MovieChat Forums > Louie (2010) Discussion > Type of guys that watch Louie

Type of guys that watch Louie

His social commentary appeals to the average blue collar type of guy that has never really accomplished much in life,yet i still watch the show and I feel degraded for doing so


not sure at all about your demographic analysis. you may need to take a second look


You feel degraded for watching a show because you assume that the demographic is mainly people who have not accomplished much? As if their lack of "accomplishments" would rub off on you in any way? You must come from an Asian family. You doctor yet? Come back to me when you doctor!


I mean, if you get off on social status, control, violence, targeted marketing... basically American Psycho - you're not going to 'get' most of the show's themes.

It's mainly about the disconnect in modern society between what we feel and how we're supposed to express it. That's why he's THE stand-up comedian of the last few years. Louis CK best channels emotions and thoughts that everyone has of cognitive-dissonance and presents them for the absurdity that they are - causing laughter, but not because it's slapstick, but because laughter seems to ease the tension.

So, in a show without a laughtrack - someone like yourself (probably who has bent the knee to the rules) isn't told when to laugh, (and as you self-proclaim) are in high status within the society that Louie pokes fun at; I could see how the humor would be missed or appear 'below' you. If he's making fun of your structure or what holds you in your high status, then yes it appears "blue collar"

I don't even know why I responded to this actually. Your post makes you sound like a disconnected 15 year old who doesn't have any friends and is feeling a little "outsiderish" himself. Looking for ways to feel he belongs, he watches TV from a perspective he feels reinforces that he's better than everyone else - as to why he's being ousted. Of course, "Daddy just left Mommy, but we still live in a 6 bedroom house and have a Landrover in the driveway and I go to private school so I must be doing something right. I belong. I belong somewhere... don't I?"


I actually know more chicks that are into the show than guys. Louis CK's really popular in NYC.


Louis CK's really popular in NYC.

One of the things I love about this show is how it points out, without directly saying as much, that NYC comedy doesn't export really well.

Girls definitely like this show, more so than guys, in my experience.

What I love about this show is Louie thinks and does things I do, and responds to situations exactly as I would. It really is like I wrote this show myself. That's appeal to me.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I like tragic satire. I can relate to Louie as I am in his age group and I also question how pointless relationships and life can feel. I feel that disconnect with society that Louie does. I want more from society. I want to feel more connected but society is a constant barrage of media brainwashing and social etiquette. Life tries to fool us that it is creating a more community based, connected society with social media and technology but those tools are just creating the opposite.

I find it funny but in a way, to watch it, is also therapy for me. I'll think about an episode the next day, on the train, on the way to work and I'll laugh to myself but I also think about the social barriers he breaks down. Then the annoyance of the 'slow walkers', 'the cut and chat', 'bicycle train people', 'street shouters', 'female eye rollers', 'Social networkers' and 'mobile phone chatters' does not seem so bad.

I'm a computer programmer. Single. Go to the gym 4 days a week. I like a lot of nerdy things like, astronomy, physics, video games, reading books, watching Sci/Fi. So I would not say I am the average blue collar worker. I don't feel degraded by the show I actually feel empowered by the show as well as entertained. Like 'Curb your enthusiasm' and 'Seinfeld' the show 'Louie' makes me feel like I am not just a weirdo individual that nobody understands there are plenty of people out there who feel exactly the same way as me, from all walks of life. If we can all laugh at those feelings surely that is a good thing.


My wife arguably likes the show more than I do... we're both white collar professionals (don't let the username fool you, I made it almost a decade ago... people grow up)

I don't understand how one would argue that his comedy appeals to people who never really accomplished much... Louie is a father and a successful comedian who has accomplished quite a lot in his lifetime.


You feel degraded like ... Louie CK is doing huge deuce on your face?

Different strokes, etc.


Love the show.

I suspect women like the show because they like stupid guy tricks. CK cannot ever be as clueless in real life as he portrays himself on the show.


What are you talking about?

Average blue collar guys like watching artistic comedy-dramas, with good directing-photography?
I don't think so. They'll probably prefer something like fast and furious...


Wrong. I love "Louie". I hate action movies.
