A married Priest with Black Soldiers in the 1300s????
This was the most strange/wrong thing in the movie..I don't pretend to have extrict historic accuracy since it is a tale, BUT...a married Priest?? I assumme "Father Salomon" is a Priest since he is named, has the authority and acts as one; but he clearly says "I was married" and they show his 2 daughters. On the other hand there is the possibility that once a widow he went into priesthood...mmmm...and the black guard?? also an asian soldier...In those days the only possibility to have in Europe, not 1..but 3 or 4 black soldiers,would have been that he was in Africa where he brought them back..but then 1 mixed race and other asian soldier..he also was in Asia, etc??? they give no explanation, nothing. It's funny, cause just 10 minutes before the arrival of these soldiers I was thinking "this is the kind of movie where blacks can't complain if they are not cast" Then the Black soldiers appear!! I think this was made only for quota issues.