For her weight class, Gina does great and is a pro MMA fighter, unfortunately I believe people seeing this movie will then say, "It is plausible that she could take out double digits of highly trained military men."
Well, Gina got crushed by Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos - 145 pound weight, in MMA. It was not even a contest. Cyborg is at the top and end of her game for female competition in the MMA, taking out the number 2 featherweight in the world, Hiroko Yamanaka, in just 16 seconds.
This has caused a stir that maybe, just possibly, she could compete with men (in her weight class), with former lightweight champion K.J. Noons saying, "I believe (male vs. female fights) wouldn't be that competitive, but every now and then there is a special athletic woman that can compete with men in fighting" going on to say that she ("Cyborg") could possibly compete in her weight class with men, though the MMA sanction would be highly against it for safety reasons.
There we have it, actual MMA discussion and evidence by professionals in this arena: the person who destroyed Gina is not even allowed to compete against males in her own weight class, let alone heavyweight, for safety reasons.
But here, we have Gina destroying not one or two inexperienced men, but dozens of highly trained men well outside of her weight class, all highly athletic - sometimes I like the hero or heroine to obey physics in movies for a sense of realism...
While this movie may have beautiful choreography, I believe it does the fighting world a disservice to blatantly promote unrealistic odds in a realistic fashion, somehow promoting an ideology that the modern man is a demasculated, self serving sexist pig that can never compete or stand a chance with a goddess.
So, in a nutshell, someone like Cristiane Santos shouldn't fight someone like YOU for HER safety?
You're talking about pro fighters, not soldiers, and certainly not men in general. And while there are undoubtedly some soldiers out there that are skilled enough to compete in pro fighting tournaments, an average soldier (with *relatively* little MMA training) would not be allowed to compete against those same fighters, for their own safety.
This is fiction. You might want to read that sentence a few times to let it sink in.
In real life, there are a lot of guys that could defeat Gina in a fight... but most couldn't. In real life, there are a lot of soldiers that would defeat Gina in a fight... but certainly NOT ALL would.
This is fiction.
In this movie, Gina's ability is above and beyond what it is in real life. She's not up against the toughest male pro fighters in the world, but elite soldiers that aren't necessarily as skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
As to realistically taking on dozens of these soldiers, no woman OR MAN could do that, so why haven't you taken your case to the Bourne or Bond forums, or any number of other boards. Why does this movie upset you?
The men that she takes on this movie ARE highly trained SOLDIERS! These aren't just men off the street! Don't get me wrong, I'm not backing up this person you answered, because granted, a highly trained female fighter could beat an untrained man. However, we're not talking about that as it pertains to this movie, we're talking about a highly trained woman fighting highly trained, stronger, bigger men. There is simply no way she'd win. The proof of this will be in the DVD extras of this movie (if they dare show them). Because I'm sure it will show her getting overwhelmed by guys during certain scenes. It's just highly unrealistic, even moreso than your average Hollywood flick (except perhaps Charlies Angels I & II).
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
not sure what you guys think soldiers are trained to do, but it ISN'T hand to hand combat. this isn't the 1940's. we get trained to shoot people. with guns. in my time in the army I have never spent one second learning how to punch or kick someone.
If you went through military training you were taught some hand to hand. It's called Combatives and it starts right after you're issued your rifle. It's not about "learning how to punch or kick someone", it's about gaining the upper hand in a combat situation.
The regular Army doesn't teach a lot of hand to hand because it's impractical for regular soldiers. Those guys carry around a hot of heavy gear and "punching and kicking" hand to hand is not suitable. The Combatives they do teach is mostly about subduing, not fighting. The mentality is, if you're fighting hand-to-hand (the kind you're talking about) you've relinquished your weapon and made a mistake. A lot of the Combatives training is about keeping possession of your own weapon or gaining control of a near enemy's weapon.
Special Forces, however, most definitely do get training in hand-to-hand (still called Combatives). I have several family members who are in the military and one of them is an Army Ranger and he has been trained in hand-to-hand. It's still mostly about subduing, though, gaining control of combatant's weapon and so on.
