart."


lol, it's been a while since i let IMDB ratings judge over what movies I see,

I didn't believe it with the movie Skyline,
and I also didn't believe it when i saw the rating it got on IMDB.
I accidentaly stumbled upon this movie and its not even a diamond in the rough, Its one of the purest diamonds i've ever seen.

I am also a dude, and it nearly broke tears ...
(it did break tears with my wife btw :) )



Just wanted to say its not embarrasing to like or love a movie, even if its a fairie tale or whatever. I dont think this movie is as good as you point, but I think it has an interesting concept. Just be yourself, if anyone makes fun of you or thinks you are gay or soft or whatever, so what? you dont care, you dont even have to listen to them. Im happy to say theres absolutely nothing anyone can say to me that would offend me or even make me feel bad, cause I know who I am. Take it easy.


Just finished this movie I loved it too:)) Was definitely surprised at 5.7 on here but whatever nice to see other fans on here:))))


I will admit that Melanie's inner thoughts were unintentionally hilarious at times but it is one of those hate love relationships with this movie and I think it is pretty decent but not great.


Haha great post :D

I also loved this movie but I'm a girl so I don't think my friends will tease me about it (because girls don't tease each other about films, not because I think it's a chick movie). Besides, I really don't consider this as a guilty pleasure (a film I enjoyed though I know it has many problems), I think it IS a good movie. I will not be ashamed to say I like it and explain why if necessary ^_^

I'm also sure that many people (critics included) dislike the movie just because it's Stephenie Meyer. For my part I haven't read nor seen Twilight, and I saw The Host without preconceived ideas.

I get why some people didn't like it: it is slow, and though it is thought provoking some people don't like slow tempos. But the way the film is treated is unfair, and it is I think a continuation of the Twilight hate.

Rotten Tomatoes isn't always reliable because reviews are considered either good or bad. Sometimes many reviews are somewhere in the middle but will fall in the bad category, making a very low 9% when you have 51% of viewers that liked it and almost 6/10 here.
Besides, critics (I've worked with some) are actually not that different from viewers. They can be very thick and often have preconceived ideas. I've just read a few of the bad reviews on RT and they mention that The Host is like Twilight, another that it's a teen sci fi romance and another that Meyer is a bad storyteller.
The Host a romance? WTF?

If this had been presented as an indie film, not a mainstream film based on Meyer's book, critics would have written many good things about it. Slow and deep, avoids over the top Hollywood action, unusual take on alien invasion (no ugly blood thirsty aliens), makes you hesitate about who to root for (the world is more peaceful with the aliens) and is thought provoking, etc etc etc.


You are not alone. I am a guy and I think this is a beautiful love movie. I don't like the scene after she woke up and realized she didn't cause another kill to live. I think the movie should stop there.

I think the movie got the rate like this because everyone ties this to that stupid Twilight. It is a bad connection.

Saorise Ronan did wonderful job and the story line is pretty decent as well.

This movie deserve a better rate.


I think the movie got the rate like this because everyone ties this to that stupid Twilight. It is a bad connection.

It really is a bad connection. One has nothing to do with other.

On that note. I really enjoyed this movie.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ-Gandhi
