Woah --- you think it's "weak minded" if someone who spends a lot of time around other people's strong accent starts picking up parts of that accent?
I think that's harsh and not true.
I'm not sure if perhaps I myself am "weak minded" -- I really don't know. Perhaps I am. Except for the fact that I've been through some horrendously tough things in life and I appear to have been a very strong minded person indeed. Friends have even called me "strong minded".
But --- hmmm --- I'm British and lived in the United States for twenty years and yes, my accent very much took on Americanisms. I didn't care and I didn't fight it.
Because, I considered that this was my new home, my chosen home, my adopted home, and that I would be there for the rest of my life, fully embracing life there.
Why not integrate fully, even down to one's accent, as long as that is naturally happening rather than forced or faked?
I wouldn't recommend anyone force that if it's artificial. But if it DOES happen naturally over the course of years frankly I think it's silly and in fact even more artificial to "fight to retain" one's original accent.
It happened organically to me. And let me tell you, if, every day of your life, conversations with strangers or the wait person are getting halted and held up because they understandably don't know what I meant by asking for "a glahhhse of wuhhtaaahhhh" instead of a glass of water, you pretty quickly see the practicality of deciding that "glahhses of wuhhtaaahhhh" is going to be a big drag for the next 20 to fifty years of your life there.
It would be as bad as also fighting to retain one's old vocabulary. Can you imagine if I lived there for 20 years insisting on talking to auto mechanics about the "boot and the bonnet" rather than the hood and the trunk?
I had to use some different words and it also integrated me into life there to allow my accent to blend also. I didn't do it deliberately nor do I think it's a sign of "weak mindedness" in some way. I feel it's a sign of full integration into another country.
Something that A LOT of people seem to refuse to do these days. . . . .