MovieChat Forums > Batman: Caped Crusader (2024) Discussion > DEI Batman for modern audiences!

DEI Batman for modern audiences!

This could be enjoyable for a person who is unfamiliar with prior versions of Batman but this might bother long-time fans of the series. A lot of the characters are unrecognizable due to race/gender swaps but they also changed the personalities of some of the characters.

The biggest change was swapping the gender of Penguin. Penguin is an iconic character so there is no need to change the gender. There is this weird scene where Penguin is doing a cabaret act in her tuxedo and the men in the audience are all captivated by the fat blob. Body Positivity! This swap happened in the first episode so I suspect the creative team was telling long-term fans to buzz off. Jim and Barbara Gordon were race-swapped again but they've been doing this for a while. Stop the ginger genocide! Harley Quinn was Asian in this one and she has developed into an iconic character over the past thirty years. They should introduce established POC characters if they want a more diverse Batman. Papa Midnite is the Jamaican vudu practitioner who made a cameo and more appearances by other POC characters would be fine.

The personalities of the characters were also different. Harley Quinn is now totally serious but she has always been a female version of the Joker. Detective Bullock is now totally corrupt but I believe he was more of a good cop in the past.

There is also too much woke messaging written into the story. Harley Quinn's plan is to force rich men to give away their fortunes. The gentleman ghost only robs the poor and the lower classes while proclaiming that all men are NOT created equal. Barbara Gordon is also a lawyer who preaches about the dangers of locking people up in prison and that the justice system does not provide justice.

The episodes are too short and too few. There are ten episodes and they under thirty minutes. I also think it's horrible to introduce a character and then promptly kill them off. Both Firebug and Two Face died in this show.

The animation and the music are solid but it's dragged down by wokeness. People unfamiliar with Batman will probably enjoy it. I rated this 6/10 on IMDB.


There is also too much woke messaging written into the story. Harley Quinn's plan is to force rich men to give away their fortunes. The gentleman ghost only robs the poor and the lower classes while proclaiming that all men are NOT created equal. Barbara Gordon is also a lawyer who preaches about the dangers of locking people up in prison and that the justice system does not provide justice.

That's dei writing 101. Nothing written from a source of passion or heart, instead written from agenda and insecurity.


