So this is the 4th worst film of all time...
Behind MoS, BvS and Justice League. All of you manchildren that disagree, your opinion does not trump that fact!
shareBehind MoS, BvS and Justice League. All of you manchildren that disagree, your opinion does not trump that fact!
shareI don't agree. I think it was a bit better than the films you mentioned. Still not a good film, not near of soemthing similar to a good film. Just meh...
shareit's bad. it's stupid. I hated it. but its far from being the worst movie of all time.
shareWhich fact again?
shareAll the DC Sydnerverse films are garbage, this one is no exception.
shareHey shithead! I don't know if you've read the credits for this movie but Sydner had nothing to do with this it was directed by James Wan, who is a well respected director, and he certainly delivered with this visually stunning movie.
shareYes but the actually movie was very average , but go ahead, enjoy the visuals
sharethor ragnarock was total garbage and yet you say its better then aquaman? stupid marveltard is mad because dc films are better. lol. pansy stupid marvelturd suck my balls
shareWhere did I mention thor ragnorak ? Why am I mad ? For not liking aquaman ?
Do you want to rethink your post and edit, might make sense 2nd time around .
Thor Ragnarok blows Aquaman out of the water.
If it weren't for Mera's hotness, Aquaman would be almost unwatchable. I was excited when I heard James Wan was directing but it's a real disappointment.
So Zealot, you now admit the Snyder films ARE garbage and that is your defense for Aquaman?
Good to know you know MoS, BvS and JL were horrible steaming piles of crap. And we have it on record!
Don't any of you DC vs. Marvel girls have anything better to do?
shareYeh , watch dceu and marvel movies , then go in the bathroom and cut ourselves to relieve the pressure that one studio is doing better than the other, then post hate on face book twitter and all known movies forums, then spend 3 hours editing a 2 min video slagging the other studio off on YouTube
shareYou left out one thing: Secretly liking the movies they are criticizing.
shareHaha yeh true
shareYeah, I don't get why it has to be one or the other. Why not just like both, if superhero movie escapism is one's thing.... It feels like a particularly stupid "war".
shareI agree with you. I posted a tribute to superhero films. You can read it here:
Man just hold your nose and close your mouth already.