MovieChat Forums > Red Riding Hood (2011) Discussion > A married Priest with Black Soldiers in ...

A married Priest with Black Soldiers in the 1300s????

This was the most strange/wrong thing in the movie..I don't pretend to have extrict historic accuracy since it is a tale, BUT...a married Priest?? I assumme "Father Salomon" is a Priest since he is named, has the authority and acts as one; but he clearly says "I was married" and they show his 2 daughters. On the other hand there is the possibility that once a widow he went into priesthood...mmmm...and the black guard?? also an asian soldier...In those days the only possibility to have in Europe, not 1..but 3 or 4 black soldiers,would have been that he was in Africa where he brought them back..but then 1 mixed race and other asian soldier..he also was in Asia, etc??? they give no explanation, nothing. It's funny, cause just 10 minutes before the arrival of these soldiers I was thinking "this is the kind of movie where blacks can't complain if they are not cast" Then the Black soldiers appear!! I think this was made only for quota issues.


I have news for you.. werewolves aren't real. Neither is Santa


Don't know about the whole priest thing, but it is really possible for black to be that far North because since Roman times, Roman were deep in Africa(Normal Romans ate giraffe meat
BTW giraffes are deep in Afrian


I took it to mean he had gathered a fighting force of the best werewolf fighters around the world.

EDIT: You made a pretty odd comment about a film Black people can't complain about being in. I guess you'd have been happier w/ a white wash so you can play it at your "family" meetin's.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


It's just fantasy, it's not a big deal.


You got to have black man and asian man to play in white man's story. No matter does the story take place in 14th nordic village or not. You just got to have 'em or black man calls you a racist. And modern white man trembles in fear and does whatever black man says, re-writes the history if necessary. Maybe in America someone can sue the studio for 100 million dollars if they don't cast a black man. Who knows.


I think it's the same 'historical' movie as 'the Princess Bride', 'Ladyhawke', or 'Ever After'.

My point being that it's based on a 'fantasy' type of European history.



I believe that there are rare instances where men were married before entering the priesthood, although in this case he may have entered the priesthood after slaying his werewolf wife.

The black people didn't bother me too much in this film since Christian Rome extended into North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Minor. It revealed that Gary Oldman and/or his werewolf-hunting sect were well-travelled. It was mostly certainly for quota, but this was a better option than making the villagers racially diverse. At least this is explainable without suspending too much disbelief.
