If you can get past the de-aging (which was already shown in the trailers). Remember folks, nuance. It may have later parts you would've wanted different but not everything is perfect. Just enjoy the ride and have fun with this final Indy show.
No, it's pure CGI garbage, that's what it is. The action scene is so needlessly computerized. In a $300M movie they couldn't pull a practical effect of a miniature train, they had to use CGI, with fake-looking smoke, snow, and later in the movie, rain. The train sequence therefore can't come close to the simple minecart set piece in Temple of Doom that was perfect! Indy's deep fake looks kind of convincing only when he sits still. Later on when he starts running and moving, his face is, like, late 90s, so badly CGI-ed.
It's absolutely ridiculous that Hollywood didn't learn a damn thing from Crystal Skull. Oh, the fans obviously want a more grounded, gritty Indy utilizing practical effects where possible? No no, certainly another cartoony CGI fest will do the job.
You're correct, but at the same time the writing has been on the wall for years and they're still going full steam ahead with the same group of clowns. It's going to take some extra hard hits to knock something loose, but some people can't help themselves and keep opening their wallets. And I want to make it clear I'm not talking about woke shit exclusively, but the overall mediocrity and lack of creativity that permeates modern films.
Very true, we didn't know how good/great we had it from around 1972-2005. There's still a lot of movies from that era I haven't seen, so at least I've got something.
About 10-15 years ago one of Hollywood's leading actors said it best: "Hollywood has been taken over by the banks". THE END.
Exactly. No one will take a risk to actually make something decent, why bother when you can just continue to rape old franchises, why bother having craftsmen and stuntmen making real "movie magic" when you can just green screen CGI everything and the idiots will lap it up anyway?
Yep, it's a long story but basically the DVD was the beginning of the end. Once people could copy DVD's Hollywood had to fight back to remain profitable. So, we ended up with 3-D, which sucked but made a ton of money..and Super Hero crap, which also made a lot of money.
There's an old article out there on the web titled "The Day the Movies Died". It's a good read and right on the money, non pun intended!
Can someone SPOILER me on what precisely happens in this CGI de-aged scene? Then maybe I can just not watch this movie and imagine I'm seeing this scene in a much older Indy movie!
FYI, I'm watching the film through... alternate means right now, and even in this quality the de-aging is unconvincing. And his face looks too big for his head a lot of the time.
At least you're honest about it. With the low CAM to TS quality it's sorta like looking through a car mirror analogy where images are more warped than they appear. I'm seeing it today in the theater to see if you're right.
I enjoyed dat part best and cg is fine. I find harshest critix r those who watch as kidz but now feel they r geniuses. Reality is as a kid u see watch anythin and easily impressed. Even watchin old filmz as an adult u enjoy 4 nostalgia