MovieChat Forums > Red Riding Hood (2011) Discussion > A married Priest with Black Soldiers in ...

A married Priest with Black Soldiers in the 1300s????

This was the most strange/wrong thing in the movie..I don't pretend to have extrict historic accuracy since it is a tale, BUT...a married Priest?? I assumme "Father Salomon" is a Priest since he is named, has the authority and acts as one; but he clearly says "I was married" and they show his 2 daughters. On the other hand there is the possibility that once a widow he went into priesthood...mmmm...and the black guard?? also an asian soldier...In those days the only possibility to have in Europe, not 1..but 3 or 4 black soldiers,would have been that he was in Africa where he brought them back..but then 1 mixed race and other asian soldier..he also was in Asia, etc??? they give no explanation, nothing. It's funny, cause just 10 minutes before the arrival of these soldiers I was thinking "this is the kind of movie where blacks can't complain if they are not cast" Then the Black soldiers appear!! I think this was made only for quota issues.


Templars had guards in every part of the world especially in Africa where biblical treasures have stories of being kept in countries like Modern day Somalia.

With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels.


There were no Templars in the movie, not to mention their order was disbanded in 1307. They certainly did not have guards in every part of the globe as most of the globe was yet to be discovered in the 14th century and they did not have any dealings with Japan. There were no ninja’s in the order. There was plenty of trade and merchants traveled to and from South Africa all the time, but that does not mean that there would be blacks, hispanics or samurai’s in a remote village in the Alps. Stories of biblical treasure usually turn out to be nothing more than stories.


Just because an island was yet to be given a Euro stamp of approval does not mean it was yet to be discovered. Trade routes existed long before bibles and Christianity lived in remote villages in Africa where some women were even considered priests long before the 14th century. Today a man sits in a bunker in somalia guarding a secret of the order. And in case you want to continue to spread a white washed history: africa is so close to europe it can be seen frOm a little known rock known as Gibralter. When you consider it is barely 1800 miles from Ireland to Turkey, Europe is not so large in comparison to the vast land mass of every other continent. Amalgamation is highly possible several times in history and did happen. And I may have taken Templars into consideration from the first uniform they display.

With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels.


Perhaps you should actually read my posts before responding. Where did I say that Europeans had no contact with Africa? Where did I imply that I’m unaware of the geographical location of the two continents? I’m well aware of the Pillars of Hercules and if you had read what I already posted you would find that I already stated that Europeans merchants traveled all around Africa and Asia. It implies a weak argument if one can only retort by putting words in the opponent’s mouth.

So you can see Africa from the Rock of Gibralter and Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house. And your point is? How does that put ninjas in a small mountain town in the Alps? If this movie was placed in a busy port city, such as Marseille, then one could have a very ethnically diverse cast with no problem. A small mountain village in central Europe is not equivalent to busy international metropolis. There was no Twitter or Facebook back then, people who lived in such secluded areas as Douchenhorn is portrayed were not exposed to foreigners. They were aware of their existence, but they would have been very curious when they actually met one.

Regarding your “white washed history”- perhaps you should familiarize yourself with what real historians actually say. Quasi history is such because there is no proof of their claims and there is, in fact, usually hard evidence to the contrary.

Does this man in a bunker in Somalia, who sits atop a mountain of jewels and lost artifacts, only need you to cash a check for ten million dollars on his behalf and you only have to return one million to him?


''They certainly did not have guards in every part of the globe as most of the globe was yet to be discovered in the 14th century and they did not have any dealings with Japan.''

There is nothing Japanese in the film nor any mention of it.

''There were no ninja’s in the order.''

There was no one remotely like a ninja in the film either. There wasn't even a Japanese actor in the film, idiot.

''There was plenty of trade and merchants traveled to and from South Africa''

They travelled too and from South Africa in the 14th Century?! Wow, you are too stupid for words! No, they didn't. The first European voyage to South Africa was during the 1480s, so almost the 16th Century.

''hispanics or samurai’s in a remote village in the Alps.''

1. Samurai - correctly a plural and a singular - are distinct from ninja (or shinobi, more commonly).
2. Samurai are Japanese and there was no one of Japanese descent in the movie. Stop being an ignorant ass.

''Stories of biblical treasure usually turn out to be nothing more than stories''

Much like the tales in the Bible.

Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.


To watch any movie you have to suspend disbelief. Especially with a retelling of a fairytale. To be quite honest, I don't see the point in mentioning the ethnicities of the soldiers. Saying "blacks can't complain" seems racist and out of place. So what if people of color want the same amount of screen time as their fair costars? If someone is a good actor, or would make a good character, they deserve to be cast, regardless of their complexion.

Furthermore, skin color doesn't depict your origin. If someone the color of coffee was born in Ireland, are they no more Irish than someone pale with freckles? Posts like these are insulting and ridiculous.


I'm going to dl and watch it.
It sounds like another chick and werewolf turd.



Artistic license.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


Did I miss something? There have been some very intelligent answers to the OP's question, but who says the movie was set in the 1300s? At least two of Gary Oldman's soldiers are wearing helmets of a style that wasn't developed until the late 15th century. Surely it's a fantasy milieu from first to last?

"Duck, I says..."



I had assumed he became a priest after his wife died. And I assumed his variously ethnic men were a collection of people from his travels who wanted to fight monsters, so he picked them up all over.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


How do you think man came to Europe in the first place?
/People think wayyy too much into a fantasy movie