That being said, what exactly are you saying, that the movie is unrealistic? If so, you and I are definitely on the same page.
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
most of ranger hand to hand combat. called close quarters combat not combativenes is knife fighting. i know several rangers and they have all said that most of the hand to hand they learned was knife and stick but they have also learned take downs. and throws navy seals delta force, green beret force recon scout snipers are the type that get trained in heavy hand to hand
"this isn't the 1940's. we get trained to shoot people. with guns."
Actually, soldiers were trained to shoot people with guns in the 40's as well. (From what I understand, they still teach hand-to-hand combat in the army, but it's optional)
I wouldn't say that there's no way she could win, I'd say that in a straight-on fight, her chances are slim to nil when against an equally well-trained male who's bigger and stronger. A woman (or a smaller man) would have to be more creative in their fight style in order to win. A straight on battle of strength/force would not likely end in a woman's favor.
people who believe that rubbish are simply retarded the faster an object travels the heavier it becomes that is a scientific fact. that is why the average boxer has a striking force of 880lbs of force and thats taking into account for all weight divisions. Lucia Rijker was shown on the show on sports science to be able to hit with 922lbs of force more then 200lbs more then the male boxer she was being compared to
an object doesn't just become heavier because it is moving faster. To do that it would have to gain more mass, and in turn create more matter for the mass to be attached to.
What actually makes sense to your statement is the kinect energy increases the faster an object travels. Kinetic Energy (KE)=.5*mass*velocity^2(squared). So a larger boxer has more mass to punch, but less speed, and a smaller boxer has less mass, more speed. When you hit someone you are transferring the kinetic energy of your fist into their body or face. Its all based off of Newton's laws. Nothing gains mass because it is moving faster.
Actually actionmanrandell is both right and wrong . Due to effects of relativity , for an accelerating mass you will find that it’s harder to push than it “should” be by a factor of say x where x=[1/(sqrt(1-b sq)] where b is v/c, v-velocity of object .The easiest way to interpret that is as an increase in mass (Inertial mass). So indeed an object's mass tends to increase but its of no significance here because the accelerations/speeds we are talking here is very small (compared to c) .Since you are talking about hitting/collisions concept of transfer of momentum holds much more significance
OK, technically, yes, it does "gain mass" but when you are talking about the mass of a fist, that number gained is going to be so minimal, and I am talking fractionally minute, that it will not change enough to make a lick of difference.
Now, going to the momentum transfer piece that you bring up does hold significant water in this discussion. I agree that punching is a collision and will agree with you 100%. Momentum and kinetic energy are fairly well linked together. The number is going to be very different, but the reality is they are very much linked.
the internet is full of them and the majority is here on IMDB. don't worry they don't speak their mind in the real world around people who wouldn't stand for their *beep*
that's the truth. most most real men wouldn't hit a girl even if they hit them. he's just venting because he's so easily emasculated and insecure, most men aren't that cowardly unless they're behind a computer screen. only accepted by weak subservient women so it's not really a surprise they feel so manly
I'm sorry, that's not a real man and that's definitely not a real woman. A woman wouldn't hit a man just because she feels he wouldn't hit her back and a real man would recognize that if a woman can hit, she can get hit. No way would I want my male relatives to just stand there and take it because some 'woman' who thinks she's tough decides to hit him.
It doesn't matter what you want, in public a guy would get called out on hitting a woman no matter how stupid or crazy she is, if he doesn't get his ass kicked instead. If a guy can't mitigate most of the damage some girl a lot smaller than him can do with her fists and just decides to hit her instead he'd be seen as a thin-skinned pussy. Almost no one would think the same of a guy who is able to avoid hitting her.
I hold a Black Belt at Judo am strong fit and have been a police officer 29yrs having a fair number of steet fights and crushing every real male (in street fights) I have fought. My experience in Judo is a international level women pro is about a match for a amature male like me - my guess is she would beat me in a street fight I sure as hell would not like to test her thats for sure - oh and for the record most police officers can NOT fight and firearms units are taught armed not unarmed combat. (sorry for spelling dyslexia)
Let's put it this way: what upsets are two things this movie portrays: 1. Sexism, but Oh!, a much different sexism than what you are thinking. 2. A wrong ideology that an MMA fighter = the best fighter in the world.
