Never been so embarassed to be in love with a film
I just saw the Host at a second-run theater for $1.50, I waited so long because of the terrible 9% Rotten Tomato reviews and the toxic word-of-mouth. Imagine my shock when I found myself gleefully enjoying every second of this movie, laughing out loud at certain parts, and thoroughly invested in the plot and characters. And here's the final shocker: I'm a dude. It didn't hurt that Saorise Ronan is an absolutely gorgeous peach whom I'm now totally in love with.
Sure, there are really stupid things about the movie, but they are overshadowed by all the things I loved. I loved that Melanie loved one guy but Wanda loved a different guy, it would've been a much more boring movie if they both liked the same guy. The scene on the clifftop where Wanda says, "My body loves Jared, and this is my body now so I do too...but I have feelings of my own" was the best scene in the movie, so great, so clever. I love that Wanda told Ian if he could hold the "real" her in his hand, he'd be disgusted and crush her, but the end of the film Ian carefully and gently holds a Soul in his palms, a touching and heart-rending moment for me, you really believe that Ian would love Wanda even in Soul-form.
Here's the thing though, I want to shout my appreciation and love for this movie from the rooftops (and I guess I am doing the digital version of that right now), but I can NEVER, EVER admit to any of my friends, coworkers, or acquaintances that I love this movie, and it is tearing me apart inside. It's like being in love with a girl who's (fill in: fat/poor/dumb/an alien parasite) and you can't be seen with her in front of your friends, but you wish the world was different and you could declare it to the world. The scathing ridicule and sarcastic disbelief would burn like the heat of a dying sun.
We've all enjoyed "guilty-pleasure" movies, but I've never experienced anything like this before, I've never been so burning-hot embarrassed by a movie I enjoy so much. I would never be able to live it down if I told anyone, and I feel like if someone asked me about this movie, I'd be compelled to lie and say I've never seen it or that it was a "awful crap chick flick". I will never admit that I think the Host was a more enjoyable movie than other recent "hits" like Iron Man 3 (which I thought was pretty bad). If I were Catholic I feel like this is something I'd reveal in a confession booth. Anyone else feel like me? :-p