Why only "Halloween"

Why not call it "Halloween H40", "Halloween Returns", or "Halloween: The Night He Returned Home"? We already have two films that only bare the name "Halloween"; the original 1978 one and the 2007 remake.


You know why. They think it will make more money.


That's a weird choice. I still think Halloween Returns would've been a better title.


Call it Halloween Returns and you've instantly just lost a ton of potential viewers who think it's a sequel and now wont bother with it since they haven't seen any of the others.

They want to restart the franchise with a soft reboot that sets up future sequels. Therefore they're starting with just 'Halloween' and THEN we'll start getting sequels with titles such as Halloween Returns etc every 2-3 years.


It IS a sequel


AND a reboot above everything else, hence why it's titled JUST Halloween. With DIRECT sequels to come which will focus primarily on the granddaughter character and nothing of Jamie Lee Curtis since she's done.


She was supposed to be done with H20. If it's an end to her character, then it's still part of the original canon, which makes it s sequel. Therefore titling it "Halloween" makes no sense. She's already been in "Halloween". If this is a reboot to a reboot, then Curtis shouldn't even be in this at all.


I would have skipped straight ahead to Halloween Forever or even Halloween & Robin.


This is actually really bugging me. I mean the Zombie version gets a pass cos it’s a reboot but this, a direct sequel in the same universe it’s a dumb choice. At least Alien and Aliens had a minor difference but this is silly.


Wrong, it's the ONLY logical choice.


Wrong. It’s actually 100% ILLOGICAL. It’s the same name as the original. Explain to me how it’s the only logic choice.....


Because calling it Halloween Returns instantly loses a ton of potential viewers who think it's yet another one of the many Halloween sequels and now wont bother with it since they haven't seen any of the others and think they'll be lost with the story.

Call it JUST Halloween and it instantly puts the casual audience at ease thinking they can go into this one with no prior knowledge, hence why they did it.

It's really not rocket science.


But it IS one of many sequels. It's a direct bookend to Laurie's arc. If they wanted to reboot the franchise - again - then why place Laurie in this film at all? And since when does sh have a daughter? She had a son in H20 did she not? It's a complete mess.


It's a sequel to the first Halloween. All the rest are no longer part of continuity.


That makes it even worse. This entire franchise is a fucking mess.


I agree. There are always going to be constant questions regarding this film now. New future viewers are gonna be totally confused. Maybe they should have at least explained all the rest of the films as nightmares of Laurie's.


How about Halloween (2018)?


Halloween Into Darkness
Halloween Beyond
Halloween: The Shape Awakens
Halloween: 2019
Halloween: Covenant
Halloween: Judgement Day
Halloween: Resurgence


All of these titles you're all suggesting would've been better than just calling it Halloween. I don't know why they would do that. I think it's so stupid. It's like coming right out and saying "We couldn't come up with anything." Simply calling it Halloween is stupid. They claim it's a sequel. It takes place after the first one. Then why call it Halloween? I'm surprised this franchise is even still alive. A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th are dead. I love the movie Halloween. it's one of my all-time favorite horror movies, but enough is enough.


A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th are dead.

Only until the next movie. Each of these franchises have too huge of a fanbase to stay dead. And "Friday" can't be too dead in light of the release of "Never Hike Alone" last October: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5719786/?ref_=rvi_tt. It might be an unofficial addition to the series, but it's a well done short film and -- if you count it (not that you should) -- it's the 13th "Friday" flick.


This is why you don't work for any big movie studio, dumbass


A Nightmare on Elm Street is only dead because Robert Englund is synonymous with Freddy Kruger. He's not like Michael or Jason in that he has a full repertoire of facial expressions and has a lot of dialogue. They tried rebooting with a different actor and audiences didn't like it. But if it had worked you bet your ass they'd still be making tons of NOES movies.

And with Friday the 13th, well the movies have always been campy and many of them kind of sucked ass, so they stopped making them because, if they kept making crap movies, then they'd end up becoming direct-to-video like the Hellraiser or Child's Play franchises. So they're biding their time with them until someone comes along with a decent idea or script. But again, if they thought that there was any commercial viability in more sequels then you bet the rights holders would keep churning them out

Halloween has kept going because A) it's a more well respected franchise than Friday the 13th. B) you can put anybody behind the mask and you still have Michael Myers, unlike, say, Freddy Kruger or Pinhead. so you don't need to worry about people rejecting the actor. and C) people just really like Michael Myers. Yes everyone knows that no sequel will ever be as good as the original, but even the crappiest Halloween movies still provide at least a few moments of entertainment. And I'll take another Halloween movie over another another haunted house or found footage movie any day.


Halloween Into Darkness
Halloween Beyond
Halloween: The Shape Awakens
Halloween: 2019
Halloween: Covenant
Halloween: Judgement Day
Halloween: Resurgence


Halloween: Not the Final Chapter
Halloween: A new Beginning
Halloween: Michael Lives
Halloween: The New Blood
Halloween: Michael Takes Walla Walla
Halloween: Michael Goes to Heaven
Michael Z
Halloween: Michael vs. Jason
Halloween: Michael's Revenge
Halloween: The Nightmare Barbarians



Halloween: The Next Chapter By Which I Mean The Chapter That Should Be Imagined To Follow The First One No Not the 2007 First One But The Original First One From 1970-Something Proceeding On The Assumption That All of The Subsequent Movies Didn't Actually Happen And Everyone Is Old Now Yes That's Right

Halloween 2: OK Really This Time Guys Believe Me


Halloween: Halloween


CodyXBrenda came up with the best title. Halloween: The Night He Returned Home is a great title. I hope they change the title of the movie before it comes out because they're not using their heads. People will see Halloween and they'll say, "Oh, another stupid remake. No thank you."


Wrong and wrong again.

People see JUST Halloween and say "oh cool it's not Halloween 12 or Halloween Returns, we can just watch this one fresh without seeing any of the others, lets go see it". Which is all true.
Even with the direct sequel connection to the original this film is a soft reboot which is only going to have a handful of minor references to the original which will all be painfully quick and easy for the audience to get caught up on, this isn't Inception 2 for christ sake.


Because Halloween on its own still sounds miles better than anything else.


Maybe "Halloween: Emergence", like he's emerging. But I get your point. The original was called "Halloween" as well as (the terrible) Rob Zombie remake.


We all know what it is, so what's the difference


Halloween: The Nightmare Is Over


"Michael Becomes A Halloweenie"