For the first issue, let me explain it this way: If in the Borne, MI, Transporter, Bruce Lee and dozens of other male fighting movies, the main male hero continued to pound, beatup, kill and mow down mounds of female enemies, and afterward, on the forum boards, in the media and reviews, on social media people said, "Ya, that man is a stud, a real strong hero, he really knows how to fight and didn't even wear padding!!" - how would you respond?
How would society respond, or better yet, how SHOULD society respond? I KNOW such a movie would be preposterous and taken very offensively by women's groups.
Yet it is perfectly normal, exciting and stimulating to watch a woman do this to men?
For the second issue, just because someone is an MMA fighter does not mean they have extensive fighting experience!
All it means is that they have mixed martial arts training. You can get into MMA after a few years of training.
To presuppose that a special opps soldier is not going to stand up to a woman half his size because he doesn't fight in the octagon is preposterous!
What MMA has shown us is: 1. Versatility is important, your stand up game better have a ground game.
2. Kata and stylistic forms of martial arts (kung fu and others) do not fair well at all with traditional striking, grappling moves. In fact, MMA legend Bas Rutten has on the record said that a Bruce Lee would not last a minute in the ring.
3. People still have a dominant skill and the fight will favor the person if and only if, that person can obtain the right circumstances to use that dominant skill. Example: a great grappler can learn a good stand up game but inevitably will immediately go for the take down, especially if he/she is against an opponent with a good stand up/boxing/striking game.
It is at these early moments, where a wrong move in a take down can result in a knee thrust to the head and an early KO.
4. Everyone is susceptible to a weakness and can get caught, causing an upset.
5. Sometimes someone with no MMA skills dominates those with all the skills. Boxing champ Ray Mercer knocking out Tim Sylvia in one punch, causing a HUGE upset. Later he was submitted by the laughing stock of MMA, Kimbo Slice. And why? Because Kimbo took it to the ground while Mercer hit Sylvia before he could go to the ground.
6. Weight classes still overwhelming matter REGARDLESS of skill. Why? Strength, physics and reach. People forget that a 145 pound 5'8" woman is going to have a real hard time pushing around a 6' 4" 250 pound guy, especially if he gets on top and grounds and pounds. How many MMA fights have ended this way?
She can still win via triangle, arm bar KO (though that would be very rare and something she would not go for since she would be very open as well).
My point with this is to show sexism working in the opposite way and to give a little more realism to fighting. A champion in MMA does not equal the best fighter in the world not the ability to dominate across gender and weight class.
First Gina should look better then Jennifer Garner playing, Sydney Bristow or Elektra or Angelina Jolie in Salt.
Second, your explanation of your second issue, hit the point dead on!
Three reasons why this looks good; 1. Gina Carano is a Muay Thai specialist, very good stand up. 2. Her character is a female Marine (if you know anything about Marine training, they learn hand to hand). Add any Special Forces training and you have a kick ass Marine! 3. CIA, trained for espionage and self-defense, not for sport, nuff said!
No, not 'nuff said, because you just rebutted your OWN argument. Marines and special forces ARE highly trained and in this movie she is fighting such men, who are also bigger, stronger and there are MANY of them! So, how is it she is winning? It makes no sense. It's just silly. No woman stands a chance fighting multiple, highly trained, bigger, stronger men. None, ever, never. Sorry, it just ain't happenin'.
This is why they separate the men from the women in the Olympics, because if it was a straight-up competition between the best women and the best men, no woman is going to win even ONE medal, not one.
I don't understand why this has to be a problem though, because guess what, in a straight-up competition in bearing children, NO MAN is going to win! Ever, never. Men cannot bear children, it's that simple. There are fundamental differences between men and women and why we have to try to make men and women the exact SAME is beyond me. I love the differences between our sexes, and I celebrate the ways in which women are different. Thank God for those differences, because if we were all the same it would be a pretty, damn boring world.
