As a fan of Znyder I can say


Nothing really works, I feel no evolution, zero character development and everything was rushed, zero exposition. I don't care about any of the characters and nothing can hold my interest ...

Some pretty scenes and that's all ...

Even the image which usually is his forte was ... lacking. Something didn't look right in most compositions.


Yeah, Snyder sucks. Always has. Glad you can finally see it.


Nope, not always

Dawn of the dead, good.
Watchmen, amazing, imho the best "superhero" movie.
Sucker punch, imho amazing, at least at the same level with Watchmen
300 - decent popcorn flick, amazing visuals (although they felt ... theatrical, to me most scenes felt like the world ended at the edge of the screen, like on a theater scene, didn't feel like a world that you look through a window but just a ... scene).
The Superman trilogy - if I consider only the extended versions quite good.

The rest: meh or rubbish.


Agreed on all of your Snyder likings, the man has undeniable talent, but he can make some shite from time to time too.


To each their own. The man obviously has his fans, otherwise he wouldn’t be handed the budgets he gets. Wish I could see what you guys do.


It is definitely not his best work, or we are just tired of it.

But you can see his signature moves, the ominous tune and slow motion shots.


Yeah, and this time they were not well used, with few exceptions.

Even the moment when the guy (I don't even remember his name, wtf) jumped on the bird ... I was like ... wait for it, wait for it - THERE it is ... made it feel cheap ...


But why did he have to use these obviously Nazi inspired uniforms? It looks so stupid...


I think Snyder has Jewish heritage, so it is not a big surprise, and Israel did lot of controversial things lately, so that might be him doing his part, but I don't think it is something very relatable to most people these days.


The only two scenes I enjoyed were the bounty hunter bar scene, that was very cool, with all the aliens and the parasite TMNT Kraig looking brain thing, and the Jenna Malone spider scene too, very cool, but that was it for me.
I watched 85% maybe 90% of the film but turned it off as I reached my cringe level threshold.


" the bounty hunter bar scene" yeah but it was shadowed by "hmmm, this is the SW bar scene with few changes". And SW bar scene is way better.

Granted Hunnam is no Ford ...

The spider scene was ... meh for me. And I didn't understand the point. I mean ... I didn't understand the point of most of the movie, lol.

At moments felt like a 300 but zero development and a disjointed story ...


You’re right of course, it was a blatant Star Wars Cantina rip off, I guess I just dug the alien designs and signature Snyder aesthetics (for this particular scene), and I have a crush on Jenna Malone, even as a creepy spider woman, so maybe I’m a bit biased in that regard.


I actually just wanted to know more about the robot from the beginning, who ran away, then showed up in the end with antlers on his head.

I think this movie moved too fast to explain anything, in case you wanted an explanation. I think explanation is great if it can be kept from being boring, but I am OK with fast paced if it can't. I assume Zach decided we would be bored, so he didn't.


I think there were too many things left unexplored. And that leads to not having the consumer engaged. And that actually leads to disinterest and boredom. I didn't care about any of the characters. And that made the movie ... boring.

I understand he plans for some extended versions ... that could bring the much needed exposition.
