MovieChat Forums > Bridesmaids (2011) Discussion > I'm so OVER what's ok for men NOT being ...

I'm so OVER what's ok for men NOT being ok for women!

This movie was hilarious, raunchy and funny as hell. But the same people who loved Hangover don't like it because women are doing it and only men are allowed to be obnoxious, use poop humor or crazy sexual situations?? Ug. I realize some might not enjoy this kind of humor - no problem. It's not for everyone but DAMMIT I am sick and frickn tired of seeing, yet AGAIN the double standards.


ya i loved all scenes. when people say girls are ladies as long as you never argue or do gross boy things.. is soo annoying


while i wasn't fond of the bride shop scene at all, it's someone else's cup of tea and i don't think it's less funny just because women do it. society has been far too ingrained with the message that women aren't funny, it's default to think it no matter what female comedians do or say


let's not go to camelot, it is a silly place


ellen=#1 comedian


It's not a double standard though because they're really two very different types of comedies. Bridesmaids is much more of a gross out comedy while Hangover is more of just a stupid comedy (in that some characters are incredibly stupid and it plays off that). Hangover had a handful of immature jokes while Bridesmaids did nothing but immature jokes and could be more easily compared to American Pie or any teen comedy than Hangover. So no, it's not a double standard when they're two completely different types of comedy and have nothing to do with the fact that one is about males while the other is about females. Don't assume that people who didn't like Bridesmaids are part of some double standard instead of just not being fans of the gross out comedy that it is.


BM=Judd Apatow & Paul Feig movie. I repeat a Apatow/Feig movie


Yeah, two guys produced and directed it. But two women wrote it, and most of the talent in it was female, too. It's interesting that Rose Byrne was cast in the Leslie Mann role, since Judd Apatow generally likes to cast Mann (his wife) in everything he does. Maybe they decided 'Bridesmaids' was too crappy (ahem) a script for her talents, or maybe she just had a headache that month.

I found BM sorta funny, aside from its being set in Milwaukee and then just giving the place the flyover treatment (it is possible, and even desirable, to make a place a full and funny character in a story: Woody Allen does it all the time). But 'The Hangover,' as dumb and unpromising as its premise was, is a much tighter, much more imaginative, and finally much funnier movie. And I can say that even though I find most of the actors in it annoying to watch and I loathe Las Vegas.

Looking over what people thought was funniest in the show (BM) was a revelation to me. Yeah, I liked the sight gag with all the puppies, too, but everybody likes puppies. Gender-neutral toilet humor is OK with me, but here I just felt sorry for the actors. The one joke I'll carry away and always appreciate is the bridesmaid/mom's rant about living in a house full of semen-happy adolescent boys. I doubled over laughing, imagining for the first time what must have been going on in my poor longsuffering mom's mind all those years ago. But different strokes, y'know?


It isn't that men can do something and women cant. The problem is women think that men only go for raunchy. So women go so far over the top and totally ignore the set up and punchline of the joke.
Woman can be funny. Many women have. However, ask anyone, women tend to think they have to be so gross because men do it and they just go over the top.
Watch Chelsea Handlers stand up. She is a perfect example of it. She has a half hour stand up that is 22 minutes of her going to the bathroom. No punch line at all. To her, that is playing the mens game. Yeah, because Jerry Sienfeld became so popular doing that.
What are all these guys movies that use poop humor? Dumb and Dumber?

Funny is funny. There is no double standard. What will fall flat 100 percent of the time is a crude joke that just isn't funny. So maybe instead of trying to compete against a fictitious glass ceiling, maybe they should just try working on being funny.

For me it comes down to the jokes. Period. Gender has nothing to do with it.

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


I simply don't get the Hangover-comparison, for many of the reasons that others have already mentioned. Also, in The Hangover we follow all three characters and their exploits. BM, which is supposed to be an ensemble-comedy, focuses overwhelmingly on one character, barely spending any time on fleshing out the other characters and the relationships between, ultimately making them nothing more than hollow, one-dimensional side-notes.

I found The Hangover to be a pleasant, clever kind of stupid fun that took me by surprise. I found BM to be the trite, stupid kind of stupid, actually more comparable to Adam Sandler-movies than The Hangover. In fact, now that I think about it, I could easily imagine Rob Schneider playing the part of Kristen Wiig.

And that has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with it being different kinds of movies, if you can believe that.


I must have missed all the gender based hate. Ironically, the only mentions of gender I see are threads about all the other threads where men are demonstrating their double standards. I don't actually see the "double standards" threads themselves. So the only gender based criticisms I see here are by women against men.

Even more ironically, in the movie Annie says to Rhodes "Oh please, I know how guys do this thing, how they act. One minute it means something the next minute it doesn't" which is a simplistic male stereotype that's been used countless times in countless movies (usually men like this are portrayed as bad, but women like this are portrayed as empowered). Yet this movie actually treats that a bit more intelligently.

I liked Bridesmaids. I didn't like The Hangover.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe



I don't know. I thought it aws ok if a little childish. Ia ctually cared more for the Hangover flicks(at least the first one). I have to say The Heat which the same director did with two female leads was heaps funnier than this and one of the best comedies I've watched in a long time. I don't think there is a problem with poop humour in a male or female comedy. problem is it wans't funny to begin with.


I'm male. Didn't like The Hangover or its sequels at all, but loved Bridesmaids. Not that it's some big thing, but The Hangover seems to have exploited the old dumbed-down male trope to an extreme extent, where as Bridesmaids just had some really unexpected LOL funny moments.

I also watch Karen Straughan on YT. I don't know what all of that will mean to you, but just thought I would share.


Bridesmaids just had some really unexpected LOL funny moments.



It's been since like 2011 since I seen this so I couldn't really give specifics other than like Melissa McCarthy talking about the heat coming off her undercarriage. I'm not really sure why you're asking me about which scenes I thought were funny though; comedy being subjective and all (but yeah, I totally didn't expect to hear any jokes like I did, which I was why I probably thought it was funny).