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
you do not know what the *beep* YOUR TALKING ABOUT the power of a persons strike all depends on speed. the faster you are the more powerful you are. if you have 2 people fighting one is a man one is a woman the man weighs 200lbs the woman weighs 145 lbs the man has a striking speed of 22 mph the woman has striking speed of 45 mph that woman will have the more powerful strike for two reasons. she is faster and her strike will land quicker allowing her the advantage of more strikes. thats why fighters like Lucia Rijker can strike with more force then the average boxer(the average boxer has a striking force of 880lbs of force her striking force was recorded at 922lbs of force)
"Marines and special forces ARE highly trained and in this movie she is fighting such men, who are also bigger, stronger and there are MANY of them! So, how is it she is winning? It makes no sense. It's just silly. No woman stands a chance fighting multiple, highly trained, bigger, stronger men. None, ever, never. Sorry, it just ain't happenin'"
Someone already mentioned this, but I'll bring it up again. One female marine doing away with several other marines single-handed is no more realistic then one male marine doing away with several others single-handed. So why not comment on all the one-man-army movies that are every bit as (and often less) realistic then this movie?
The CHARACTER is an elite black-ops soldier with skills far exceeding an female MMA fighter.
So even if (for the sake of argument) your beliefs about the skills of a female MMA fighter are true, so what? The CHARACTER isn't an MMA fighter.
If you don't think female black op's soldiers can hold their own against men....even male soldiers.....just ask Mossad.
The funniest thing about your posts, Battdivision, is that you are both sexist and ignorant, and ou don't even realize it.....and the more you try to prove that you aren't, the more you prove that you are!
joem420, If you care to prove where I have: 1. "shown discrimination on the basis of sex" (sexism) let me know. I never once have said that Gina should not fight, get paid less than men, be in a movie or have health benefits.
2. "lacked knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact, been unaware" (ignorant). Quite the contrary, I have discussed various fighting methods, training, skill, strength, reach, leverage, physics and backed up my findings as an athletic person who respects MMA fighters by showing various outcomes and videos of fights describing the discussion. At the same time, I have listened to people discuss and disagree with me and agreed with some opposing points. It is called an intelligent, respectful conversation.
If you care to name call, go back to preschool and learn how to have an intellegent discussion.
Really no point in arguing with these people that have no experience beyond what they've seen or read
I used to bodybuild and do MMA.. I understand the full import of pure size differences despite skill level.. Your average idiot(lol that they try to play that card against you when they are actually the ignorant fools commenting on a subject they don't understand) doesn't realize what is entailed in any sort of combative encounter.. I'm 175 lbs. Mediocre training in various fighting styles. Gina is an incredible fighter among her peers. I have HIGH certainty that I could dominate her in a fight. Why? Not only is there the 30 lbs difference, but but men have more muscle density than women. As another said--natural biology due to the circumstances of evolution. So, that 30 lb overall weight difference actually accounts for a more substantial muscle difference For instance, training at a hardcore gym, I met an competing female body builder. She weighed easily as much as I did, visually possessing more muscle mass than I did.. However, I could out-lift her in nearly every regard. Men and women are NOT equal.. in a LOT of ways.. however, insecure people need to get over the use of such words and realize that a lack of "equality" does not mean one is superior and the other inferior. "It must be clear, then, that to talk of the 'equality' of the sexes is, from a biological point of view, sheer nonsense. Equality does not exist in nature. It is a mathematical concept. To speak broadly of either sex as superior to the other is equally absurd. The two sexes are complementary and mutually dependent. Each has its part to play in the world; neither can play the part of the other." Unfortunately, so many have lost themselves in the delusional cognitive construct that society has fabricated since humanity has lost track of reality.
