MovieChat Forums > Oblivion (2013) Discussion > Why didn't the TET detect the bomb in th...

Why didn't the TET detect the bomb in the ship heading towards it?

With all the scanning ability it has it was very odd that the TET couldn't detect the bomb. Also weird how it couldn't detect that it was not Julia in the pod.

The TET fell way too easily.


that ending was indeed a bit weird

Lets bring that tech that acted all suspicious the last few days into your holy most inner circle without any drone protection and nothing ...


In reality, there's nothing we can do against something so advanced.


I’ll have a crack!

Perhaps because the plutonium was such a rare material, the TET didn’t actually know what it was?

After the TET had blown up our moon and then invaded Earth, in the opening monologue, Jack 49 says that “We did what we had to do - we used the nukes” so perhaps ALL of Earths stockpile of nuclear bombs had been deployed in that battle?

The plutonium core that the Scav’s (really all of Earths remaining human survivors) use to blow the TET up, is from the NASA ship which was in Earths orbit, so it may have been the only plutonium left in existence?

And yes I know plutonium is mined from inside the Earth but wasn’t the TET only after all of Earth’s sea water to convert it to energy? Perhaps on the planet where the TET came from, they don’t have plutonium so it therefore it simply did not register it?

The rest of the bomb was made up from the very ‘fuel cells’ it had supplied for their own drones so perhaps it could only detect them inside the pod and also that it wasn’t a Vicka clone inside.

The TET had after all asked for the real Julia to be bought up because it wanted to clone her to use instead of the Vika’s it already had because it wanted to create a more ‘effective team’ to keep on killing all the rest of the human survivors.

And as for not recognising that it wasn’t actually Julia in the pod, the TET knew it wasn’t one of the Vika clones and that it was someone other than a Jack clone in there but because it had only ‘swallowed up’ the real Jack and Vika before it invaded Earth (with the Jack clones it had made) it only had those 2 particular humans in its actual DNA database?

I’m sure there’s many holes in my theory!
I love this movie and rewatch at least once a year so it’s nice to some discussion on here about it.


Neah, because your arguments can easily be countered with:

We scanned it, it contains some shit that we don't know what it so it might be dangerous, we keep it out to investigate. You don't just let something in because you don't know what it is ...


I really did enjoy most of this film but, yes, that entire sequence was not very good at all.


Same, always felt that bit let down the rest of the film.


They hid the bomb in a plot hole right until the end.
