Spoilers: After 140 years...
After 140 years, one would expect a number of things:
1. More uniformity of speech. Language changes over time but unless people are isolated, language changes together. That's why I found the Robert Sims character so annoying. His speech patterns were quite unlike the rest of the cast. Tim Robbins wasn't quite as bad but his speech patterns also didn't fit.
2. More history. It's impossible to believe that people couldn't remember history from just 140 years ago. Even if they weren't permitted to write it down, people would have oral traditions.
3. More legends. Even without history, people will create legends. There were none at all.
4. No religion(s)? No references to god or gods? Spiritualism? Morality? The only thing close was "justice" although I appreciated that it was a corrupt justice. Finally some realism!
5. More science. There was a lot of high-tech stuff but it was very confused. For instance:
5a. Everyone recognized a "hard drive" but hard drives don't last for 140 years! (20 years max?) But even if they did last that long, you can't tell one is old just by looking at the exterior. I presume science stopped because that 140 yr old drive had no problem being plugged in to a "modern" port, something just doesn't happen with real-life progress. Speaking of hard drives, the first thing I would have done is copied it to another drive! How come no one did that?
5b. George Wilkins made "what people used to call" video and everyone viewing it seemed astonished by "video" yet we see recorded videos elsewhere such as in Justice's monitoring room (when we see George's death).
5c. What was so bad about having a microscope? It is useful for many reasons - from diagnosis of disease to equipment repair.