Be careful. You're messing with their fetish. The cognitive dissonance this fetish requires is mind-boggling and to break that may have dire consequences.
the average boxer has a striking force of 880lbs force. size only equates to 10% of the actual equation in generating force. a boxer generates force not with the use of muscle but with physics. when striking a boxer generates force by pushing the mass of there body into the ground. that mas is redirected back up at them from the greater mass of the earth. through kinetic linking a boxer directs the power through individual muscle fibers and joints and extends to the striking area pushing said force into the opponent. the force pushed into the ground is only so much ie your weight. the overall force of the average boxer is higher then said mass because of speed at which this technique is done. a person weighing 145lbs will generate on average the same amount of force as the average 200lb person because of basic physics(mass times acceleration). you can argue that woman are not equal all you want but physics prove that all that matters is technique(the ability to redistribute mass quickly and efficiently) that is what determines power, not the size of the person or how strong they are. if that was the case Mariusz Pudzianowski would have knocked out tim sylvia with one punch when they fought being that he is not only allot stronger then sylvia but out weighs him by 5.5 lbs
I like you, you know what you are talking about. The only thing I can say on top of this is get away from force, get more into kinetic energy. (.5*m*v^2) That is where you get the true idea of how a smaller mass can create loads more energy onto another object because it is the velocity times itself that really makes the difference. A half of the mass doesn't matter when it really comes down to it. It is how fast they can get their fist or foot moving.
Oy, I'm not very good at physics but even I can tell that someone is trying to spout Wikipedia knowledge and make it seem like there's some actual know how behind there.
There aren't any females in the United States special forces and there are no female soldiers in combat units and the qualifications for becoming a marine are less strict for a woman than a man.
Ask Mossad? Women in mossad do a lot of paper work. Talk about ignorance. Lol
You're talking about suspension of disbelief to enjoy a movie like this, not the fact that it is merely fictional. You might want to read up on that bonehead. It is simply not believable no matter how big a badass she is, a chick cannot withstand blows to the face and head and get up, let alone barely look like her makeup is mussed. Carana has sex appeal and that will serve her well. The action choreography in this film was not particularly good either.
That was my issue. Channing Tatum was landing some blows on her, but she wasn't even acting slightly dazed. Not only that, no bloody nose, no bruises, no black eye, no muss, no fuss. That's just absurd.
That and she just was not likable at all. I just wanted someone to shoot her and put us all out of our misery.
If you watch the movie closely, Gina used her arms to block her face. She did it by folding them across her face. The camera angles were so quick that it could easily be missed.
So, in a nutshell, someone like Cristiane Santos shouldn't fight someone like YOU for HER safety?
You're talking about pro fighters, not soldiers, and certainly not men in general. And while there are undoubtedly some soldiers out there that are skilled enough to compete in pro fighting tournaments, an average soldier (with *relatively* little MMA training) would not be allowed to compete against those same fighters, for their own safety.
This is fiction. You might want to read that sentence a few times to let it sink in.
In real life, there are a lot of guys that could defeat Gina in a fight... but most couldn't. In real life, there are a lot of soldiers that would defeat Gina in a fight... but certainly NOT ALL would.
This is fiction.
In this movie, Gina's ability is above and beyond what it is in real life. She's not up against the toughest male pro fighters in the world, but elite soldiers that aren't necessarily as skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
As to realistically taking on dozens of these soldiers, no woman OR MAN could do that, so why haven't you taken your case to the Bourne or Bond forums, or any number of other boards. Why does this movie upset you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ^ The first response to this thread ended this whole discussion! FACT lol
Reality check, in the real world you don't telegraph to the target that you are going to get them, the element of surprise (as in being hit from behind) is a great equalizer. This movie just use the same BS of old westerns with a gun fight in the street with both men facing each other, reality would have been a bullet in the back... in the first scene there would have been no talking in a diner, they would have killed her from afar or snatched her before she ever saw them coming.... this was just a writers dream of what drama might be, not reality.
No one can take on a bunch of highly trained soldiers and beat them all. Doesn't matter if it is Cris Cyborg or Alistair Overeem - in real life they would get killed. You're right that this is unrealistic, but it's not because Gina Carano is a woman, it's unrealistic because that is what the story (and, ultimately, the viewers) demands.
