43% on Rotten Tomatoes


Let this be a DAMNED lesson to Hollywood. STOP giving up PRECIOUS and BELOVED franchises to new filmmakers. ONLY George Lucas should oversee Star Wars films. ONLY Steven Spielberg should direct Indiana Jones films. And ONLY Tim Burton should have anything to do with Keaton-Batman movies (I'm REALLY starting to dread The Flash).

As an aside, I understand that Marion and Indy are divorced in this. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ And Mutt is nowhere to be found. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Don't get me wrong, I didn't like Shia LaBeouff's Mutt either, but don't introduce a character's child, end a film with a tease that he'll take up the mantle of his father somewhere down the line (by picking up and putting on his infamous hat), and then FORGET ABOUT HIM. Sorry, I don't give a FUCK what issues there are with Shia (and, once again, I despise the man), it HURTS the MOVIE FRANCHISE, which should be SACROSANCT. After all, how many people has Shia hurt compared to how many people hold Indiana Jones dear as a franchise? πŸ€” UTILITARIANISM people. ANYONE and I mean ANYONE with half a fucking brain, does what best serves the MAJORITY! Why have we all forgotten this?!? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

But this brings me back to The Flash. Why the HELL are they making that damn film with the equally problematic Ezra Miller, and digging a hole for themselves? Indiana Jones is BELOVED and its continuity should NOT be destroyed. NO-ONE and I mean NO-ONE loves any film starring Ezra frickin Miller as The Flash, and it's just dumb to introduce him into any continuity (i.e. the Burtonverse) that is properly and reasonably beloved.



Raiders is a masterpiece, but the rest of the movies in the franchise weren't that great TBH.


A lot of people really like Last Crusade and Temple of Doom TBH.


Last Crusade is my favourite Indiana Jones film.


It's my favourite too.


Good stuff.


Yeah, Ford and Connery are great together.


Yes, I love that Connery is in it, and that he is Indy's dad. That's awesome.


Count me as another Last Crusade fan (it's also my favourite of the series).




Mine too. Love it.

As a young kid my favorite was Temple, but when Last Crusade came out it quickly became my favorite and has remained so into adulthood. I have also grown to appreciate Raiders more as an adult, while Temple has fallen into third place.

TLC has everything you could want in a film. It's probably the greatest adventure movie ever made.


I'm really heartened by all the fan-love for Last Crusade. I think it's a warmer film than its predecessors, partly thanks to the interplay between Indy and his father, and the greater screentime given to Marcus Brody and Sallah, it has the best villains (the Nazis are suitably despicable and unproblematic as hate-figures, and Donovan seems more unrepentent than Belloq, the latter of whom I always half-expected to change allegiences, especially during the scene in the tent where he seems protective of Marion), and it's more action-packed than Raiders (although TOD arguably has the best overall set-pieces). It's also the funniest and, IMHO, the best-directed of the series.


Temple of Doom and Last Crusade are great. Crystal Skull is another story


Last Crusade is the best film in the franchise.


Seems to be a general consensus around here. πŸ‘πŸΌ


I was so annoyed when I read about Marion and Indy. We wasted a whole freaking 'nother movie slapping them together for nothing? What even is the point of that? All they had to do was kill her with old age and make Indy a sad widow.


Exactly. My hope is that they end up together at the end, but Hollywood has a history of doing this bullshit (remember Die Hard and Die Hard 2, when John McClane saved his wife, TWICE? And then Die Hard 3, when it's implied they broke up, and he never gets to have that make-up phone-call with her?)


Kathleen Kennedy strikes again.


I don't want to be accused of 'misogyny' but didn't she only get involved with these franchises to begin with because she was married to Frank Marshall.

Sorry, ladies, at the risk of ERRONEOUSLY being accused of beng an 'incel', you don't attach yourself like a parasite to more talented individuals, and fail to bring anything new (forget the question of whether it's good or not) to the table. That's just LAZINESS. Lucas and Spielberg crafted these properties from scratch. If KK was so smart and capable, she'd come up with her OWN franchise from scratch instead of parasitically latching on to other people's and pushing her own agenda. That is NOT good faith. That's the actions of a HACK.


Lucas made Kennedy head of LucasFilm before he sold it to Disney!


Yes, and then Kennedy stabbed Lucas in the back, starting with the Star Wars sequel trilogy.


1. Who else could take over Lucasfilm?
2. Lucas foolishly trusted her, and she screwed his lifetime's work over.


Surprised it wasn't 80%+, maybe it is worth a watch after all. Mads Mikkelsen and Antonio Banderas deserve better.


Mutt who? Oh, Shitbeef? I liked him more when he played a labour camp prisoner in a Disney movie.


It's now 52%. I think the percentage score is just a number that states how many of the 'top critics' have reviewed the film and rated it.

If you click on the 52% you'll get the collective average of the critic score. In this case, as of right now, DoD has a rating of 5.8 out of 10. Here's the link... click on the 52% and you will get a pop-up...




"Where's La Boeuff?". Reminds me of that Wendy's commercial from the 80s.


Shitbeef, his name actually is.