You've got to figure sport fighting or even street fighting would not be the way to go. Deadly self defense styles such as krav maga and multi attacker styles like kajukenbo would use vital strikes and limb destruction techniques to put down an assailant as fast as possible with the least amount of effort.
I think you are taking the movie a bit too seriously. There are thousands of movies out there which are totally unrealistic. This includes many action films, in which you have an all-conquering action hero who can dodge bullets and take down any number of opponents against seemingly overwhelming odds. Some of these films are led by actors such as Tom Cruise or Matt Damon and others by men with real combat experience such as Van Damme or Seagal. But they're nearly all pure fantasy.
The thing with a movie is that the audience are usually willing to suspend disbelief to a greater or lesser extent (depending on the movie setting and genre). I agree that if a film pushes too far in that respect, then it can suffer, but not withstanding this I think the film's acting, direction, pacing, atmosphere and plot development and resolution will determine whether it is a success or not, irrespective of the gender of the protaganist.
Realistically, I think Carano would probably be superior to a male soldier who had less hand to hand experience than she does. Provided they were in the same weight class.
If his experience was equal, and they were within a few pounds of each other, I would guess that the man would probably win. A fit man weighing 145 lbs probably has more upper body strength than a woman in the same weight class.
The larger the weight difference the less equal the fight becomes. Carano is no heavyweight. But this is also a movie.
You are underestimating male dominance. The average man is stronger than her, let alone a trained soldier. I could also go to Amy park rec basketball league and find a team that would destroy the WNBA allstar team in basketball. A woman can be stronger than the average man (if they are exclusive bodynbuilders), they can be faster than the average man (if they are thin track superstars), but no woman can be both stringer and faster than the average man. The strong women (body builders) are slow, and the fast women are very weak and light. The average joe is significantly stronger than even a Gina Cerano
Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad
My point is Carano could contend with a man in the same weight class. Her fighting weight is 143. That would be a very small guy, and I doubt that 40lbs of him is muscle.
Otherwise I agree with you. Men as a gender are simply designed more for athletics.
I think you are overrating the average male here. The average male is not strong. I am a personal trainer and most adult out of shape men (average men) can´t bench press 60kg, squat 80kg or deadlift 100kg. Girls who are not afraid of lifting weights can often surpass those numbers easily. Why do you talk about bodybuilders like they are the strongest? You should check out female powerlifters or olympic lifters, there you have strong and explosive girls.
Check this out. 53kg 16 year old girl. Cleans and jerks 129kg. Most boys her age and weight can´t even make the bar leave the floor. And i would not be surprised if the same could be said about most if not all these keyboard warriors on this board.
This whole topic is nothing but internet warriors typing their personal experiences and opinions on a subject that, judging from what I'm reading so far, has to be a fetish for some posters.
Gina Carano would own Tom Cruise and she'd do worse to Matt Damon. And the Twilight kid who was in some crap Bourn-like movie? She'd destroy him. In real life!
I am very conservative and I love generally more "feminine" women(especially w/ big boobs and ass like Gina) but the idea a woman can't beat a man is STUPID. Have you ever heard of sarmatian(ie scythian) women(who was the basis for the AMAZONS legend), women samurai and ninjas, and etc. They are all based on historical facts.
Don't understand the arguing over this. Face it, she was picked for name recognition with the MMA crowd and the fact that she will look REALLY GOOD in all the choreographed fights. :D
It's an action movie, so suspension of disbelief is always mandatory.
As far as women beating men goes, it is perfectly feasible against some untrained drunken idiot or in a fluid situation where a trained female fighter can either surprise/overwhelm her opponent or use technique to ride out his power until he starts to get tired.
However, in terms of a relatively even contest women simply can't compete on the same level as men. The classic example was when Lucia Rijker (greatest female Muay Thai fighter ever and undefeated in pro boxing)fought a journeyman male opponent in Muay Thai. She got absolutely wrecked. The guy was walking straight through her punches and rocking her even when she checked or covered up. When she tried to counter and throw back in the second round, she got KTFO in brutal fashion.
The same happened in tennis with the Williams sisters. Back in 1999, they claimed they could beat any male player outside the top 300 and Karsten Braach obliged them with a match on the back courts of Melbourne. He absolutely slaughtered the first sister and (after a quick cigarette) backed up and destroyed the second, without trying particularly hard.
This episode was VERY embarrassing for women's tennis and the various sports apparel sponsors, so it was quickly covered up and forgotten.
I agree wholeheartedly, in fact, I just re-watched that fight. I was gonna mention it but figured I'd made my point already.
Ya that was a real fight instead of a lot of these youtube videos of acting or fights where, like you said, a complete untrained dude tries to fight a female fighter. Those situations are the worst, one for publicity and two for the trained fighter. The untrained person doesn't know squat about rules anyway.
Ann Wolf always wanted to box a man, I guess that never happened. Now she is training and led a boxer to victory I read. Anyway, I'd say out of any female fighter, Ann Wolf is the last person I'd ever want to meet in a back ally. Don't care if your MMA or not. She had a wicked KO on 6'6" Vonda Ward. Ouch!
"It's an action movie, so suspension of disbelief is always mandatory." Thank you for that rational statement. It is just a movie for ^&%^% sake. I have not seen this movie yet. But I watch action movies to suspend reality for a few hours. If I judged every action movie on how believable it was, all I would find is faults.
My guess rahrah is that you've never touched a woman, so until you do, crawl back down to your basement and ask your mom to make you a snack while you yank your crank to old episodes of Full House.
No offense, but you're coming across as sexist to me. You seem to be insinuating that women can't be just as tough as men, and that's just not true. And btw, just because Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos beat Gina Carano in the ring doesn't necessarily mean she's tougher than her. Cyborg has been busted for taking performance-enhancing drugs, so who's to say she didn't juice-up when she beat Carano?. Food for thought, right there.
A highly proficient female martial artist(for instance, 5-time World Martial Arts champion Cynthia Rothrock) can take on about 6 big, tall unarmed guys---untrained in martial arts or boxing---and whoop them all, as petite as she is. Gina Carano IS a well-trained and seasoned professional MMA figher with almost a perfect fight record. That makes her a pretty TOUGH, dangerous person to pick a fight with. Don't underestimate her.
Of course, reel life and real life are diametrically different. She can't take on dozen guys in real life, but I'm pretty sure she can beat up at least two or three guys with no martial arts/boxing background at all. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, if you train aggressively in karate or boxing for many years, you're someone not to be messed with.
What's beef? Beef is when I see you, guaranteed to be in ICU --The Notorious B.I.G.
I do not see how sexist has anything to do with pointing out differences between male and female anatomy, strength and chemicals (specifically testosterone).
There is a reason why testosterone found in women and other enhancing drugs that males have naturally, make women disqualified and fined, as in the case that just happened with "Cyborg".
It makes them too dangerous to other women, giving them unfair strength advantage. This happens in the Olympics as well.
Cyborg has too much upper body strength for Gina and dominated her, but compared with a medium built man, Cyborg does not have near the upper body strength (though she has much better conditioning).
People questioned her upper strength and voila, it was true, drug enhancement.
Faced with heavyweight men larger than my size (my size 6'4" 245) like Lessnar (6'3" 267) one punch and the lights are out on the girls.
How many men have Osteoporosis? Another benefit of testosterone is thicker, denser bones, faster twitch muscles, denser muscle mass, greater strength, ect.
Now, there are plenty of women who can beat a SIMILAR weight man at grappling or fighting, given she has better skill or 'catches' him with a triangle or choke.
The issue still remains: the time necessary, the effort exhibited and the similar body weight class. Taking 6 men (where did you come up with that number?) seems highly unrealistic, and yes, this movie is unrealistic as most action movies are, but the boards need to remember, just because an actor has an MMA background does not mean she/him can violate physics.
Have you watched football lately? How about a running back attacking an MMA expert, let alone a 145 pound girl? Perfect Scenario, a running back with NO FIGHTING skill against Japan's heavy weight martial artist CHAMPION with a lifetime of training?
And yes, Bobb Sapp has beaten and been beaten (cracked eye socket for instance fighting heavy weight MMA fighters), but you have to give it to the guy: going in to a sport with no training and using just mass and braun and often winning. Give him more training and physics favors him even more.
My friends, can you imagine this 350 pound line backer, with solid muscle, running at Gina and somehow one kick from her sends him flying back but she goes no where?
No way.
One body shot from him and she could have a broken neck along with broken ribs.
MMA, karate, BJJ, Krov Mega all use physics, they don't replace physics, if you don't get out of the way in time, you are getting run over!
Well said. The amount of posts on here that are filled with scientific ignorance and devoid of logic, really amazes me.
I do find it hard to believe in women beating up trained soldiers in movies but of course, it is just a movie, so there's no point getting worked up about it.
Having said that, Gina Carano is much more believable as an action movie star then Zoe Saldana in "Colombiana", which was way out-there, so I'm more accepting of Gina in "Haywire".
There sure are some insecure men on these boards. The fact is that Gina is a highly trained professional fighter that would beat the living daylights out of any man or woman that is not trained to such a standard (including myself). It's funky that Soderbergh picked someone who can actually whip some butt rather than some pretty young thing (not that I don't think Gina is attractive).
Quoting: "The fact is that Gina is a highly trained professional fighter that would beat the living daylights out of any man or woman that is not trained..."
Statements like these are very untrue and have no facts surrounding them. You must not be a fighter or watch MMA, because if you were, you would understand why we have things called, "upsets."
Ya, when an untrained burly guy gets in and stomps a pro MMA CHAMPION. It has happened in the various youtube links I have shown and happened with linebacker Bob Sapp who punches - better yet - hammers away with absolutely no skill.
He has taken down top contenders and as well been beaten by a leg log, broken eye socket, and such too.
What your statement revels in - generalities - takes no consideration at the painstakingly obvious set ups in the MMA: gender class, weight class and skill class match ups.
If someone with training could automatically beat someone without training, then we would not have MMA to begin with! MMA was birthed by pitting highly skilled and trained fighters in one art against not so skilled people with various or no art training (Kimbo Slice with backyard training, LOL).
The surprising thing is, at the end of the day, weight classes were certainly not done away with, but rather enforced.
No amount of training can completely undo the realities of physics: a 250 pound man can punch hard enough to break another man's face, women have less bone mass to begin with, so breaking bones would happen more often.
That is ONE PUNCH.
It is too dangerous to let fighters fight MMA between gender class and weight class, as evidenced by doctors, MMA officials and the rule committee.
So your argument is that just because one guy can wander in off the street and be moderately sucessful in MMA, everyone else can do it? The average or even above-average guy or girl does not have a background in professional American Football and Pro Wrestling.
And FYI, I have boxed to an amateur level. You've obviously not fought yourself because you do not have any concept of how much of an advantage training gives you in speed, timing, defence, co-ordination, stamina and the confidence to fight, amongst other things, even against a far bigger untrained opponent. You're talking about matching 2 people, one of whom spends most of their day practicing how to incapacitate their opponent against someone who might lift weights occasionally (if at all), and expecting the latter to win. Sure, they might get a lucky punch in but that's why an upset is called an upset and even massive underdogs are sometimes given a 'puncher's chance'. As Mike Tyson once said, 'everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face', and he was talking about pro boxers, not some guy off the street.
Training does count, as I have said, but I was quoting your first post that contained simply too many generalities to be taken seriously. And that is the problem with most people.
75 years ago, people generally thought women could not compete at all in any sport next to a man, the Olympics ect.
Much has changed and I am happy to see women excel in many different physical areas now.
Yet today we have a mindset that is just the opposite, one that seeks to make men and women equal and disregard gender and our differences completely.
We are most certainly not equal (do not mistake me saying we are not equal in terms of value or human rights). Interestingly, just today new research from the University of Manchester in the UK found women and men to be so different, they can be classified as different SPECIES!
So back to fighting, training, strength, endurance: research testosterone, research why the MMA has weight classes and research why top MMA officials and owners have maintained a GENDER CLASS.
Training is good, not spouting generalities is better.